Why do burgers do this?

>willingly goes into the army
>Boohoo training is hard
>Cheet watching a movie about bombing innocent civilians
>Gets deployed
>Let's kill some innocent civilians fuck yea
>Boohoo it's hard mentally so that we have to decapitate bodies and make fun of corpses
>Go back to 'merica and gets treated as a hero
It's hard not to fucking hate the US military and retarded marines

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>t. Seething discharged tranny


OP is enlightened

and yes America is fucking cringey and a literal imperialist abomination who will genocide for corporations then make a movie about it a year later that you should feel sorry for their hired killers

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>hurr I'm too much of a pussy to risk my own well-being, safety, and happiness to sacrifice myself so that my fellow countrymens' rights and freedoms stay intact so I'll just denigrate those who can
You have freedom of speech, so you can make that post. But just remember that our brave boys in tan and brown are dying right now in Afghanistan, Syria, and soon Iran so that you have the right to do so. God bless the United States of America, her military and police, and her great president Donald Trump.

The only good thing about this movie is the slang that marines are jarheads.
They have big fat heads and can't think for themselves(empty jar).
They also have to scream and use 'fucking' when talking to any superior officer because reasons.



That wasn't the message behind Jarhead. It was more about how much warfare has changed, and the frustrations that brings to men looking for the "heroism" and brotherhood that they saw in the preceding American-involved wars of the 20th century.

They went there to spend months in the desert, with the Air Force doing most of the fighting. Nothing tactical, nothing heroic. Just bombing the shit out of any enemy that couldn't even put up a worthwhile fight.

That's kind of what that altercation was about where "their kill" was taken by some desk jockey officer, calling in an Air Strike, not going through the effort that those men had done. Nothing with "meaning", nothing "masculine". Just killing, for the sake of killing.

>defend freedom by killing random civilians in a middle of nowhere, ruining their country and taking their oil

noooo delet!
america is the good guy!
dindu nuffin!

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Gulf War 1 literally had fucking Iraq invading Kuwait you retard

>oh no! some random countries in middle east are at war!
>better join in and bomb the FUCK out of one of them
>and take their oil for our overlords, the corporations
>bomb some civilians too, for good measure!
Based mutts.

All young men have the impulse to destroy for the honor of their tribe.

This post is so good I don't even know if it's ironical or no

Imagine writing all that shit and still being wrong.

Kuwait were stealing Iraq's oil lol.

That sniper scene literally had that one guy have a mental breakdown because he couldn't shoot some random guy in the head with a sniper rifle.
Fucking disgusting shit

name a single kuwaiti without googling

>muh civilians
Ahh yes, 1 civilian(collaborator) is accidentally killed while voluntarily acting as a human shield for dangerous terrorists, so ameriKKKa is evil now? Grow up.
>ruining their country
This is just a plain falsehood. America is the most benevolent and selfless superpower imaginable. Without our interventions to defend global peace and democracy, most of the world would be under some kind of fascist, communist, or Islamist hellhole dictatorship. America just wants to help out every country it can.
>muh oil
Another bold faced lie. America isn't an empire that fights wars for its own self interest at the expense of others. We fight our wars for the greater good, for the preservation of world peace and Liberty. Without us, after all, you'd probably be speaking German.

lmao US is extremely anti-Christian the apostles would consider you degenerates, oppressors and warmongers satanic

That scene, along with them firing their weapons into the sky, were the most the obvious as to the idea of the frustrations with the changing nature of warfare. I could be missing other ideas portrayed, but I would disagree that I'm wrong.

Too obvious/10

You're aware Syria sent combat troops to the coalition as well, right? That Iraq also invaded Saudi Arabia? Do you know what proportion of coalition troops were Muslims? What proportion were not American? That it was a UNSC-approved intervention which had the support of the Soviet Union in one of its last diplomatic acts before dissolution?
>let's just let one dude control half the world's oil because it'll make oliver stone buttmad if we don't

Generation kill > jarfaggothead

A frustration over the absence of the opportunity for glory is not contingent upon "the ever-changing nature of warfare". FFL troops used to mutilate or even kill themselves during occupation duty in 19th Century Algeria out of sheer boredom.

The film (and supporting autobiography) is ultimately about thwarted masculinity, a fairly timeless theme. It just happens to be set in some high-tech turkey shoot. It could've been set in a US cav garrison during the Indian Wars. Wait, they did that one already.

>I'm going to protect my freedom by bombing a country I'm not at war with, on the other side of the planet and take their natural resources
This is why nobody likes you mutts.
You're just full of shit.
Why did you invade Iraq again then? "WMD" were proven to be a lie and you're still there, siphoning the oil.

>he moves the goalposts to gulf war 2 after getting blown out on gulf war 1
Sorry, that's not the topic under discussion here, bud.

so you allied with muslims and communists to do it too? jesus

I think the takeaway here is the broader the coalition the more justifiable it is as a matter of law and diplomacy. That said, the US could've prevented the conflict and flubbed the opportunity to do so. To take a really cynical view, you could almost argue that at best the US inadvertently caused the war.
>way to be april glaspie

This difference is Britain was unashamedly imperialistic. But Americans have been brainwashed to genuinely believe they are the "good guys" bringing peace and harmony to the world

Kuwait is part of Iraq.

This is one of my favorite war movies, but only because it honestly shows how shitty they all are.

In this context, it's because their expectations of what they had been hoping to do were not met. Why? Specifically because of things like the Air Force playing a much larger the role then they realized. That's what took away opportunities.

The three scenes that I can think of that sort of back that up are the scene where they ask they they "don't have their own music" for "their war", the sniper target taken away scene, and shooting into the sky scene.

You're probably right that a lack of opportunity to do something probably has occurred in many other past wars. But the movie portrays more the American experience, where they show scenes of them getting hyped up over Apocalypse Now, with the "get some, marines!" shouting in the background. It's them wanting to live up to what they've been shown to have happened in the past.

>America gets a bunch of third world countries to send a token force in exchange for writing off debts and financial aid
>"LoOk It WaS tOtAlLy LeGiT"


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Oh look another rent free obsessed yuropoor thread

>be literally any country ever
>convince kids to get into warfare so you can expand your resources
>turns out war fucking sucks and humans are capable of sick shit
>a small percentage of soldiers enjoy killing a little too much
>support this behavior because more killing psychopaths = more resources

fast forward to current year

>unironically pretend only Americans do this on a Malaysian lamp-building forum

Name one country that invaded another other than America in the last decade

China if you count rounding up people in concentration camps as "invasion"

Which kinda makes me wonder if there are any movies about Euro soldiers fighting modern wars. Or any country not America.

Putinstan invaded Ukrainestan

Name one invasion where both sides agreed an invasion took place.

You didn't think this through very well. Also...

>in the last decade
>hehe....If I make stricter criteria for my point...surely it will be proven

Name one other poster more BTFO than (you) in the past 5 minutes.

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based israel. truly a nation of peace

When we went in, there were three countries. Great Britain, Australia, and the United States. That's not a grand coalition. We can do better.


lmao thanks for playing retardo

>and it was all for the benefit of Israel
thats what we should all really be mad about.

>uses 2000s instead of 2010s

>genuinely believe they are the "good guys" bringing peace and harmony to the world
brits thought this as well though

If you're referencing the past decade, technically USA wasn't on the list I posted.

Yes yes based very based.
When completely irrelevant nations are going to war the best thing to do is send in the US army to kill everything in the vicinity, destabilizing the region more than any dictator ever could.

>tens of thousands of british and french troops are third world tokens
>'I aM a SmArT bOy AnD nOt At AlL a FaGgOt'

>dying for Israel makes you brave

Japan sent them playstations though

>be trained to fight
>stripped of your humanity for months only told that that your purpose now its to kill
>finally find a moment to discharge all that training and frustration
>some cunt with a phone takes away what is your life now


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I'd also add that perhaps another idea that Jarhead portrays is that looking for "purpose" in warfare in perhaps misguided. Maybe that's what him losing his girlfriend, losing his friend (when he comes home), and him just sitting alone still being "in the desert" in the final scene represents?

300+ mil burgers, not all of us like war bucko
we also hated marines during Vietnam
but then 9/11 happened and it was ooh-rah for a while
now most of us are just apathetic to the concept but opposed to continuing to expend blood and treasure on pointless desert conflicts