And then he said he doesn't have Netflix

>and then he said he doesn't have Netflix

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based brynn

My ex looks like the brunette

>and then he said nothing because he's below 6/10 so we literally could not see him

Tbh I'm from South Europe and there are now piracy laws whatsoever here, makes Netflix useless

How's that $17 billion loss taste, shill?

i am greek

>he literally opened up a black and white picture of some jacked dude on his phone and said "I took the piracypill"

I'm Italian
High five, fuck those paying subscription faggets

Pay denbts

Why yes, I do make debt jokes about Greece how did you know?

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>imagine willfully paying for a service to stream subpar original shows filled to the brim with leftist propaganda and social engineering.

>2010 meme

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Fellow pastanigger here, does Italy not have piracy laws?

It's surreal to me. I mean, it's not like they have some obscure shows or movies you can't get anywhere else. You can pirate all that shit.

I'm browsing pirate bay freely
Download torrents longer than I can recall, never had any trouble

Dead meme.

So your ex was constantly looking away from you?

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>want to get Netflix for my parents
>barely anything in the library has Croatian subtitles

I'm better off just pirating and finding subs online.

fuck croatia and fuck you too

serbia > croatia

you can do that in america literally no one stopping you

In France they just send you a letter telling you to stop or else... but they legally can't do shit