Stranger Things

Why does this series feel so disingenuous?

>Series takes place in the 80s
>Kids act like they’re in the 80s
>Kids do 80s stuff and use 80s technology

Why does it feel so forced? The entire series feels like a bunch of people LARP’ing as 80s folks as if trying to assure the viewer it’s actually the 80s, yet it lacks all the 80s charm like in The Goonies, Back to the Future and MJ’s music videos. Why’s that?

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Cause it's not filmed in the 80s dipshit

No shit faggot? It feels forced is the point. Can you even fucking read you degenerate retard?

it's cringey retro wank in the most retarded normie way

I get your point but it's the way they filmed it. Imagine it like different painting styles. So is it with making tv as well and that's just their artistic style

Are you sure your "80s charm" isn't just the more limited cinematography, poorer quality video and audio of the TV shows and movies of the period? Maybe because it's shot with modern techniques on digital cameras you don't feel like it's an 80s thing even though it's set there.

Good point user

What I meant was the dialogue for example feels forced, in S01 when Steve talks to Nancy about the new Tom Cruise movie or the high school clichés. It feels like they’re trying their best to convince that they’re in the 80s

Finn Longhard

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True. They get some stuff right though. Kids playing D&D, ghostbusters costumes, some of the music, and the mall in the latest season all felt pretty natural. Much of the movie reference dialogue was forced and bad

The Goonies and Back to the Future were better acted, written and directed than Stranger Things was. The Goonies and Back to the Future (1) also weren't soulless cash grabs trying to capitalize on nostalgia or their own previous installments

What the fuck is 80s charm

>The Goonies
>Better acted
Oof, chief. None of the kids had redeeming personalities and it didn't help that the actors all tried too hard, especially chunk.

Nobody in the 80s dressed this retarded.

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>she will never sleep next to you

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>It feels like they’re trying their best to convince that they’re in the 80s
Thats the whole fucking point of the series

What? Are you seriosulsy asking why it doesn't feel as 80s as stuff from the actual 80s? Are you retarded, OP?

Yeah saw goonies again lately. It's still a classic but but it's rough as fuck around the edges

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Because we are living in a postmodern era where all of our entertainment has numerous intertextual references and a detached or ironic tone. The Duffer brothers know that the eighties portrayed in Stranger Things never actually existed, so they roast the decade while simultaneously indulging in its decadence.

I actually have that shirt on the far right so nar you are wrong.

my mum gave it to me via the 80s

nillie > fillie

So then why did you ask why it's different feeling then things actually filmed in the 80s? Retard.

Best answer

Netflix content will alway feel like shit no matter what.
Movies like No Country for old men feel like they are set in the 80's w/o having POP CULTURE reference every second.

The first season felt fine but the 2 after it felt off like they had no idea what they wanted to do