RIP Orville
RIP Orville
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>2 months
This is why nepotism policies and bans on inter-office dating exist in businesses.
>getting married
>getting married in 2019
>getting married in 2019 in america
>getting married in 2019 in america to a white woman
>Just hurry up and give me all your money hahaha!
used to be against it then i witnessed the first office break up at my workplace and understood why there is such a policy
you dont shit where you eat
>getting married in 2019 in america to a white woman in california
lmao he really is steve
How did this retard score Palicki
Lmao what you gonna do now Seth ya pussyo. You've already chased away one main cast member, now you could well lose two more.
>gf pregnant says we need to get married
>say i dont want to get married we can be a family without it
>gf gets mad says we need to its tradition
>say if we were traditional we wouldnt have fucked pre marriage
>gf gets madder says the kid needs a father
>say it has one
>gf says its safer for the kid if were are married legal wise so that i am officially the father on record
>say that there is no way a guy can escape fatherhood in 2016 (was back then)
>gf gets madder and says some shit among the lines of i am glad its not yours
>break up on the spot and move out the next day
>cunt names me as father anyway but i dont sign the birth certificate
>shit hits the fan literally a court ordered dna test
>its not mine
thanks for reading my blog
my life is only hookers and Yea Forums now
His singing voice.
she's a solid 7
>imagine spending your time and energy on a roastie ready to be fucked casually by chads as soon as she thinks she is neglected.
Men deserve to be cuckolds.
>court ordered dna test
I wish someone fucked me...
What did the gf do after the court
Back in line private bullshit
Marriage provides no benifits for a man only an idiot would buy the cow when the milk is free. Plus if you want to fuck women over 30 you are a loser and thats a fact.
cry and revealed she fucked some random guy in a club toilet when celebrating her best friends 30th birthday
All women should be euthanized after their 30th birthday.
Nepotism and cronyism are rampant in business though, the vast majority of people who are hired are done so through connections and not from an interview
Based. Fuck roasties
i had that too, not mine btw.
Join me in the friendzone, Scott.
So she gets half of his American Dad!/Orville money?
millennial women really are scary i dont know any woman in her 30s whos married or has children except for "fur babies"
Marriage is an absolute fucking trap. There are ZERO benefits for a man to be married nowadays.
Good she was pretty shit and got too skinny
Thicc s1 pilot Kelly was good skinny one sucks
Whose character should Seth kill off?
childish men can't create a human family
Bros before hoes, and she cucked him with Rob Lowe.
Nah man, I'm trying to get a visa.
A roastie is a roastie. Gingercuck should have known better.
All of them.
The Moclans have the right idea.
I'm glad people stopped pretending to like Orville in order to spite STD (which is a colossal piece of shit as well).
You're saying we should surgically give all of our women penises?
yes good goy
don't get married
Man, good Star Trek really isn't allowed to exist. Maybe it's for the best.
Wasn't she married to one of the Supernatural actors?
He gets half her Friday Night Lights money.
bullshit story. all she has to do is show that you took on a fatherly role. did you sign the birth cert? were you involved in the child's life supporting it and the mother? if so, she could EASILY get child support with even the most incompetent family law attorney. LOL at men who think getting cucked will get them off the hook.
>i dont know any woman in her 30s whos married or has children except for "fur babies"
where can i find one of these used roasties to court
Yes, good goy. Lawyer Shekelberg needs to make a living!
Oh fuck have they even started filming season 3 yet? This is gonna be a treat.
Why are they getting a divorce? This sounds like an American Dad episode come to life.
satisfying fanfic
> a liberal white woman
There fixed that part for you
Steve dated a Hailey? Why didn't he go after Francine?
>claims bullshit
>asks questions already answered in the story
>doesn't even know in what country the story takes place
Sounds like the plot to the damn pilot episode.
>You will never star in the Orville and be assigned a coworker gf
Do any of the Krill outriders attacking @CommanderBortus for having policy differences from the Krill Empire realise that he's not actually a Krill politician? He is a Moclan, which is, you know, different…
That's another word for bullshit
You know what, Ed, you want Social Justice, fine, I also want Social Justice.
I want Social Justice for the 140000 girls raped in Dannkur Province on Planet Dann and I want you to admit they were men of human heritage that did it.
I want Social Justice for the women who have been raped in the Krill DMZ by human men in ever increasing numbers since the mid 2400's when they relaxed their immigration policy.
I want Social Justice for all the Retepsian women who were sold into slavery by their own country men (IE Retepsians) and that those Retepsian planets involved to send repatriation money for doing so.
I want Social Justice for all the Dannian families who suffered inhumane and brutal suffering of the Horbalak pirates and I think they should be paid repatriations.
This is the whole entire thing about "Social Justice" and that is you are forcing Dannian people to hate themselves for something that every, and I mean absolutely EVERY other race has committed, the only difference is we did it more efficiently and we were smart enough to actually use the injustice to actually advance our society.
Social Justice is basically a code phrase for "We fucked our planet when we ran out the Dannians and now that everything is going to shit you should pay for it, even though you brought us technology and civilization and a better standard of living."
That's another word for cuckoldry.
That's another word for Chuck.
what's the difference? they are all spooky aliens
I didn't even know they were a couple. Wow, this dude was dating way out of his league, guess she came to her senses rather quickly.
She's a 35 year old roastie. She was lucky to have him. He'll be able to upgrade easily.
unless he gets JUSTd
Good ol' Grimey
Yeah dude, she sure was lucky to have a 48 years old ugly manlet nobody by her side
Had a successful life have you? Peasant.