Fuck this film

Psuedo intellectual bullshit.
Makes tarkovsky's films digeetable as a Hollywood blockbuster.

"You just dont get it, it's art; it's symbolism, it means something"

Fuck you and your kike entarte kunst

Attached: 8327-locandina-big.jpg (1000x1401, 208K)

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So you're a brainlet is what you're saying

>it's symbolism, it means something
its not symbolism and it doesn't mean anything. its formalism and it is your feelings in meeting the work that matters.

You need to freebase some turds my nigga

I'll be honest, I didnt get it but I really enjoyed the visuals and score so much that I don't care that I'm a brainlet.

>"You just dont get it, it's art; it's symbolism, it means something"

Who are you quoting?

Nigger, i can film paper wrapping for an hour thirty minutes and you will get ad much meaning out of that as you will from this film

>DUUUUUR, dialogue starts thirty minutes in, that's so unique
>DUUUUR the shit into gold represents us trying to reach higher states of mind
>DUUUUR paper mache jesus repreeents iconography and how religion uses that to control us
Oh and lets sprinkle in some titties and animal fucking here and there

It's jewish garbage

Self masturbatory psueds that like this film.

>dialogue starts thirty minutes in, that's so unique
That's not unique but film is a visual medium so i don't know what the fuck are complaining about.

The fact that i greentexted it shows i'm being sarcastic you fucking mongrel, do you not see the DUUUURR

So you just made up something to get upset about to start an argument?

Nigga, go back to bed.

>made up something to get upset about
It's a garbage film

he did not enjoy exploding frogs in armor...

>its jewish garbage
lol, opinion discarded

>entarte kunst
It's 'entartete Kunst' you fucking inbred retard

Holy Mountain is cheeky as fuck, it's not a 2deep4u "artsy" movie at all.

Grab the copy with Jodorowskys subtitled commentary track. I wouldn't stoop to calling you a brainlet (you are) but at least that will elevate your viewing experience.
This is what film making is all about, capeshitter.

It is
Pic related
>he doesn't like acid fueled psued bullshit
>he must be a capeshitter

Attached: Facebook-0fc620.png (500x385, 82K)

go back to /r/thedonald mutt

So, what's your favorite intellectual movie, OP?

The Dark Knight

>murdering frogs = art
what went wrong?

kind traumatizing scene 2bh
they just killed them for a stupid film

those frogs got rekt hard.

They built a machine that turns shit into gold for this movie. How awesome is that?

when i think of pseudo-intellectual cinema I think of France, particularly Godard

It's a smuggy you fucking newfag


Belmondo is the only reason i was able to digest godard's films

have sex



>He didn't see Goodbye to Language in 3D

The 3D shots of Goddard's dog running around his house were peak kino

>jewish garbage
It's actually gnostic garbage

Lol go fuck yourself, it's art. You literally are not expected to understand what each scene represents; it's supposed to be visually stimulating. It was one of the greatest movies I've ever watched and all my friends loved it first.

Maybe you need to do some shrooms first ? You just don't "get it".


Yeah, I don't know why people can't grasp that. The final scene should clue you in that it's mostly tongue in cheek. It's an amusing movie with a great visual style not some heady, sophisticated artpiece.

Just because it's "art" doesn't mean it's good

You are just SEETHIN cause Jodo say 'I shit on the US and superman' and he raped a cutie with no repercussions.

Well it was fucking amazing, there's that. It isn't bad either just because some asshat on the internet couldn't understand it. Again it was one of the most visually stimulating films I've seen. Every single scene is like sex.

>Jew makes "art" that's utter nonsense.
>Critics hail it as masterpiece.

Color me shocked. Jews have been doing this in the art world for a hundred years now.

ynr jodorowsky found a pseudoscience called psycomagic which can only be thought by himself (and his son)

holy mountain is overrated as fuck
it's nothing more than a good movie to watch if you are a teen stoned out of your mind, which explains the praise it gets by impressionable ppl who watched it as zoomers

>The film literally spells to the viewer: "just bee yourself and have some sex"
>Idiots still in the blank about what did he mean.

Fruitless symbolism is bad

No, you’re the newfaggot. Originally they were posted on a fb page called Counter Signal Memes for Fashy Goys. Now go back to /pol/ you cunt

this t b h
frogs are based and deserve better than to be mutilated in the glorified science fair project of some washed-up stoners

symbolism in general is bad

Santa Sangre is his opus anyways. Refntino rips him off all the time.

>back to /pol/

Holy Mountain isn’t deep at all though. It spells everything out for you. You may be unironically retarded if you didn’t understand something so simple.

It doesnt actually say anything

It doesn't actually say anything

Walked in on my brother and his retarded friend watching this once. Told him that this film is the reason we have AIDs. Then left. I still haven't seen the whole thing.

I can’t comprehend how somebody old enough to post on this website doesn’t understand The Holy Mountain. It’s really not subtle at all and it practically spells everything out for you. That doesn’t mean you have to like it, but you can’t call it nonsense.

Then tell us, oh big brained wise one. What is it saying

do you mean AIDS?

Where to watch this flick?



coming from someone who posts in Yea Forums it's not surprising that you cannot understand... perhaps watch it when you turn 18 years old and see what you feel then, it has quite a simple and yet beautiful message

The symbolism in The Holy Mountain is mostly extremely blatant and understandable. What is the problem?

This. It doesnt mean anything, it just feels nice. Funny how you call people who like it pseudo intellectuals while it is you who needs to understand the meaning behind things to like it.

Also have sex

I'm not big brained for understanding the movie, it's so obvious. If you posted a specific scene you didn't understand I could probably explain its significance, but I'm not going to do a scene by scene analysis

Can confirm. Used to be a jodophile...read his books and even would visit his cafe in Paris for tarot readings. Years of my life were spent studying his works with a new age outlook on life. But here's the catch...
It's all bullshit meant to spiritually enslave his acolytes into a labyrinth of meaningless symbolism and nihilism. He is driven by his disdain for the goyim and their way of life to make his "art." I don't say this as an outsider who never liked it, but someone who indulged and woke up from the illusion.

Attached: 1563555234898.jpg (1176x748, 183K)

If it doesn't mean anything then its basically worthless, might as well stare at a wall because thst makes me 'feel' something too, boredem.

yeah, I didn't like it either. I was shown it in a film course where each student had to bring in their favorite film and show a scene to the class. One kid, the most hipster looking faggot I'd ever seen, and this was in 2012 when that word kinda meant something, came up and started his showing with "this is the greatest movie ever made. Nothing will ever compare to the levels of depth seen in this movie. It's narrative structure is simple, but layered in it's complexity..." And just went on and on. Made me hate this movie.

I should probably watch it again on my own time to really get an opinion on it.

How can you know abour the jq and like this movie at the same time.
Respect the visuals, maybe. But it's just so kosher.

Displays everything wrong with the culture at the time