How convenient.
How convenient
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Will of Eru
>arrives when he said he would
that's just normal polite behaviour.
>no female lead characters
>no male characters getting impaled
downvoted and reported to Reddit
That's karl urban for you.
Look to my coming at first light on the fifth day. At dawn, look to the East.
Kino as fuck
thats literally rape, stop disagreeing with me
this, theres benign forces helping the good guys, although theyre more subtle that the bad ones. just a few sun beams to blind the enemy and BOOM, the uruk-hai are fucked, eat that sauron
>frontal charge into a line of pikemen
they had the high ground
>have bombs
>don't use bombs with catapults
uhhhhmmm tolkien?
There's no farmland near a city the size of the Gondor and neither is there in Rohan. It's like the horse rider materialized out of Jackson's ass.
>one single battle in LotR is better than the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe and it's not even close
What went wrong with Hollywood broes?
>see anything
>think about capeshit
fucking zoomers
Blade has better fights than any Marvel movie in the past ten years has had
A wizard arrives precisely when he means to.
The 'bad' army in LOTR actually had an identity. The audience knew the uruk-hai and what they are capable of.
Meanwhile in Marvel you have a single 'bad guy' controlling a horde of faceless monsters that don't show up for 90% of the movie.
literally ripped off laurence of arabia
the battles in lotr are better than most things before and since, not just the capeshit you're obsessed with.
What they should've done
I keep reading that some people say that the Avengers Assemble charge in Endgame has matched or even surpassed the Ride of the Rohirrim in Rotk
Lets say the lord of the rings as a trilogy was widely available on DVD since 2004.
For a rough estimate I would wager I watched the trilogy at least two-to-three times a year. Again to be conservative lets say 2 per year for now.
= 15 years
x 2 viewings per year, is 30 viewings.
I didn't see Fellowship in cinemas, but I did see Two Towers and Return of the King. So that is 2 more viewings there.
Which makes 32.
To watch the entire trilogy once = 11 hrs 22 minutes.
32 x 11.22hrs = 359.04 = 359 hrs 4 minutes
359 hours = 14 days just shy of 15 days.
15 days of my life spent watching the lord of the rings trilogy. The real number of viewings I'm certain for having watched the whole trilogy is at least 100 times.
No regrets, but I am a bit tired of watching the trilogy alone.
Haven't you seen the movie? They do, but are blinded by the sun and unable to hold.
pikes arent actually dangerous, thats a movie myth. historically you would just cut the metal part off with your sword and they would be stuck with a long wooden stick
>Let's all the girls team up and pose for no reason.
If one thought that hero shot in The Avengers was cringe, this is on a whole new level.
Pikes would spook the horses, there’s no way they would charge head first into them.
thats why they would put metal helmets over their eyes
I take it you have never used a sword.
Imagine seething at this of all things
it's clearly inspired by battle of vienna in which hussars had 6m lances suited for that
lmao why would the build a castle there? can't the orcs just climb up the mountain and rain arrows from above?
>Theoden rides down the battle line hitting everyone's spears with his sword
>none of them break off
What was he trying to accomplish here?
The even randomly remove their helmets
my only issue with the battles in LOTR is that when they they zoom in to aragon or gimli fighting orcs it's usually pretty bad
a camera cut every second, the orcs seemingly not wanting to actually hit the heroes and then dying in one stab to the shoulder
lmao stop watching fantasy capeshit grandpa
Why does Yea Forums constantly hate on Tolkien?
cope harder tranny
most tolkien threads are pretty comfy, bar a few shitposters.
It's clearly to demonstrate that the Rohan lances don't break as easily, idiot.
I haven't seen the film
Well you heard wrong, like very very wrong
Cope with what? RotK alone won like 14 oscars
The people involved in creating the superhero movies went along the lines of "why make an effort when these morbidly obese retards and children will watch this shit anyway".(and that's a good thing)..
>mfw my bro whispers a funny in my ear during a serious/somber occasion
If Eru can do that, why doesn't he do anything else?
Trips of truth, Sarufags BTFO.
it doesn't
Thanks, now I remember the pick for the new Marvel movie.
anyone got a link to watch/torrent return of the king? it's not on netflix
t. retarded faggot
this movie is literally capeshit, how laughable
shouldnt have eaten all that Lembas
You can easily find either by typing in google (duckduckgo, bing, whatever) "LoTR LORD OF THE RINGS 1080P TORRENT" or "WATCH ONLINE".
>Neither retardation nor faggotry is a valid excuse, user: both are ailments which can be worked on and removed with hard work and dedication, it's the state of mind that matters.
>girl asking guy out
literally never happens
>zoomers literally don't know what pirate bay is
>tfw we never see those sexy easterlings fight
those 1.1 seconds during the charging of the gate dont count
Happened to me and I still fucked up
it almost exclusively happens that way to me
God was on their side, you heathen.
Bitter GoT fags. Last season and fatboy not getting anywhere with the books sent them over the edge
You can safely ignore the existence of those people. They'll never offer an opinion worth listening to anyway.
Did you even watch the movie?
memes aside, pulling his sword and smacking the lances with it was ad-libbed by the actor.
>tfw you'll never participate in a sword day, a red day, ere the sun rises
Retards keep paying for watered down capeshit.
>see this in theaters with a girl
>realize what's coming as soon as iron man is revealed to be iron woman
How did y'all find the Tolkien movie? They left out his faith, besides that it was ok
so if elves were God's chosen people and the ruling elite, does that make them the jews?
if Eru can will that. Why doesn't he just will everything else too? Shitty fucking story telling
In the books a huge ent tree herd destroys the vast majority of the orcs
The only reason this wasn't included is because it'd make the attack on Isengard seem repetitive, since the ride of the rohirrim which is a very similar scene is in the third movie
>I was there when the strength of men failed
>did absolutely nothing
It's called strategy you mong. You're sopposed to consider potential advantages like weather and environment before you go into battle.
>fighting pikes with a sword
Are you retarded?
the hourns are in the extended cut.
He brought gandalf back to life, thats fairly significant. But to answer your question he does but its more sutble. For example Gandalf has a “chance” meeting with Thorin at the prancing pony which ends up with a dead dragon that would have ended up at the service of sauron otherwise. The hobbits being taken to isengard were like “the pebbles that started the falling of an avalance.” Its told in the silmarillion that erus will is harmonious like a song, and if you “play his tune” then things just sort of work out. This is also true for real life.
He does Will everything. The Ages of the earth are his Will Made manifest.
Gandalf literally tells them "expect my coming on the 5th day." Along with him using his Angelic light of his staff and rising sun to blind the orcs.
No, user: it has never happened *to you*. But that's because you're ugly.
Trust me, if you're even just average then you'll get a few girls to ask you out once they realize how fucking autistic you are.
kys zoomer
its better if you are on horseback too to outrun the spike
What the fuck
Gandalf: "when the sun rises on the fifth day"
god, i hate nerds
Half my GFS started talking to me first because they liked me.
But what was his tax policy?
god comic book movies are so fucking gay
Incredible scene.
All my gf,s asked me out
The last one even pressured to have sex before asking me out
It's nice being a filthy normie
The doesn't really make you a normie it just means you're spineless and easy to manipulate
I've never claimed otherwise
>It's nice being a filthy normie
>I've never claimed otherwise
Add bipolar to the list
He literally does everything, it's been his plan since before existance began.
Imagine being this obsessed with the MCU.
Eru is like a musician, or rather a conductor. Melkor played a discordant note. But yhe show must go on. Rather than dropping the instruments and shouting out to the audience "OOPS MY BAD," Eru rolls with the punches. He weaves the discord into his song in a way that makes it even more beautiful than ever before.
Wtf i love god now
The cavalry charge in the pelennor fields was actually heavily choreographed off of the film waterloo.
what did tolkien mean by this?
They were.
Like everything else their majesty has been fading as more patricians depart for the undying lands.
best scene in movie history, get goosebumps everytime I see it
I threw up in my mouth when i saw this fucking shitshow scene.
jesus christ disney
quite accurate
>sauron was so strong because he...can make a few men go flying back with one hit!
good job hackson
why didn't they just get all the elf archers to shoot sauron in the face?
how did they not see a 12 foot guy marching up to their lines?