End of the affair: why it's time to cancel Quentin Tarantino

>End of the affair: why it's time to cancel Quentin Tarantino
>Whatever the merits of his new film, Tarantino’s films have revelled in extreme violence against female characters. This has to stop
now that Tarantino is #CANCELLED, who is the next Tarantino?

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>tarantino films

I used to like them then I stopped being 14.

>Doesn't mention Death Proof
>where a group of women get perfect revenge against a murderous creep
>Doesn't mention Jackie Brown
>where a woman outsmarts everyone and gets off scot free
>Talks about how much The Bride's character gets beaten up in Kill Bill
>not how much she kicks ass throughout the entire thing

Character assassination, plain and simple

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The man is a hack but the way he angers these snowflakes is beautiful. He also gave some of the best roles in mainstream Hollywood films to women and black people so yes it's kind of funny seeing the left eating itself.

>>Whatever the merits of his new film, Tarantino’s films have revelled in extreme violence against female characters. This has to stop
this is most likely written by a male feminist. female feminists usually applaud violence against women in movies because they think it displays the truth. See "Anti-Christ" f.e.x

>This has to stop
Uh, this is not OK


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>When news broke early last year that Quentin Tarantino had cajoled Uma Thurman into driving an unsafe car duringthe filming of Kill Bill which resulted in a crash, the director called it “the biggest regret of his life”. Soon after, reports came out that he had spat on Thurman during filming and had choked her in one scene, as well as strangling Diane Kruger in a scene in Inglourious Basterds. The question now is: is it time to cancel Quentin Tarantino?

>His latest film, Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood, has provoked considerable unease as it takes on the gruesome subject of the murder of Sharon Tate, among others, by the Manson “family” in 1969. His interest in savage violence against woman is, if we look back, a common thread in almost all his films.

>In Tarantino’s debut directorial feature, Reservoir Dogs, the only female characters in the credits are “Shot Woman” and “Shocked Woman”. Pulp Fiction, his second film, features female characters more prominently, but a trend of revelling in the abuse of women began to emerge. One of Pulp Fiction’s most famous scenes involves Uma Thurman’s character getting stabbed in the heart with a shot of adrenaline to resuscitate her after a drug overdose. (Though it’s fair to say male characters were also subjected to extreme violence.)

>The Kill Bill films were a cinematic orgy of onscreen violence, most of it directed at Thurman: her character is severely beaten throughout and buried alive. Daryl Hannah’s character Elle Driver doesn’t fare much better – she has both her eyes pulled out. Things reached a peak with Tarantino’s 2015 western The Hateful Eight: Jennifer Jason Leigh’s character is handcuffed to a corpse and beaten and tortured throughout the film.


They will NEVER cancel him. Weinstein went down by himself for a reason. Quentin has a heart of gold (and some autism)

>>Whatever the merits of his new film, Tarantino’s films have revelled in extreme violence against female characters.
They've also revelled in violence against male characters so what's the problem?

>The question remains whether we should continue to indulge the director’s fondness for piling abuse on women, particularly in light of his own admission of acting out scenes of physical violence towards his female actors, even if he claims it is in pursuit of the perfect shot.

>One of the characters in Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood is Tate’s husband, Roman Polanski. Early last year, soon after Tarantino got into hot water over the revelations of his on-set behaviour, an audio recording emerged from a 2003 interview in which he said that he didn’t think that Polanski’s sexual assault of a 13-year-old girl in 1977 should have been classified as rape. Tarantino said she was “down with it” and that Polanski “had sex with a minor. That’s not rape.”

>At the time it led to widespread condemnation, but after Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood premiered in the Cannes film festival in May, the calls to “cancel” him have died down. The next film might be different, and we might see a more contrite Tarantino, but we have to ask whether we should bother to find out the answer?

>And then I started liking capeshit

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haha i see you're also a man of culture who graduated to marvel kino!

>Hires women and makes them take their shoes off and writes scenes where he strangles them


Tarantino? More like Canceltino *dabs*

>why it's time to cancel
our language has completely degenerated to the point where everyone just talks like twitter niggers

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No one gives a shit if you kill, maim, or otherwise dismember men, especially women

It's not like Tarantino is leagues above capeshit.

What about gender equality?

>actual lines of dialogue vs quips
>not leagues above capeshit
why do you hate tarankino so much?

>thinking that's what these women want
pffft. Absolute matriarchy is the end goal.

why does Budget Hitchens look like Quentin?

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>the gruesome subject of the murder of Sharon Tate, among others
>among others
he's not even bothered giving their names, all he cares about is the death of the pretty girl

Genders aren't equal in that sense user, they each have unique qualities that make them both important. However, our current system of artificial equality is only skin deep, and continues to perpetuate victorian-era ideals while being cheered on by modern feminists

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oh thank god, I was worried we weren’t gonna CANCEL someone today.
I’ll get the pitchfork, you go grab the tar and feathers.

Ever try getting information about society that isn't from Yea Forums, or maybe going outside? A lot of people feel the same way you do and these kinds of articles are directed towards a very specific demographic.

s-shut up you dumb g-goy and stop noticing these things! you wanna get us all sent to a re-education camp??

Yes it actually is

>this image
Why do some folks have such a hard on for the law?

he should be cancelled for being partners in crime with weinstein and epstein, not for his shitty flicks

Well, i would say that the capeshit is the lowest of lowest. Tarantino is a bit above it, i mean in terms of mainstream Hollywood filmmaking he is at the top. But in terms of films in general he is little bit above capeshit.

Tarantino has been pissing journalists off for decades, for his entire career. This shit is part of his marketing, it's just that now lefties are rabidly pro-censorship instead of bible-bashing right wingers.


I'll hold judgement till I hear what mark kamode has to say

That's from a tripfag known as Quentin, who was an arduant moralfag birthed in the wake of another arduant anti-moralfag tripfag known as the Akagifag who hated moralfag characters in video games and anime, specifically Kenshiro of Fist of the North Star.

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>One of the only high profile non sequel non remakes of the year
we CANT have that in the current year. We need to cancel this RIGHT now!

I don't think he will like it. Kermode dislikes Tarantino. I think he has a valid reasons for doing so and usually agree with him about Tarantino.

I’m glad that fucking faggot is most likely dead

Kermode says Tarantino makes memes instead of movies and considers his only film with real people not memes is Jackie Brown.

I am so so so fucking sick of clickbait articles about newly released movies. I hate how, even if I don’t read them, they permeate the conversation surrounding films.

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Tarantino probably empowers women more than any other filmmaker in the history of the American film industry. It’s such a weird accusation to level at him.

>most of it directed at Thurman
Most of the violence was PERPETRATED by Thurman

stop watching movies

*sighs* here’s the thing...

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It’s The Guardian, the NPC daily for gurgling retards

>violence against men: OK
>violence against women: cancelled sis


he can keep watching movies, just stop reading clickbait and lazy clickbait threads posted here

Remember that scene in Kill Bill where the bride cuts down an entire room of men with a sword. Why isn’t that problematic. What about the scene at the end of Inglorious Basterds where Shoshana burns an entire auditorium of people, mostly men, to death.

I like the way he mentionsone woman getting shot in Reservoir Dogs and Thurman getting an adrenaline shot in Pulp Fiction and ignores the torture scenes and murders in those movies.

What a faggot cuck. There should be no limitation on which fictional characters are allowed to be killed. Slasher movies know this.


It clearly isn't depicted in positive light. I fucking hate women so much. Sexbots can't come soon enough

I don’t read them. As I said, whether you want to avoid them or not, these articles tend to seep into the conversation through osmosis. You have to wall yourself off from any and all media AND discussion platforms for a film to have a chance of remaining ignorant to these annoying cunts. It’s tiresome.

>these articles tend to seep into the conversation through osmosis.
Only here, by mouth breathers that just want to mine (You)'s, which is why you should really avoid these threads if they aggravate you that much. I never see this shit discussed outside of here.

Why do so many “progressive” people think that movies exist as platforms for their social movements. Can someone please explain to them that a creator doesn’t ‘owe’ them anything and that they’re free to skip a movie if they deem it to be problematic. These people genuinely creep me out; it’s like they don’t understand the purpose of art. They think art (for lack of a better word) is beholden to them. It’s pure narcissism.

You never been to twitter? You never been to any other film discussion site? You never watched a morning news show?

I remember feminists protesting Death Proof when it came out because of how the dudebro characters talked about bitches and the violence against women. Clearly not having seen anything in the second half of the film.

Also unfortunately nobody especially normies and plebs remember Jackie Brown.

>violence against women is bad
>but we also want the genders to be equal
>it's fine to glorify violence against men, it's only wrong when it's against women
>but the genders are still equal lol
This is why the feminist movement is failing to gain supporters outside a far-left niche of democrats. They present themselves as being progressive and egalitarian, but they really have the exact same ideology as that which they claim to oppose. Both feminists and the classic "patriarchy" see women as innocent creatures who can only ever be the victim. The only difference is that the feminist movement wants women to be in power over men.

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>"It's kind of fun and addicting to ruin people's lives. Let's see who we should try and ruin next..."
>Throws dart at wall

>They think art (for lack of a better word) is beholden to them. It’s pure narcissism.
Umm sweaty its just problematic when a director is on the wrong side of history

I know and i agree.

You're falling in to their trap by being defensive like a "conservative".
>B... But females being violent against men is so bad ass.

You should be asking what about all the violence against men? And why isn't the guardian doing articles on that? Why is "female empowerment" always portrayed as females being violent? Etc etc.

I've seen people say the same thing about Sergio Leone.

>A woman gets raped in the beginning of Duck, You Sucker! Sergio Leone hates women!

Like you can't portray anything negative happening to women at all apparently. When GTA V came out all the news was talking about was violence against women. Like bitch I'm gunning down a everyone in that game.

>You never been to twitter?
No, I never see twitter posts at all unless they're posted here by anons eager for an outrage circle jerk. Seems like a horrible platform if we're being honest.
>You never been to any other film discussion site?
Some, yes. Reddit, unfortunately, has specific threads for movies and tv sometimes. I've actually dropped some in the past for veering towards clickbait shit, but mostly I talk to friends about the latest movies.
>You never watched a morning news show?
I only see that shit if it's on the tv at the doctor's office or something. I wouldn't go out of my way for that garbage and neither should you desu.

I guess I avoid most mainstream "entertainment" news coverage, because it's been garbage for as long as I could remember.

More like who even cares because movies aren't real and neither are the characters.

Hollywood was a propaganda platform from day 1

Meanwhile men in his films are mutilated, tortured, raped, and killed but if anything like that happens to a female in a make believe story that is all staged on camera with their consent for millions of dollars, well then there's a problem

>Actual lines of dialogue

Holy shit are you serious? Quentin writes like a 15 year old. Grow up and get some real taste. Tarantino is Saturday morning cartoons. He has a much artistry as videogames.

It was but it wasn't degenerate leftist propaganda, it was pro-American traditionalist values supporting propaganda, Three Stooges literally opens with supporting the NRA

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Should be firebombing their offices and stringing up every journalist who gets smoked out from a lightpole.

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Fiction becomes reality. If you push enough of it. Some people understand this and so talk about it.


Since Sharon Tate was a real person I'd say in this instance reality is fiction

what did he mean by this?