Did anyone get screencaps of all the camerontards that said this wouldn't happen?
Did anyone get screencaps of all the camerontards that said this wouldn't happen?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why did they send him a note?
to brag
>Sent him a note to brag they had to re-release their movie in theaters in order to beat one of his blockbusters
dude, NEVER take Yea Forums's word as gospel truth.
Ever since the 2016 election people here have assumed they "know better" than pretty much everybody even though none of them actually accurately understand why the 2016 election went down the way it did.
Cameron also re-released avatar
cope harder
Avatar got re-released, like, two or three times as I remember. Endgame got re-released once.
This. To this day it's still a mystery how so many people could be so dumb for such a long time. If it was some old TV celebrity making impossible promises logic dictates someone would have noticed it soon enough and warn the rest but that didn't happen and he won. It was unpredictable. Certainly no one here predicted it in a non-meme way. His victory is still considered magic.
I don't take sides in the Avatar vs Endgame fight because all options could happen. Expect the unexpected and shit. But it was certainly impossible to predict that the lackluster re-release would push it this much when it got terrible word of mouth and barely did any money at the beginning. We still don't know how it made so much money, honestly.
>Avatar got re-released, like, two or three times as I remember. Endgame got re-released once.
cope harder
>even though none of them actually accurately understand why the 2016 election went down the way it did.
enlighten us oh wise one
0/10, you're just butthurt.
They just said they admired him as a filmmaker
>russo brothers
co-op and solo queue are different categories, Cameron is still king.
Yes good question why gone with the wind isn't more revered then blue nigger dances with wolves. Thank you for asking.
this is Yea Forums, so I'll keep it short.
Basically the election was a rejection of the status quo, not an embaracing of Trump. Some of the states Trump "stole" he actually got less votes in than Romney did. It's just that Hillary got even less votes because virtually nobody liked her. All the dems have to do in 2020 is run someone even modestly likable because now there is no Hillary AND Trump is now the status quo. That doesn't mean he can't win. If they fully embrace socialism then he has a shot at another popular/electoral vote split but if Biden sleepwalk to the nomination he will be very hard to beat.
I wonder how much it has cost them to have cinemas keep this showing for so long with barely anyone going to watch.
You’re an imbecile
you'll surely convince more people than I did with a well thought out and steel-enforced argument like that!
this. Trump is fucked. /pol/ continuously underestimates how powerful the MSM actually is in setting the narrative.
literally not an argument
Endgame got re-released with unfinished footage which was embarrassing enough as is it, and on top of it it didn't serve any purpose to the story or plot, it was just dumb filler. What's even amazing is that you dumb cunts ate this shit up.
Lost S6 > GOT S8
pretty much, yeah.
But it's sad how many idiots kn this site still think Trump is some secretly beloved person that has the edge in 2020.
>modestly likable
Trump is modestly likable. The Dems need someone either more likable, or just as likable and handsome as well. Youth will be their main advantage. I'd like to see that gay guy or radical Asian get the nomination. Biden will lose, without a doubt.
>Basically the election was a rejection of the status quo
>Trump is modestly likable
Your absolute fucking state
just stop
Hey, I certainly never said he was likably modest.
I didn't see Trump was handsome. Holy fuck read the post. Being only *as* likable as Trump won't be enough because the incumbent has a natural advantage. If the Dems produce someone exactly like Trump but younger and more handsome, they will win.
Avatards on S U I C I D E
Endgame has been in theaters for like 3 months
very impressive
When ASS: The Movie comes out it will make 7 trillion dollars.
yeah I know, braindead normies are dumb
that doesnt make this site any better
Here's the note
>Tousif Khan
Is there a psychologist or something in this thread? Can someone explain me why does Marvel capeshit attracts shitskins like moths to a flame? Can you be white and prefer Endgame over Avatar (theoritecally speaking of course, no actual white man prefers it)?
>they just said "fuck it" and bought the rest of the tickets
based disney. fuck avatar.
and avatar was in theaters for 6 months in some countries
fucking rekt
I don't think so, he's a bully and a narcissist. I think a chief reason a lot of people voted for him was they knew it would make liberals extra mad to have someone who said like 3 or 4 things every week that would have torpedoed anyone elses campaign get in the white house. /pol/ were laughing their asses off the whole time
Shut up shut up shut up
Hillary's perceived unlikeability and campaigning incompetence (ignoring her husband's advice, relying on celebrities) can't be overstated. The Democrats would have to massively fuck up again, though that is always a possibility with them.
Endgame didn't beat Avatar though
it was re released once months after the home release
No film adds this much in the end with simple reconciliation, ever
Not exactly, Trump made a big play for the rust belt that Republicans previously ignored & won it by a tiny amount
Hillary being unpopular is a meme, she performed better than Obama in many states, she was basically Obama 2012 but a bit better
A couple of states like Wisconsin had lower turn out & Trump/Hillary got less votes than Obama/Romney, but that was the exception
That's not a good thing though, the MSM have done a good job tricking the public into thinking those cages were created by Trump, when it happened during the Obama years too
Avaturds lost. Sit down. Be humble. Know your place. Which is second, in case it’s not clear.
>The Democrats would have to massively fuck up again
All of them raised hand for free healthcare for illegals, all of them are for reparations, Warren wants to decriminalize illegal border crossing, two of them spoke spanish during debates, one campaigned straight up in Mexico, one was doing photo ops helping the illegals crossing the border, and last week Trump made socialist swine and an islamist with 9% approval rating the faces of Democratic party.
Not him but I can tell you what DIDN'T cause the election results: /pol/ posting Pepes and Yea Forums complaining about muh SJWs.
Yea Forums thinks these are the reasons Trump won Because they are retarded.
At least Endgame deserved it way more than Avatar. Regardless of your personal opinion, Endgame is the culmination of a truly monumental decade-spanning effort while Avatar was just 3D glasses before the novelty wore off, which happened precisely 2 minutes after it left theatres.
Avatar is number 1 foreign & TFA number 1 domestic
Source please
Avatar's effects hold up remarkably well for a 10 year old movie, better than anything else released in 2009. That's true even without the 3D gimmick.
Kinda ridiculous to criticise capeshit for being vapid spectacle if you like Avatar though.
Denial is the 2nd stage of cope
Here you go.
Massive cope. Learn to code, comrade.
>Endgame is the culmination of a truly monumental decade-spanning effort
Endgame is a deconstruction of action genre. Thanks to Downtard jr. we will never get a proper action movie.
Avatar was in theatres for like a year, and also was re-released
And another.
When is the livestream?
>took multiple releases of the film to get it there
I've never seen either movie but that makes me laugh
So? Nice goal post moving, faggot.
Cope champ
You're pathetic and a faggot, enjoy your virginity.
and the note says: "Please Jim don't re-release the avatar again."
Number two is still okay, avatard.
Seven million dollars is stupid cheap for a company like Disney. They could just go buy the last few tickets needed to push them over themselves.
>haha there wasn't a re release or anything
I really hope Trump wins again. All I know is my life has improved since Trump took office and that’s all I care about. When I told some lesbian on Facebook I was gonna vote Trump her response was “thanks for not wanting me to get married.” The hard truth is I don’t give a shit if she can get married or not. Everyone votes for their own self interest. I’m not voting for someone because of how they plan to help someone else. I’m voting for the person who plans to help me. If one of your major running points is how you plan to help immigrants or the gay community than I’m not interested. The gay community doesn’t care about what I want and that’s ok but if I don’t care about what they want then I’m a bad person lol
Never stop being wrong tv
>we're number one in shitskinistan
Avatar actually had new content tho, unlike Endgame and its ps2 cutscene Hulk
>Avatar #2 wherever you look
Sad to see
>Cameron sends a single note back
fast and furious is also popular with shitskins
After its run ended, because there was high demand for it. And he wasn't competing against anyone, it was already #1 by far. The rerelease was purely for the fans who couldn't see it in 3d when it came out. Disney rereleased Endgame when it was dying off and like 40m away from Avatar for the sole purpose of beating Avatar. It's the most pathetic and petty thing I've seen a big corporation do, just to appease one of their divas. Feige knew he would lose to Cameron again so he convinced Disney to rerelease while it still wasn't forgotten, took most of Dark Phoenix's screens to keep it in more theaters and long enough for it to beat Avatar. Real dick move from Feige and Disney, especially because Cameron is working with Disney now. It wouldn't surprise me if Disney tries to sabotage Avatar 2 just to keep it from beating Engame, since MCU is seen as Disney brand, while Avatar is solely associated with Cameron. I hope Jimbo has some big brain moves planned to counter Disney's jewery.
I literally have zero investment in this shit, I just find the constant threads really gay and low tier shitposting. I just want to point out how retarded it is to champion Avengers for "winning" when the only reason it was able to was because it was the culmination of a decades worth of film releases in a major corporate franchise. Avatar held the record for fucking ever from an out of nowhere release as a standalone film. Disney had to fabricate massive hype for the film to barely pull ahead of a massively overproduced iteration of Pocahantas in space.
You guys are faggots.
If Endgame is so great, how come it doesn’t have a robust network of based posters acting individually to count down the release of Endgame 2 for over 1000 days.
Checkmate endgame.
>My multibillion dollar corporation made more money than your multibillion dollar corporation
Disney pad their movies ticket count, at my workplace they give away tickets this april 30th.
but fox´s avatap didnt gave away tickets.
China has 12x as many theaters now as it did in 2009. Avatar 2 could very well earn over a billion there alone. The only place Endgame performed better is Muttland, which is obsessed with capeshit, and shitskin shitholes like Brazil, Mexico, India and various brown asian countries. MCU's brand power is vastly overblown. It earns as much as your average blockbuster in most of the world, but overperforms in US and China, where capeshit makes 400-800m.
People just ignoring the fact that the Chinese movie audience barely existed when Avatar was out yet it accounted for almost 1/3rd of End Game's gross.
>be flip
>dat chart
I am ashamed of my people's words and deeds.
>Imagine re-releasing a brand-new movie because you know faggot manchildren will go see the same movie twice or maybe the 5th time just to see 6 extra minutes of rough footage just so you can brag to one of the most successful directors of all time
>gone with the wind isn't more revered then blue nigger dances with wolves.
Except it 100% IS, you shitposting retard.
how many oscars did it get?
Frankly, my cunt, I don't shit a fuck.
This is the only thing capeshitters have... muh earnings, muh gross... artistically bankrupt products aimed solely at profit that will have as much impact in 20 years as the 90s Batman films have now
So basically, if you want success release your movie in 2027 or 2029?
I wonder who's behind this post
Disney is just gonna rerererelease Avatar around the time Avatar 2 is coming out to refresh everyone. The gap between Endgame and Avatar is only like 2 million, so it would outdo Endgame fast. Its probably gonna be part of the advertising campaign for Avatar 2 once an Avatar rerelease tops Endgame.
"See the continuation to the biggest film of all time!" I can already picture it. And nobody will give a shit but internet losers.
It's obvious disney spent a few millions buying their own tickets.
Still same corporation
i cannot believe you faggots actually had 24/7 general talking about avatar and avengers, two most soulless commercial cash grabs of all time while arguing which on of them is "going to win" and it went on for months
i despise all of you
get dabbed on
it's not even theirs, that's the issue
So when Cameron rereleases Avatar in preparation for Avatar 2 will Russo's congratulate him?
does anyone actually care about this?
dude, go back
This is sad. Powell and Pressburger were wonderful directors.
Avatar re release is pretty much guaranteed & it will beat end game comfortably
but i don't know about Avatar 2 beating end game or avatar 1, i think it was lighting in a bottle, but i have no doubt it will gross at least 1.5 billion
Fucking DUH. His whole schtick is the anti establishment candidate.
But Captain Marvel was suppose to kill the MCU
yikes! enjoy the next 5 years lol
both avatar and titanic had re releases, hell avatar is probably going to have another rerelease when the second one is about to drop
Avatar got re-released ONCE and had entire fully rendered scenes. Endgame's re-release was actually embarrasing
Fox owns Avatar.
Guess who owns Fox?
If Disney tried this hard to get Endgame to the top grossing film spot why would they want it knocked down in a year?
>Disney pad their movies ticket count, at my workplace they give away tickets this april 30th.
This is unironically true. I saw an ad earlier today about Endgame being shown in a cinema for sick children and I'm sure Disney set this shit up as yet another way to artificially harvest ticket sales.
>unironically being an American and wanting socialism
How retarded can you be? You live in a country that was literally founded on libertarianism and that made it the greatest powerhouse and richest country on earth. Now you want to be bring it all back down into yet another shitty 50% taxes collapsing European wellfairstate? I'm moving to the US precisely to escape this brainlet socialist mess while people like you try to actively turn the US into what I'm fleeing from in the first place.
it actually never has and never will
it's called fudging
a company like Disney can easily manipulate the numbers, child's play
>If Disney tried this hard to get Endgame to the top grossing film spot why would they want it knocked down in a year?
Disney doesn't give a shit whether Endgame is Number 1 or Avatar is Number 1 (again) since they own BOTH Endgame AND Avatar. In fact, Disney might be promoting a rivalry between Endgame and Avatar (covertly or otherwise) since they'll make mad bank either way.
Unironically this.
>if Disney tried this hard to get Endgame to the top grossing film spot why would they want it knocked down in a year?
To promote their next big earner.
Exactly. Disney has no loyalty to anything except social-engineering and making money (in that order).
hue hue
>muh inflation
worst kind of cope
1. Avengers: Endgame 2019
2. Avatar 2009
3. Titanic 1997
4. Star Wars: The Force Awakens 2015
5. Avengers: Infinity War 2018
6. Jurassic World 2015
7. The Avengers 2012
8. Furious 7 2015
9. Avengers: Age of Ultron 2015
10. Black Panther 2018
All from the last 10 years apart from Titanic and most of them are from the last 5 years.
1. Gone with the Wind 1939
2. Avatar 2009
3. Titanic 1997
4. Star Wars 1977
5. Avengers: Endgame 2019
6. The Sound of Music 1965
7. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial 1982
8. The Ten Commandments 1956
9. Doctor Zhivago 1965
10. Star Wars: The Force Awakens 2015
When inflation is taken into account the years released are more varied.
I hope they included a photoshopped picture of the navi being ashed.
>1 like
>I have an opinion
Avatard or MCUck, you are all faggots that suck mouse cock and shill these movies for free
this is overall sales
digital, dvd, blu ray, etc.
endgame will triple gone with the wind in the first year it is out on physical
screencap this just like i said endgame would beat avatar for highest grossing in theaters
how is it "cope", schizoid
still your president
Maybe James should self-insert himself into Avatar 2 as a vague gay man.
Who gives a shit about box office statistics? Since when did Yea Forums become a slave to the Jews?
>formulates opinion from twitter and online news sources.
>like, two or three times as I remember
It got a limited re-release like literal months after the blu ray came out. It was a directors cut with a lot of deleted scenes.
Unlike "muh 15 new seconds and we still dont even have rental"
>Dude Black Panther is gonna flop
Made 1 billion dollars and got a Best Picture nomination.
>Dude Captain Marvel is gonna flop
Made 1 billion dollars.
>Dude Endgame is gonna make less than Avatar
Became the highest grossing movie of all time.
>Dude Far From Home is gonna flop
Made 1 billion dollars.
When is Yea Forums going to understand that the MCU is a successful film franchise?
Yea Forums is just filled with bitter incels who think hating popular things will make them seem smart. This board is for nothing but shitposting reddit is unironically better
there will be a slow decline now that the main cast is gone
but yeah it's still profitable
Yeah this. Thor and Doctor Strange will do fine but all the other will not do that well. Phase 5 or whatever is after this current one will rebound though with Fantastic Four, X-Men, and Avengers but I doubt any of these break $2b.
Trump isn't going to take away gay marriage or abortion
if it wasn't for the MSM drumming up hysteria, Trump would have won 2016 in a landslide
But avengers didn't make more adjusted for inflation.
In what sort of clown world would someone like Hillary be popular
Are you retarded? Truly monumental - what the fuck? What sort of piece of shit holds these movies in such an high regard?
of course, but they're claiming they just revised the numbers and voilà, another 8 million at minimum
it's funny how those numbers don't come from the countries that get listed on box office mojo
>Ever since the 2016 election people here have assumed they "know better"
you have to go back. "/pol/ is always right" has been a meme long before fucking donald trump announced he was running for president and every single opinion, about anything, posted on Yea Forums has almost always been full of pompous assuranceness and holier-than-thou attitude since day 1. its nothing new.
>This. To this day it's still a mystery how so many people could be so dumb for such a long time. If it was some old TV celebrity making impossible promises logic dictates someone would have noticed it soon enough and warn the rest but that didn't happen and he won. It was unpredictable. Certainly no one here predicted it in a non-meme way. His victory is still considered magic.
donald trump won the 2016 election the day he announced he was running. the writing was on the wall just as much as it was for obama versuses fucking mccain. anyone with a brain who did not let their personal opinion cloud reality could see it. the only people who couldnt forsee trumps obvious victory were brainlets who believed fake news polls and deluded naive children. didnt even have to be a trump supporter to see it, many liberals knew it was gonna happen, especially by the time hillary cucked bernie out of the nomination.
>All the dems have to do in 2020 is run someone even modestly likable
so you're saying trump has it in the bag
>this. Trump is fucked. /pol/ continuously underestimates how powerful the MSM actually is in setting the narrative.
the MSM is dead. social media is the new king and even as they try to control it, they cant. trump has already won 2020. the dnc has literally no one that can stand a chance, even with vote rigging, social media manipulation, and the fake news dinosaur MSM rooting for them. kim kardashian[R] will be the first female president of the united states in the late 2030s.
Honestly, do people even care about Avatar nowadays? I really REALLY don't see the current millenial crowd caring at all about Avatar 2. I don't even care personally.
It was a movie marketed solely for it's computer generated graphics, which were huge at the time, not for it's story.
The big tentpole era is upon us. Avatar 2 will have no competition. The new 3D is going to be fucking insane. If you have gone on the avatar ride in Disney you know what I am talking about.
Avatar 2 will beat Gone with the Wind. Not because it is a movie; but because it will be a tech exhibition the likes people have never seen and they will love it.
>>Trump is modestly likable
brainlet urban liberal thinks LA and NY = America
Oh and Disney wins.
will marvel fags ever cope? first they've "beaten" dc, then they've "beaten" avatar, yet for how "great" their "movies" are, they can't stop obsessing about the competition, lol
If you love Capeshit so much, then vote for Endgame on Yea Forums's best movie poll.
I hate both movies and think the fact both are the biggest selling movies shows what a bug society we live in.
Not saying some pretentious art house shit should be taking its spot. Just not capeshit that appeals to onions fags or blue people that appeals to onions fags