Ignoring one of the best tv shows out there in 2k+19

>Ignoring one of the best tv shows out there in 2k+19.

Are you fucking kidding me?

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Sorry, I'm not gay. It's OK if you are.

no one is ignoring it, one of the fans was making like fourty threads a day about it so it got raided by the r9k and pol cinephiles, now all the cool people in the threads are gone. it's basically just larpers arguing with trolls. I only go into a thread when there is a new episode.

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>Feelbad show about rich kids fucking up their lives
Gonna pass on that

dawg this show criticizes everything that I bet you hate. you don't have to be spoon fed a message through dialogue to understand it though the course of events. that being said, polemic on zoomerism or not, it is basically Skins with better cinematography. so I understand how it could be pretty hit or miss

Well, I myself hate notion that a dude should cut is her and get a job until he outs himself as a tranny and suddenly should be allowed to act like a spoiled attentionwhore his whole life (it's not a she, sorry)

I still contend that the show is not for you, but dude
shit turns out so badly for the tranny, not even in a victim light either. she(he) is being portrayed in a very mentally ill and annoying light now. and shit is only getting worse.


Wtf are you going on about?

Are you having a stroke user?

I'm not going to watch this pozz fest

whats the plot so far, can you give me a tldr?

I'm not falling for your tranny bullshit, they should adress to the male adult dresscodes and social rules like everybody else, they have their spare tike, just like the emis, goths or punkrockers, being tranny isn't an excuse to get to wear makeup up on the job when a male emo can't do it, or are you really that pretentious?

Post Jules

Trannys should get bullied into male adulthood like everybody else, all you are doing with your special treatment is encouraging men to chop of their dicks if they want to continue their subcultural teenage lifestyle after they are done with their studies.


Rue episode(Pilot): we are introduced to the mainprotagonists life, as well as a brief look into all the other characters. Basically a showcase of the degeneracy of zoomers
The rest of the episodes: We learn that each episode is a character study into each of the main characters. Despite what the people who have not seen this show will claim, this show is absolutely not glorifying the behavior into the show. If you have any braincells you can see that this show punishes this behavior, much like life punishes this behavior. if you're a zoomer and hate your generation, this is the show for you. if you're a zoomer and you love this generation and can't understand subtext like the polfags in these threads, this is the show for you.
TL;DR a polemic on zoomerism, zoomers engage in their degenerate zoomer behavior and their lives get worse because of it, while the kindhearted, functional characters have perfect lives and therefore never become the focus of the show. SkinsUK with good cinematography.

Why are you ruining a thread of a show you refuse to see with your political crying? The show supports and criticizes every character.

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fine, but I'm leaving now. someone else can post my shit.

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Very cool, but is there a main plot that drives the story?

is this just a muh dick show?

yes there is but I don't want to spoil it, the show is kind of not worth watching if it is spoiled. whether you hate or love chads, and whether you hate or love trannies doesnt matter, you will probably enjoy this if you don't mind some brainlet dialogue.

Shall not divert

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Never seen a show shilled here as hard as this one. There’s one guy making threads for the goblin tranny every few hours like clockwork from his phone trying to be even mildly convincing that it’s organic.
Anyway this pozzed degenerate garbage doesn’t belong on Yea Forums either way, take it to /lgbt/ where it belongs.

Oh yeah, and I haven't even watched it yet. Fuck off with your pozzed liberal propaganda.The only stuff I'll watch are things that confirm my beliefs

It's tranny propaganda.

I know cis males who looks more feminine

hahaha whatever, faggot

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if some dudes raped me with a dildo in front of my girl, I would really fucking chimp out. Especially if I was black. Nothing has ever entered my butt and if someone took that away from me I would murder someone.

It has to be shills because this thing barely looks human. Literally goblin/Smeagol tier.


This isn’t me btw, but nice try tranny. Dilate.

I just watch the nude scenes on reddit. That's enough for me.

Until I chop of my dick, rite?

>voluntarily mutilated man calls other men faggots

i already watched the original, does the amerimutt adaptation add anything ?

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actually I'm just a tranny-chaser. but close. also I was laughing because the show says shit about trannies that makes trannies like me seethe, like that pic related. I called you a faggot because that's what I call anyone that I don't like

>dr. Pavel

Euphoria being a great show is an incontrovertible fact. Imagine letting edgy political views dissuade one from experiencing it.

Euphoria is shit
Watch Dark, an actual good show

I don't support the tranny agenda, sorry

I've been watching Arrow and The Flash for years now, tf are you on about.

the original have at least a passable tranny?

there's no trannies in the original they added that to appeal to americans.

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Imagine the smell

>watching communist propaganda and liking it
I hope you guys don't do this.

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I'm glad Yea Forums keeps shutting down these faggot tranny shill threads from happening, go discuss your dilation schedules on reddit

Jesus christ the size of those schnozzes

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who is she?

this show is shit

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Gay faggot nigger aids infested shit fest

Annoying /pol/ expats are derailing threads all the fucking time with their usual low-effort 'dilate' or 'kys faggot'. It's tiring.

The fuck. When was the original show set? Those jeans look like something I’d have worn in 1998

just about every time a netflix or hbo show teases something very vaguely right wing like this it sharply flips back towards sjw morality

it really serves the imbeciles who expect any different right

>adress to the male adult dresscodes

my gf

really? damn, lucky bastard

it's a show about drug addicts, not exactly the height of fashion.also fashion here is wierd a lot of times things come back here that dont come back anywhere else.

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My anti-Israel yet somehow unironically Trump-voting friend tried to shill this show to me this weekend. I don't even know what to make of that.

He’s a closet tranny