ITT: Movies women will never understand

ITT: Movies women will never understand

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what makes you think women wouldn't understand any of these movies? ._.

Lotr has that magic that everyone even children can even understand. Literally timeless

i know plenty of women that love LoTR

garbage digital color grading

No there aren’t, there’s too many white men and not enough women and coloreds for them to like it.

hey you can see the camera man and the light reflectors in the ring. that's silly.

factually wrong, aside from literal children women like it even more

Attached: FOTR rating.jpg (657x280, 42K)

thats a reason for dumb leftists not to like it not women. i rewatch the LoTR trilogy yearly with my girlfiriends. one of them is obsessed with it and i mostly like it because i read a lot of fantasy and love tolkien.
also why would we not like white attractive actors ?

I’ve watched the trilogy of lotr with two different women.

And a week ago I’ve seen lord of the rings in concert in Madrid and it was full of women


It contains sacrifice, courage and companionship. Something women will experience nor know

That doesn't change the fact that they like the films.

I understand it just fine, incel

as for sacrifice and courage the same goes for most men and as for companionship we have friendships every bit as good as male ones.

Females have problems comprehending the concept of isolation/alienation. The concept of finding purpose. The concept of selfless morality and self-sacrifice for the greater good.

All strictly male themes.

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Liking and understanding are two different things. Men and women like them on different levels, and even non-white men don't see LOTR the same way whites do.

depends on the female culture in your country .i've been shot at with my girlfriends (who are mostly my army friends) and they basically carried my the last 5km of a long distance march in training when i had stress injuries. one thing i know is that they are willing to risk themselves for each other and have proven that under fire.

The elves part in the night was boring as fuck.

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tits or gtfo

Girls can understand sacrifice too idiot

my group of friends is non white and all women and we love it. the whole idea that you need to have a character that looks like you to empathize with them is fucking stupid and it's why americans are doing stupid shit like changing white characters to black.
me and one of my girlfriends are massive gunslinger fans (especially the first 4 novels) and the new blackwashed 'adaptation' movie is fucking atrocious.
a truly good book\movie\show allows you to empathize with characters that are completely different from you in every way and that is what makes them good.

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I'm pretty sure I saw a pic where women rated Master and Commander higher than men too, and that movie always gets memed as women not liking it

fuck man, as a teacher that is one of the spoopiest movies i´ve ever seen

Eh not as much.
Also the clear reason why women like M&C is because they want to fuck Russel Crowe, pretty simple.

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the worst is when they bring in the therapist/psychologist and he only asks leading questions that bring them squarely to the fore drawn conclusion.

>my group of friends is non white and all women and we love it. the whole idea that you need to have a character that looks like you to empathize with them is fucking stupid and it's why americans are doing stupid shit like changing white characters to black.
So you don't get it either. Thanks for proving my point. But that's not surprising given that your group of friends are subhuman and femoids.

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Makes me wonder lads, are there films men cannot understand/empathize with? Trying to think through the many movies I have seen and I do not think I ever had this problem. I suppose Taxi Driver? But I see plenty of people here lionizing it so it must be a personal thing.

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yeah, that's pretty fucked up

This 9x9 is awful, BR2049 is a great looking film but half the images here have terrible framing

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If the blue number under each rating is the population size then you can't draw conclusions from that at all as it's not remotely representative.
You'll be getting the female turbo fans rating it that high and nothing to balance it out because most women didn't rate it at all.
The sample size of under 18 females is 1/5 the size of the male data.
You can't make any real conclusions from this other than less women watch LOTR

>using the EE bluray for the caps
cmon op, at least use the regraded one, you stupid fuck

You're not as smart as you think you are. Not the user you're replying to but you clearly don't understand the LotR movies either as you lack a very important trait to truly understand these epics. Empathy. I do believe you THINK you like them, because like most "nerds" you too need to have sex

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The fact that some still think Sam and Frodo were gay

The conclusion made already discredits OP's and others points. You're right but I don't think you'd want to move the goalposts for them.