does Yea Forums have 3x3 threads?
Does Yea Forums have 3x3 threads?
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Bumping while I make mine
yeah as you can see im quite the cinephile
The funny thing about this image is that anime is the last thing someone with good taste would be watching.
Lotgh, texhnolyze, flcl, berserk, mushishi, tatami, eva, NHK...what’s top left???
Lain obviously
how the fuck do you not know
it's much more popular than most there
it's okay
Yes, anime is cringe
fuck that saul image turned out bad
now i have to fucking redo it
dont worry nobody cares about your shit opinons enough
fucking awful
well fuck you too faggot
kill yourself
you know you call this bait but 90% of 3x3 threads are filled with charts like that unironically
Tell me which website
the quintessential spreekiller-core
I'd swap inception for Falling Down though
post 3x3
Yes but you can only post random screen caps from the film to prevent newfags from getting sauce.
Imagine being so mad at the “anime can’t be kin-“ poster that you made this
Most of those movies are good but it's a shit favorites list
I feel mine isn't pretentious enough to be part of the pesudo-patrician circlejerk
>“anime can’t be kin-“ poster
gonna need a quick rundown
Akira is
fuck akira it sucked
5.5/10 at best
>making a 3x3 list without the names of the films
nothing more pretentious than this
Absolutely pathetic taste
But user, all you have to do is ask and I'll tell you all of them :) plus it looks way prettier with no words
God Akira is a beautiful movie
sure why the fuck not
they're all recognisable films which is the funniest part
imagine being that pretentious over taste so basic
If you recognize all of them, why do you need them named?
Anything Satoshi Kon has even looked at is infintly better
so is Angels Egg and gits
We only do greentext lists of nine things we like. Keeping with the theme of anime from the OP:
>Code Geass
>Boku no Hero
>YuYu Hakusho
I’m what you would call an everyman.
i don't and i didn't ask you to
you said you didn't feel you were being pretentious enough but i'm assuring you that you are
Texh did it better
here's one I made a little while ago
sorry it's not very obscure, although not all shots are easily recognizable I guess
are you triggered yet?
Don't know any of these, looks kino.
if you're going to be pretentious at least have good taste
laugh all you want I am used to it
It has nothing to do with that poster. It comes from Yea Forums's 3x3 threads.
I recognize that Angelo picture from a .webm I've seen, very good director based on that; I should finish one of his films someday.
Is #4 what? I think I've seen it.
you got it backwards my guy, i'm not at all pretentious and I have great taste
Yeah, the manga is so much better, the movie is a 5.5/10 when you compare it whit the master piece that is the manga
It's fine. If you get rid of akira it will get exponentially better. What's top right?
pre-code is k i n g.
yeah, that's from Landscape in the Mist.
#4 is The American Friend
Pretty good
>I’m what you would call an everyman.
I think it's closer to faggot but okay
>an everyman
more like a shonenfag
> The American Friend
I was about to say that, because I recognized the color grading/palette. I actually haven't seen it either, only fast forwarded through the file once.
Because it doesn’t look like her at all
I wasn't going to. Then I saw HxH. You are beyond saving user I'm sorry.
Fake and gay
based and massive brainpilled
it's great. might actually be my favorite from Wenders.
I was going to put no country for old men first but I wanted to include at least one anime. I remembered Akira after and was too lazy too change. HxH isn't bad anyway.
Bear suit
should have made the eyes bigger and showed the hair though
>dude im going to take random unrecognisable screencaps from random black and white films look what a patrician cinephile i am do i fit in yet guys?
You look like an honest man
I don't think so user
Webster defines "pretentious" as "expressive of affected, unwarranted, or exaggerated importance, worth, or stature." I make no such claim, explicit or implicit. I even presnted my tasts as being rather basic (something you decried me for.) No, the only pretentious one here... is you.
>do i fit in yet guys?
Yea Forums only cares about capeshit. That's not how you fit in here.
>Don't know any of these
Ikiru, Kung fu hustle, limelight, underground, werkmeister harmonies, the traveling players, a lullaby to the sorrowful mistery, andrej rublev, 8 1/2
you're trying to impress other pretentious idiots
if you were truly not pretentious you would make you 3x3 instantly recognizable in order to expose other people to your "favourites" and share what you love
instead you want to farm ego points with the other self-important fags on this board
We used to have them fairly often, haven't seen one in ages
What are top right and bottom left supposed to be?
cry more, retard
yeah you know i'm right
>does Yea Forums have 3x3 threads?
I wish it did, because it would be fun to make a parody image like in Yea Forums or Yea Forums
I guess the circlejerk would not be worth it though
sterotype me Yea Forums
thanks fren
texhnolyze and tatami galaxy
keep replying with how butthurt you are
you can make a parady
they uselly have tarantino shit and stuff like inception and memento and through is some old black and white garbage
>you would make you 3x3 instantly recognizable
You're contradicting yourself, my friend. You previously claimed "they're all recognisable films." I was under the same impression. Besides, if anyone wasn't familiar with any of them, they could simply reply to my chart asking me and I'd gladly tell them, perhaps sparking a conversation about the film.
There's no need for such harsh words.
Anti-anime people are tasteless, low IQ and uneducated.
Kinolyz and shitami galaxy
>if you were truly not pretentious you would make you 3x3 instantly recognizable in order to expose other people to your "favourites" and share what you love
only way to make them all instantly recognizable is to use the posters, and that's boring
there is also an aesthetic element at play in these threads
as long as the poster is willing to tell you what those films are there is no gatekeeping. you are just insecure because you can't recognize them
Picture related is the parody you complete and utter newfag meme hustings bane tourist
Real talk, if you can't name all nine of those you do not have opinions about anime that matter.
you can easily spark a conversation by just doing a list like this but thats not what it's about for you, you want to leverage film knowledge against others as some kind of sad ego play which is just pathetic, especially on an anonymous imageboard.
and yes, those films are recognizable but they're recognizable to me not everyone and you shouldn't assume so
If three shots of Dietrich's face is unrecognizable to you, it's most likely because you've never seen any of her films.
Based 16 year old user
but so are the people that like mha and capeshit
you got them mixed up
What's the cartoon on the bottom middle?
ITT terrible entry level taste.
triplets of belleville
all right I'm going to do it
whats the one with hardy?
Perhaps, but again, I perfer the look of my own chart above the ugly poster version. Part of the fun of making a 3x3 is going through the film and finding a single, 4x3 frame that perfectly sunmerizes the film. This processes can be immensely gratifying in deepening your understanding of the film.
what's papillon like? i haven't seen many mcqueen movies
is that la haine in the middle?
Pickle rickle
>it's not good unless it's old obscure garbage
you don't actually like half the stuff on that list
post your real one
(not the poster btw)
what did he mean by this?
clearly you're intensely butthurt, and i have nothing to be butthurt about
Go back to your steve/v/mre threads, tasteless imdb drone.
go back
this is why Yea Forums can't have nice things
keep it up
Really good, what else should I say? Just watch it, you won't regret it.
McQueen is really underrated/undermemed actor. Everyone knows Harry Callahan, but nobody cares about Frank Bullit.
I suppose he died too young.
based greep poster
good moobie
no cuz then people would make fun of me
why are you so upset? it's not healthy for you to be this upset, user
yes keep telling me over and over how not butthurt you are really proves me wrong
I had really mixed feeling on La Haine
i'm not sure what i thought of it
what is it, user? did you have a really bad day or are you always this butthurt over nothing?
keep it up man
Top right is Knight of Cups. And no, Akira is a masterpiece and one of the greatest animated films ever made.
i will user, are you shaking yet?
no im quite enjoying your little show
>fat mac
based as fuck
it's just eyecandy
I get that film is a visual medium so that's one of the best thing you can say about a movie, but come on we are talking about 9 favorites, you gotta have something less shallow
Name all these please
Each one of them is easily recognizable come on
> Dishonored / The Scarlet Empress / Morocco (all three are Dietrich films with Sternberg)
> Farewell to Arms / The Most Dangerous Game / All Quiet on the Western Front
> Public Enemy / I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang / Counsellor at Law
A 3x3 isn't about being deep. It's about your favourites. Your REAL favourites. Or it should be, at least.
>it's just eyecandy
You couldn't be more wrong user. It's a wonderful film.
i'm sure you are, user. how about you go make a 3x3 to calm your nerves?
p&p cummin thru and bypassing the thread and have fun
>breaking bad
>breaking bad prequel
>2 anime movies
its much simpler and more entertaining to watch you continue to pretend you aren't butthurt
That's actually a pretty good 3X3
why are you projecting, user? you shouldn't get this excited over replies on Yea Forums
Honestly I sincerely want to like anime but I find hard to get into 90% of them, like they always have to insert their japanese weirdness in perfectly fine serious stories.
I started watching Vinland Saga because a friend recommended it to me and every episode I was hoping they didn't include a scene where Thorfinn suddenly fell on some girl tits or became all super deformed for comic effect.
haven’t seen the Wrestler but the rest are all good movies.
I’m the type of unoriginal fag that would put The Godfather in my top 3 though.
yes thats right keep on replying im still not convinced yet
Watch Kaiji. Best anime out there
that's what I am advocating for
I can't for the life of me imagine how someone could have akira as a favorite, since besides the admittedly amazing visuals it is a structural mess and a complete void when it comes to morals or higher meaning
I totally get why the others may be favorites for someone, but no akira
Why would you watch that trash when you haven't even mastered film beyond imdb dogshit like most of this thread is putting on their images?
creep needs more love
> void when it comes to morals
you are trying to insert degenerate liberal enlightment values on a superior culture, fuck off with that shit.
thanks, I have only seen one. guess I am missing a lot
>The Cat in the Hat
if you get rid of Flcl NHK and Tatami Galaxy then yeah
nobody is saying it's not good (even though I personally hate texhnolyze and have major issues with nhk)
it's just that it is boring and samey
What are the movies on the bottom?
I just binged a lot of 20 to 50s Hollywood last summer, fell in love with pre-code and film noirs from those eras. Try pic. related to, called 'Sweet Smell of Success' my favorite film noir.
politically speaking I'm as right wing as it gets
stop projecting and try watching something that's not just mindless entertainment
you can do better than this
hell everyone deserves better than akira
Great taste
Id post the webm I made of that scene but that would require me to get out of bed.
it is a great movie, the sequel was pretty good too. a good example of when found footage goes right.
Not that poster, but
House that Jack Built,
Dragged Across Concrete
DAC is the best imho.
Evil John Ford.
Sweet Smell has some of the best one liners in cinema
>The cats in the bag and the bag's in the river
oh that one I've seen. it is very good indeed
Jesus christ. Freshman filmschool core.
these aren't very popular on Yea Forums. This board has no sticky. It's a very volatile board. A year ago Yea Forums hated Emilia Clarke. Now she's /ourgirl/. The only thing that motivated Yea Forums was baneposting.
>They don't like my shitty entry-level hogwash, they must be pseuds!!!
In fact i'd say the average superhero fan and the average TWBB fanboy share a lot of common thought. You plebeian retards are adorable. The best part is, people who like TWBB, actually think they have taste .
(Left to right)
The House that Jack Built (Von Trier)
Dragged Across Concrete ( Zahler)
Prisoners (Vilenuve)
Which movies are 1, 3, and 4 from?
Also, is 9 from Rosemary's Baby?
this grid reeks of underage edgy incel
I kinda dig it
it just strikes me as an odd entry
any particular reason/lifestory why is it there?
>the cat in the hat
it's disturbingly uncanny valley
TWBB is a great movie though, just because it's mainstream dosen't make it shit
I didn't even look at your image. I called you a pseud because you're a tryhard faggot that thinks he's cool because he shits on people that actually like movies instead of using them as a dick measuring contest.
I think i might have liked the sequel better
the numale kind of deserved it i mean he let him kill him
upload it later please i lost my webm and can't find another
Partly nostalgia, mostly I just feel it's very underrated.
Those are all good films but I think you should watch more pre-2000s films before you pick ypur favorites
fine I’ll watch DAC tonight
thanks for the rec
Burt Lancaster is amazing in that film.
Have you seen the big classics like 'Big Sleep' and 'Big Combo' or 'Casablanca'?
As far as it comes to my personal favorites I'd recommend
> Out of the Past
> In A Lonely Place
the garbage you like is just as bad as capeshit
TWBB is a film that plebeians flock to in awe, because they are nearly completely underexposed to cinema.
It is a film which exposes the tasteless, time after time.
>videogame imagery
Here's why these threads aren't made anymore on Yea Forums OP or anyone wondering. The children of Yea Forumseddit infected Yea Forums through bane, capeshit and star wars7.
1-Muholland Dr
3- Knight of Cups
4- Valerie and her Week of Wonders
and yeah, that's Rosemary's Baby.
What are some movies that I need to watch to become a patrician?
Note that this thread was set to autosage too. The one behind killing old Yea Forums and infecting it with these imdb Yea Forums redditors hated being called a pleb.
I just remembered that 4plebs is a thing.
Only one I have not seen is big combo
All the others were either fine or good, but honestly I can't say it is a genre I am very fond of overall
Big sleep in particular was painful to sit through
not him but despite all the flack it gets Cat in the Hat is a pretty solid movie with amazing production design and some very funny moments
am I autistic or is youtube kino?
this thread was actually set to autosage.
lmao why
because OP is bit bait-y?
>James is solely a videogame reference
His movie reviews and commentary is the only reason he is still relevant
anything that's not from hollywood
Man I enjoy Big Sleep a lot, that, Inherent Vice and Chinatown pretty much have the "noirspiracy" aspect perfected which I love. Wish there were more of them.
I think Cat in the Hat gets a bad wrap. It's kinda hard to adapt a 10 page book with little content and thematic through-line. It's funny, I enjoy this childrens movie more as an adult now I can understand the humor
thanks fren
>lmao why
>The one behind killing old Yea Forums and infecting it with these imdb Yea Forums redditors hated being called a pleb.
whats middle right
>this thread was actually set to autosage.
>Evil Dead 2
Is this a direct sequel or a reboot? I've heard that it retells most of the original
need to make room for more capeshit
It's a sequel, it just recaps the plot of the first one
Because plebs like and all his Yea Forums buddies get butthurt when confronted by classic patricians Yea Forums ideals
>The cats in the bag and the bag's in the river
that's a great line indeed
I guess I'll watch it this evening
last proper noir I've seen was Sunset Blvd. few years back
i wish capeshit would die
Yea Forums was so good before game of reddit and capeshit
God forbid that we discuss Television and Film for once, right Yea Forums?