ITT: Movies that couldn't be made today
ITT: Movies that couldn't be made today
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I like how "Ilsa" is stylized in the same font as how Rush was on their debut album.
This was remade as "Gestapo" by Mood Picture BDSM studio in 2006. It's available online.
What would you do if you had the ability to have sex as long as you wanted without ejaculating?
She's the vocalist of Rush.
>Werewolf women of the SS will never be made
Damn shame, cage as Fu man Chu would have been peak kino
Jacked off to Ilsa The Wicked Warden so many times.
Gone with the Wind, unironically.
That garbage was made today you stupid cunt.
all of them, no exception
Are you unaware you're a boomer?
>the entire concept of simple jack
the guy who posted it is right faggot
>10 years ago
He's not. Jews made this movie. Jews can get away with all the non 'pc' shit they want. A steaming pile of brain-rotting crap like that movie could come out tomorrow and will continue to be made as long as Jews run Hollywood.
In case you haven't noticed nothing has changed since then. 'Culture' took a turn for the worse after the millennium and we are still in that era. In infinity 8 years isn't even the blink of an eye you pea brained fucks.
>1 : on or for this day
I could see it as an HBO series but with more pf the stereotypical stuff toned down.
>no quads were wasted for this shit opinion.
If you haven't noticed, the past 11 years have made the internet available to dumb cunts, who in turn have created a culture of outrage. You'll get uppity minorities going "why dis cracka finna playa a brother like dat? HE AINT NO KANG" and bluehair triggerkin (who wouldn't watch a war-theme action comedy in the first place, because "FUN IS PROBLEMATIC") threaten to boycott the movie (that they, once again, wouldn't watch in the first place) causing the film studio to pull the plug even before principal photography starts. the whatever the internet version of the yellow press (salon, mothergoose, huffpost) will then proceed to fill the internet with idiot articles like "How brave anti-DRUMPF warriors got this racist sexist movie shut down (and that's a good thing).
>But that's ok, because coming this summer: Litty pg-13 The Rock faux-action film, Marvel Capeshit Movie 68, 3fast7furious 11: This Time It's Personal, Children's Cartoon Sequel, and a Soft Reboot of Caddyshack starring an all-female+transgender Latinx cast.
Wow those titties though
Ilsa could be made today. It would be different but it could work as a Tarantino type grindhouse homage.
WHY THE FUCK ISN'T ISLA ON BLURAY?!? You'd think a company like Grindhouse Releasing would have done it by now!?!
Oh and GOODBYE UNCLE TOM couldn't be made today while it's another movie yet to be released on BR while both are masterpiece's of exploitation cinema!!!FACT!!!
OwO Geddy Lee looks like THAT?
>In case you haven't noticed nothing has changed since then. 'Culture' took a turn for the worse after the millennium and we are still in that era. In infinity 8 years isn't even the blink of an eye you pea brained fucks.
I'll assume you're baiting, so I'll bite.
Tropic Thunder was the last bastion of politically incorrect humor that absolutely couldn't be made today because SJW zealots would scream and cry about everything it depicts. Same way a character like Tony Stark will never be seen again in the MCU.
In closing, go fuck yourself, your whore mother, your filthy slut grandmother and the rest of your inbred trailer trash family you fucking genetic failure!!!FACT!!!
>If you haven't noticed, the past 11 years have made the internet available to dumb cunts, who in turn have created a culture of outrage.
You may have noticed that the whole SJW thing really didn't start gaining steam until post 2012 and has "progressively" gotten worse.
Know why that is?
It's because Obama got his first term and from 2008-2012 the left kept their bullshit on the down low because their primary objective back then was to make sure he got a second term. But as soon as he won the 2012 election these shitheads went fucking rabid because they were absolutely certain Hillary would run and win in 2016. So they were banking on 12 more years of Democratic rule in the White House. So they took the brakes off the crazy train.
It's no coincidence that in 2013 we started hearing these fuckers crying about the collateral damage and amount of FICTIONAL people killed in Man of Steel when they didn't say shit the year before when Avengers had New York getting BTFO. That's when I knew something was wrong.
Then they started screaming that GODS OF EGYPT was racist for not casting all blacks in every role. That it wasn't "realistic" in a movie about Gods with gold blood and giant fire breathing dragons, fer fuck sakes.
Then it was Ghostbusters 2016 when studios, specifically Sony/Columbia, started using gender politics to shield themselves against criticism by pretending that a soulless reboot of a beloved franchise with an all female cast was some sort of triumph against patriarchy. It's also not a coincidence that this was spearheaded by Columbia President/Stupid Cunt Amy Pascal, who is a Jew, who then cast Idris Elba as the mythic Gunslinger in The Dark Tower, based upon Clint Eastwood's 'Man with no Name' in the Dollars trilogy, in the hope of using race politics to cover for another fuck awful movie that also bombed like Shitbusters.
Then Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election to Donald Trump and this sent them into their current frenzy. Turns out screaming that "SORRY WHITE PEOPLE/MEN, YOUR TIME IS OVER!!!" at voters doesn't play well which is why Trump was given the Presidency despite losing by 3 million votes.
Ever since then it's been nothing but shrill shrieking and the absolute determination to shove their politics into anything and everything that white men enjoy while running it into the ground and if you dare try to criticize them it's "SEXIST, INCEL, MANBABY REEEEEE!!!".
Marvel/Disney used this last year to shill Black Panther, which is just as bad as Captain Marvel, while the SJW drones justify Wakanda's 100% all black ethnostate as being "realistic if the evil white man hadn't of enslaved blacks" but ask them why there are minorities in Asgard and they'll freak the fuck out that "ASGARD IS A FANTASY YOU FUCKING NAZI!!!".
Ultimately, it's fun shitposting but you're not going to get any honest debate with these people because they're ideological zealots who want everything their own way and will say/do anything to justify their position at any given time.
Basically, if you're a white straight male, you're the Devil incarnate, have never done ANYTHING to advance civilization or help others and these people wont stop until every single thing we have is given to them or brought to ruin purely out of spite because they think they're owed something that they didn't get from Daddy!!!FACT!!!
>Ilsa could be made today. It would be different but it could work as a Tarantino type grindhouse homage.
I would love to have seen a Captain America movie set in WW with him and the Howling Commandos on a mission to infiltrate a castle (ala Castle Wolfenstein) where Ilsa was a top Nazi scientist, secretly working with Hyrda and Red Skull who was her boyfriend, doing genetic experiments and creating all sorts of abominations. Even set it after WWII and have the final boss be Hitler's brain in a bio-mech body. Even go full retard and have his head in a fucking jar with wires attached to control the mech!!!FACT!!!
The Pest
Ace Ventura Pet Detective
Austin Powers 1
Many 80s/90s comedies would make armchair activists lose their shit if released today.
Although the election cycles are at least a part of the explanation, my take on this is slightly different.
>The first part would be the expansion of accessibility of internet access to everybody, partially through the popularity of facebook and youtube, partially due to TV shows suddenly making "nerd culture" appear trendy: ComicCons, and other assorted shilling mills designed to turn the gullible into Willing Consumers.
>The second part being development whereupon education systems globally stating that "bullying is the worst thing that can ever happen, we must stamp it out". I don;t advocate picking on the weak (it's bad of course), but but it was a decent mechanism to curb your retardation, and a learning process to overcome adversity that almost everybody would casually go through at least once. Removing that rite of passage means young people no longer have experience with being disagreed with, so they assume that generic banter is a hate-crime and that disagreeing with them is vile trolling. (the concept of trolling went from the trawling fishing technique where a "trawler boat baits schools of fish into chasing a net" to "bad mucus-monster under bridge said bad thing" as well, but that's only slightly related).
>Thirdly, as a result of the 2008-induced recession, there were the Occupy Wall Street protests, a grassroots movement correctly assuming that investment banking was at fault for bursting the housing bubble, and a gommunist movement was getting traction, more so than the recent Yellow Vests in France. This got neutralized towards the end of the protest when (((somehow, someone somewhere))) has started introducing non-profit agencies for a lot of the groups involved in protesting (BLM, among others were set up at the time), effectively dividing & conquering the protest movement, and somehow representation of your marginalized/"marginalized" social group mattered more than actual protest or achieving anything, and also somehow social standing and statements like "as aa X" was a the go-to tactic during discussion for those people, and that's when the power and social standing became a crutch. Perhaps the fact that white males were in effective leadership positions at those protests is a pure coincidence, making sure an effective movement will be much harder to organize.
>Finally, this is where the presidential cycle comes in. Obama was not an effective leader by all means, but he was a very charismatic one (especially after Bush), and with the fact he is the first African-American president elevated him to demigod status (ironically, he would be considered "coloured" (the ethnicity for mixed race people) rather than "black" in South Africa, and had he been elected as the Kenyan Head of State, he would have been the first white Kenyan president). And a lot of the US youth just applied their daddy issues towards Obama as well. Compare a mid-2010s twitter new year's congratulations: Obama's twitter had people writing "thanks, dad :)" unironically, while Dave Cameron's was full of "fuck off cunt". For them, the policies, efficiency or even political alignment did not matter, they wanted a good looking, presidential figure to smile and in his velvety voice to say "everything is going to be all right". Trump is the anti-thesis of that, he's never held public office before so he would be not bending over backwards, and would at least try at the start to introduce effective leadership. Hillary fits into this as a would-be first woman president so would have been SOCIAL PROGRESS for them (despite the fact said woman is a soul-less witch responsible for overthrowing entire governments and deleting emails), it still would have been progress according to them.. combine it all and you get a dumbed-down populace, engaged in identity politics, and angry for no particular reason, and incapable of handling criticism...all ripe for exploitation.
This is where your posts and the (((Hollywood trickery))) comes in, abusing the current state of affairs to shill horrible movies with thinly-veiled political statements, that are above all forms of criticism.
>Bonus point, these people probably wouldn't even know that the source material for Thor is not some fucking drawings in a comic book but Millennia-old Norse Mythology.
A Boy and his Dog. 1975 (approx).
A very good and memorable movie (and a major influence on the Fallout games) but there is absolutely no way it could be made today. Set in a post-apocalyptic future, the protagonist is a young man who is desperate to find a woman to rape, with the help of a psychic talking dog (who only he can hear) to help sniff victims out. He gets caught in a honey trap - guess they must have seen him coming - and is marched off to a preserved underground 1950's - esque society, who try to civilize and educate him. The movie ends with him having to decide which society is worse.
The movie's central message is: as men, our instincts are to be wild and uncivilized and rapey. Civilization may have achieved a lot of things, but has it gone so far in cucking all of us that we are now fundamentally going against our natures? Is there any room in existence for the outlaw?
Blazing Saddles
I disagree with you but you’ve got the right idea. Obama always faced opposition but kept himself composed in hopes for a second term. Once he got it, he started saying stuff about the Travon Martin case in 2012 which really brought out the extremes of all sides.
Those good old movies with sexualized teens.
Fuck this gay world.
grandpa joe horny
The short story is even better: He longingly reminisces about raping a woman and leaving her to die tied up in a basement a week earlier and then stalks and rapes the girl protagonist multiple times and the girl likes this.
We still have naked kids in movie though, but not sexualized.
Nope. Outrage culture is far far more prevalent now than then. Previously it was limited to xeroxed fliers at the local college bulletin board and obscure livejournal posts. When you can unleash an internet mob within minutes there are more eggshells being walked on than ever before.