Cast me

Cast me

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Idris elba

let's see your facial features

Into the pit.

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disgusting mutts

why did that movie try to make the persians into arabs?

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Amerimutt education

>but I am French
t. Morocco

same thing

>perpetually seething at americhads

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I can't believe how many people fall for the
>muh heritage and dna
scam. They just want your genetic info you fucking dopes, they're not telling you anything you couldn't have figured out in a casual conversation with your grandparents.

I've wanted to use one of these services but that last thing I want is to add my DNA to the globalist database

Also their research only goes as far. Anything past 3rd generation they leave up 50% speculation. Where they basically give everyone a black ancestor that they apparently had in the 16th century. Because medieval Europe was hella diverse. If you turn off speculation it doesn't give you any useful information. I wish my sister didn't fall for that scam. Now if I decided to finally become a serial killer they'll have my DNA on file.

why do white people keep giving their DNA away willingly?

>The researchers estimate that a database would have to have about two percent of a population in it in order to make it likely that 90 percent of the searches would produce a match to a family member. That is, of course, assuming that the database randomly samples the population. This one does not; instead, people of European descent accounted for 75 percent of the people in this database, making them 30 percent more likely to match to a family member. This is a rare case where a potential forensic tool is probably biased toward identifying wealthy white individuals.

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show nipple color, retard.
sakin doesn't matter if you don't have pink nipples you're not white.

It's so dumb. Who do you think you are has been on tv for like 20 years and the show is always the same. Go talk to your grandparents, collect family documents and take it to a librarian/historian. Go to where they lived and see if any townsfolk remember them or what they did too. They can trace shit back centuries just doing that and it's far more accurate, personal and real than the gigantic DNA database that will be of very good use to the government, advertisers and police.

>i must protect my virgin DNA!

as expected from an ass jew

If you're in the US call the Mormon church in Salt Lake City. It sounds like a meme but they have the most extensive source of American heritage documentation in the world.

if you want to do it do it. I found out I am 0.4% jewish so they can't harm me anymore

ex-mormon here, can confirm

>muh jews got your dna now!!!!
>thinking the jews need DNA to ruin your life
your problem is you arent paranoid enough, you really think this final step is the one they need to finally control you? the truth is youve already lost. there is no power over you they do not already have.

>what do you have to hide my go- guy?
>give us your dna
>not like youre having sex

what are they gonna do with my DNA id don't get it it's absolutely useless

>they have the most extensive source of American heritage documentation in the world.

Yes kike the fight is already over blah blah shoah holocaust muh 86 billion

Now show us your ugly obvious non-white shitskin face, retard.

I think it's got something to do with America being the promised land to them or something, I don't really know.