Any pure women and romance kino?
Any pure women and romance kino?
Why couldn't we save her bros?
>get "kidnapped" by a brawny, hot warrior who will dick you nightly (in that non-concencual but not really way that makes women gush buckets) in ways undreamed of in your repressed puritan society
>shoot yourself in the head
what a fucking joke
Cringe and degeneratepilled
>having sex with your wife is degenerate
and yes they'd be married
Not in God's eyes heathen
God isn't real, so who cares?
this was the best story, closely followed by mr pocket
god is real and he agrees with you
Francos story was the best solely for the way he jumped over the counter and the coat flowed behind him
Bloomer story with doomer ending vs doomer story with bloomer ending.
Get off Yea Forums you fucking loser.
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Did no one pick up on the moment when the fella was having doubts about leaving his job for this women, and she immediately dismissed it? It felt like it was showing that she wasn't innocent and defenseless, but actually scheming to find a meal ticket. I honestly thought they were going to reveal her as more sinister, but then the ending happened and we never got to see it play out.
>Get off Yea Forums you fucking loser.
>Sent from my iPhone 7 using Tapatalk.
Yeah, Meal Ticket was a pretty good story, too.
>Sent from my iPhone 7 using Tapatalk.
Absolutely based
gone girl
some ann of green gables stuff maybe ?