Will there ever be such a thing as 2010s movie nostalgia? If so, what will it consist of...

Will there ever be such a thing as 2010s movie nostalgia? If so, what will it consist of? What are some defining characteristics of movies of this decade?

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The Golden era is behind us user
At best we get ok movies
Everyone turns on TV series now anyway


> Vanessa Hamilton
>Remember replaying this scene OVER AND OVER when i was younger. LOL.

>What are some defining characteristics of movies of this decade?
Overly dramatic whisper-talking

the same thing was said about the 00s, and look where we are now. But I'm struggling to think of a good movie I've seen that had a wide release in the last few years. Maybe Nightcrawler.
I guarantee you most of the nostalgia will be about superhero movies

Really loud music and really quiet dialogue so you're constantly fucking around with the volume.

seeing how hollywood is retroactively destroying everything i dont think theres anything left to be nostalgic about

if i had to think hard the only movie series that hasnt been destroyed that i liked are the back to the future movies and i am sure that there is a script on some jews desk out there for a reboot

Rovert Zemeckis won’t let it happen while he’s still alive

i wanna fuck kristen wiig

Yeah we'll forget about the shit movies and only remember the good ones that become cult classics like Blade Runner 2049

ironic fourth wall quirky and sassy humour

All those shitty DC films will be completely redeemed by the generation coming up because even though they're dog shit - they are self-contained stories.

The Marvel films are too dependent on each other. They don't make sense in isolation.

Then again, the Back to the Future films are super popular even though they have the same issue.

Why is this still happening? It's fucking annoying and I have to set the volume to such a ridiculous setting to just hear dialogue that I'm genuinely preferring putting on subtitles so that I don't have to risk my hearing just to hear some badly written dialogue.


this is what usually happens. people pretend that the past was so much better, rewatching the top50 movies from the 80s, but there is so much crap that no one talks about


>good ones
>after 2003

Avengers reboot

prove me wrong then, pussy

>destroying everything i dont think theres anything left to be nostalgic about
fucking good, it's a retarded way to move forward, but I'll take it

Not him and I'm a boomer and I see 0 difference in average quality between 1990s and now. The average has always been trash. As a rule of thumb 90% of everything is absolute garbage. We only remember the 10% though in nostalgia. And maybe one or two particularly bad movies stick out in memory,.

John wick when it was good

If you like remakes unironically kill yourself

>I see 0 difference
sorry for you

Mostly niggers and strong roasties

>I see 0 difference in average quality between 1990s and now.
>ace ventura
>the mask
>fight club
>the matrix
>home alone
>pulp fiction
>good will hunting
>terminator fucking 2
>gorundhog day
>starship troopers

>the same quality as this decade

worst troll ive ever seen

Yeah wtf is this? I hate it

Superhero movies are modern sratwars, kids grows up watching them.

this, just compare the Oscar winners, I can't be bothered to watch the last twelve

Yes and you can make similar lists of movies in 2000s and 2010s. Again you only remember the top 10%

I am laughing at you zoomer faggots because the SJW movement in the 1990s was actually worse and more extreme than nowadays.

It was considered racist to call someone "black" and even implying someone's race was considered taboo. The drag queen movement was started and they had movements about every should dress like a girl to awake their feminine sides inside etc.

The current climate is only a fraction of the SJW shit of the 1990s. Movies were FILLED with SJW bullshit pandering but you all forgot about them because those aren't remembered and you are zoomers that never experienced anything from that time.

Do you guys even know how shit the 1980s and 1990s were? How much fucking crime, literal militias and gangs were on the streets burning houses down? 2019 is a fucking global utopia compared with those ages. But you're all zoomer losers and will whine no matter how good your life is.


you can make a list of 'good' movies for the 2010s, but few if any will be considered a classic.

I remembered the South Park episode where Cartman pretends to be a cardboard robot and a movie studio hires him to shit out movie ideas. They are thrilled at every stupid shit he comes up with. I don't know man, the industry became too oriented on earnings. I don't wanna sound contrarian, but look at the Avengers and its spinoffs. Everything is built to shit money. Huge teams of people concentrating on what people like, what will make them come to the cinema. Everything is shiny and dull in its consistency. I feel like we're under a microscope by some massive AI that is just trying to figure our the perfect repeatable formula. The movies feel sterilized. Pump out a movie pump out a movie pump out a movie. With Avengers, they figured out what people want to see, and they are very successful. But it reminds me of the shady youtube channels that have algorithm generated videos with spiderman and elza where everyone is pregnant and having a picnic when someone comes and injects sleeping formula into their necks. Millions of views, because the algorithm figured what makes three year old brains purr.

There are still great movies coming out, but the mainstream production became devoid of any soul. I could talk for an hour about why I like this short puppet movie: youtube.com/watch?v=3p20NpC6Ty0
I ask anyone who like the Avengers what he likes about it, the only thing they can talk about is how X is fast and Y did magic thing and Z travelled through time. It boils down to "idk it's fun".

Remember how Star Wars was the shit when it was coming out in the '77. Lucas was inspired by The hero with thousand faces, which tackles the monomyth and its presence in the human soul. There are multiple layers to the original trilogy and it has some substance value to it. It's mythological. What can you say about popular franchizes now?

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No,. the 70s and 80s had the John Hughes coming of age type film, the Vacations, the raunchy teen movies, Rocky and even more. All of these and more have been given reboots, remakes, throwbacks and sequels in the past 9 years. The 2010s do not have an identity.

nice attempt at revisionist history but this is horseshit and anyone who watches movies and tv from the 80s/90s will feel immediately relieved at the lack of cultural enrichment they have

nigga, find us the same movies with jokes like this in 2010's

I’d imagine it’ll be similar to when people are nostalgic about boy bands or shitty 90s rock but realize it’s cringe as fuck. Like “zomg I used to love this lulz”

I don't think there'll be much there for movie nostalgia, maybe the super hero movies and the big budget flicks they try and push.

I see a lot more of a market for TV show nostalgia in the 2010s than I do movies and stuff that'll stand up a little more through time.


sometimes it really do be like that though.

almost like the point of this thread, huh?

>The 2010s do not have an identity.
They do, it's cape films. They've never ben this densely packed before.

Nah, there's plenty of good shit in the 2010s, but there won't be much for Hollywood to mine from compared to last few decades of the 20th century.

Are you saying it's not?

he has no argument. He's just responding with a non-sequitur because his progressive world view was indirectly threatened.

>neon/gel lights
>every single trailer opening with that same "brrrrr" or the single piano key
>girls wearing yoga pants and brassieres
>instagram in general

So basically just a stupider but much more aesthetically clean version of the 80s

>what is the Mask?

>even though they're dog shit

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So literally every user on this site?

if you cant tell the difference between evidence supported arguments and shitposts then you may prefer a site like reddit.com

Nigger are you serious? South park was a direct answer to the SJW time of the 1990s and marks the end of that time.

Holy shit I can't believe I'm on such a zoomer site now that no one here even remembers the SJW horrors of the 90s where calling someone black could get you fired.

That craze started in the 00s, you could even argue it started with Donner's Superman or Burton's Batman. Besides once audiences get tired of them they'll sit along side westerns, one or two will occasionally come along and grab their attention.

>evidence supported arguments
>aka when I say it, then it's right
>but if you show me articles/stats that disagree with what I said then you're using biased publications and don't get it

>Will there ever be such a thing as 2010s movie nostalgia?
Yes. Think of 80s movie nostalgia now, but add more superheroes and gel lights

not one of you have even suggested a single movie that comes close, the only thing anyone has said so far is 'capeshit'


>That craze started in the 00s, you could even argue it started with Donner's Superman or Burton's Batman.
I'm not talking about its origins, I'm talking about the defining films of this decade. I'm talking about how the number of superhero films each year are beyond what they ever were in those eras, and are more financially successful and prominent at the front of what Hollywood produces than ever. When people look back on the '10s, it's those movies they'll remember for better or worse.

2010s movie will be the nostalgia for diversity done wrong.

No. It will be youtuber nostalgia and social app nostalgia.

We're no different

Cool, please share these lists. I would love to watch 10+ movies from each of those decades that are as well made and classic as the 12 listed for the 90s.

Not that user, but I am going to try and name some, I have a terrible memory.

The act of killing
First Man
Paddington 2
Lego movie
Under the skin
Mad Max: fury road
Baby driver
The Raid
Hardcore Henry
La grande bellezza
Il traditore

There's many genres I am missing out though, and foreign movies too.

the fact that there are people who feel nostalgic for live action Nickelodeon turds from the 2000s-2010s makes me think yes.

>back to the future
Guessing here: it's only because nobody found a non retarded way to have the black Martina McFly going around in the white 50s without coming up with a totally different movie.

excep the 10% top 10s movies are mediocre to shit

Gorruhoundu day is my favorite anime too.

>there's plenty of good shit in the 2010s,

prove the opposite, faggot

>What are some defining characteristics of movies of this decade?
uninspired ad-libbing that goes on for way too long. kind of hard to create memorable lines for your characters when they're all speaking over one another and repeating themselves

Probably nostalgia about the music popular nowadays. Like a kanye west biopic or lil wayne. Maybe some EDM festival shit. Also my guess they do movies about the inner workings of the white house during the Trump presidency to make him look bad for future generations.

>modern sratwars
in term of mass appeal yes
in term of quality fuck no

Things people will remember froms 2010s are
>Fuck niggers
>Fuck jannies

>calling someone black could get you fired
That's funny cause now SJWs are back to calling black people colored, I'm not sure which is worse.

The 2010s are the decade without comedy. Every comedy I've seen has been trash. There's a lot of movies that have comedy elements that do well but most of them are adventure or action movies.

female ghost busters type movies
mumble rap that once you arent on falling asleep drugs you realize sucks ass
and president trump

no i do not think the 2010s will have much of a nostalgia culture not every decade does, the 70s get jumped over for 60s and 80s nostalgia all the time for a reason.

Thats only currently. The 70s had an entire show about it that went 7 seasons

If Trump gets reelected he will define most of the next decade as well. Hopefully all the culture war and SJW shit will die down so we can have a nice decade.

2010s will go down in history as a decade of virtue signalling corporate garbage. People will look back and say "this is were it went wrong"

Get receiver that downmix 5.1 into stereo or get 5.1 audiosystem. You are missing part of the sound.

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>Will there ever be such a thing as 2010s movie nostalgia?

I seriously doubt it. Every movie and piece of entertainment in general in this decade has been absolute irredeemable shit, and furthermore it's all been shit in a way that's not charmingly dumb or amusingly queer or in any way notable other than for being annoying. How would you even describe 2010s culture other than a bunch of weirdos harassing regular people?

trumps part of the problem though he causes a backlash of SJW shit and has them pushing even harder, reparations for slavery is a seriously talked about political subject right now. Both sides have gone off the deep end and its why along side movies/music/culture etc... politics is shit right now too.

"weirdos harassing regular people" is a great way to describe things right now, its either SJW trannies screeching about some new topic they decided to be pissed about, face tattooed drugged out of their mind "rappers" from middle class families being as ridiculous as possible to try and gain "street cred" which is now just be more crazy and stupid than anyone else, maga hat wearing literal racist rednecks who feel empowered to speak their minds suddenly like the racist uncle at the 4th of july picnics opinion is suddenly real smart politics and then the rest of us just standing around in shock things have gotten this bad.

Don't worry, all things will be better after Civil War II.

>no i do not think the 2010s will have much of a nostalgia culture
That’s what they said about every decade
>the 70s get jumped over for 60s and 80s nostalgia all the time for a reason.
Nigger are you retarded? Underage faggot detected.

If you think the world hasn't always been this fucked since the dawn of civilization you need to come back when you're older and go outside more

It hasn't. I lived in the 80's, 90's and 00's and all of those decades made a shitload more sense than this one. This one is way worse than usual.

Everything gets worse every year, so even if 2010 movies and TV shows are mostly absolute shit, they will look like kino of the highest order compared to stuff from 2050.

Thats you just being old

Fucking this. Goddamn I fucking hate this. FUCK

>Superhero movies are modern sratwars, kids grows up watching them.
kids don't care like did moron
these new movies will end up in a goodwill bin and be forgotten like 1970s superhero movies

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Most of that is complete shit.

>what will it consist of?
capeshit, obviously. capeshit has dominated the entirety of the 2010s.

nearly all of those movies are garbage.

>First Man
boomer trash nobody saw
mediocre >Paddington 2
forgotten >Lego movie
10 movies of commercials
>Under the skin
forgotten murder porn
>Mad Max: fury road
absolutely trash, rehash trash
>Baby driver
forgotten >The Raid
forgotten weeb shit
>Hardcore Henry
forgotten camera effect movies
>La grande bellezza
>Il traditore
buried forgotten art house r

My guess? People will pine for remakes/reboots/sequels that are better than the remakes/reboots/sequels we will see in the future. We're in a downward spiral, and the stairs lead down in both directions, despite the occasional glimmer of hope we see every now and then.

Literally impossible because everything from this decade was just reboots of shit that already existed.

I don't think you understand what nostalgia means
Ask yourself if there is people on the 2010s who are at their early teens and you got your answer right there
every fucking era has nostalgia for it because people lived in it and form their personality on that particular time
is not that hard to comprehend

Drive and Prometheus you stupid piece of shit

People will remember the good/fun movies like Equilibrium or Lavalantula. Most will be remembered as a low for the medium.

the bargain bin at walmart.

Gremlins and Neverending Story. I actually had to check in case they made some godawful reboot that I just forgot about

This and Fury Road are the only really memorable films of this decade

>What are some defining characteristics of movies of this decade?

Virtue signaling. Dude, white people bad, POC good.

older music was proven to be better then the current trash that's out now so how would it be so far fetched that the same could be said about movies? World war 2 created great people who made amazing things, Now we live in easy times so we have weak people that create weak mediocre things.