What are some Lynchian films?
What are some Lynchian films?
>old bitch taking the insurance dive
Kenshiro is not fucking around.
Not lynchian at all looks like a anime
Pai Mei taught you the five point palm exploding heart technique?
>guy goes to help the younger girl instead of the old lady
>us white males are so civilized!
top lmao biggest lie ever
thats straight up kino
Asian "males" are the worst scum, totally crazy and cowards.
H-he's fast!
She told him to have sex
r/asianmasculinity IRL
shut up white trash lying garbage
>attacker walks like a Terminator
>weirdo on the left in the black
>the old lady's slow, dramatic fall coinciding with a surreal angle shift
Pure kino.
Based and justified
that white guy could have chased and caught him but deep down he stopped and closed his eyes and smiled and said simply "thank fuck someone kicked this cunt".
Tell me about the chicken man. Why doesn't he cross the pavement?
IRL Lynchian Kino thread? Post what you got.
Hey guys please like and favorite my video
>around whites expect senseless fights
>chinkcel is mad again
black people, literally all they want to do is fight to compensate for their weak fucking minds.
It's the job of the civilized to keep the savages in check.
>Keep them off gold courses for decades
>White libs & nigs bitch about it
>Reluctantly let them on, with the unspoken agreement they'd behave
>Still act like niggers
Well fuck my racist ass, amirite??
>Being so insecure that you have to make an Excel spreadsheet to feel good about your race because you have literally nothing else going for you
I love that the dude still doesn't give a fuck about the old lady after she falls and clings onto the younger girl
>vs asians
theres not enough asians to care
I'm so glad I saw this thread. Now I can recommend this amazing film about Nikola Tesla. It is extremely Lynch-like.
Based chink
His actions were the opposite of cowardly. Not many would be capable of that.
Me on the left
>this is not in china
>this is in vancouver canada
what is that guy squatting on the left doing?
>that fake fall
deserved it
Another thread to make fun of China. Saged and reported.
>painstakingly create autistic excel spreadsheet due to personal insecurity
>not a source in sight
no, its richmond virginia
>not china
It was "I have to react to make it look like I give a shit, but it's really not my problem."
Apparently she was actually demanding more immigrants into the area and that pissed Chang off.
>why yes, i love trains and Screamo, how could you tell
It's sad to say, but this kind of webm would fit right at home in the "find a video of a white person doing this" rebuttals you'll usually see of nig chimpouts in webm form.
dude, it says right in the youtube video you linked that it's a Vancouver TV station. It's Richmond, BC.
One use for manlets is they're more prone to striking white women that deserve it.
its richmond BRITISH COLUMBIA you fucking poorly educated american retard LMFAO
I always quite liked this guy, I think he's nowhere near as threatening as comments typically portray him, and I seem to recall the reason he speaks odd was because he's the victim of a stroke. I just checked his channel and I was shocked to see him out of the suit, and he's actually rather good looking, to boot.
He pulls out a radio
Not funny user her heart exploded moments after she got hit.
based jet li
why are the same webms always posted in these threads?
>that second weight plate
Who threw the first punch?
>oi mate you needa loicense to lean on that fence
>grab his feet, frank
>pajeet cannonball
based mom saving her child from getting grinded to pulp
she didnt deserve to go out like that
looks grim. if i was asian i'd probably want to leave, honestly.
what the fuck is this
working as intended
holy fuck
one of most horrifying and heroic things i've seen
poor lady
>she stumbles exactly 5 steps before pausing and then collapsing
Pai Mei taught him the forbidden technique
>those girls at the top knowing something is wrong and not warning them
goddamn chinks
whats it about?
Not the (you) magnet it used to be.
>police are investigating this attack as a possible assault
why tho
was he trying to do the Naruto run?
>"Still act like niggers"
>wh*te "male" is the one who starts the fight
that kid is fucked for life
Davis Lynch makes fight movies now?
Based pajeet
Because incels exist
White males literally invented civilisation
My baby boy, please do not bully him.
No they didnt
The trapdoor opens when you have a low social credit.
You pathetic white beta fucks are scrawny dumb fucks that sit in the bedroom you grew up in watching TV shows and movies hiding from the world because you're such an insecure little faggot.
Pic related, its me a real asian man that will take over the world while wh*te little bitches will flounder and die off.
>that little shit giving him a stick to punch people with
This is some Yakuza videogames shit
Based dragon
>fighting game has an assist
>dan brown
based dwarf
a disgusting woman that rubs her secretions and orifices on things
Real human bean
Have you not seen the millions of videos of white guys getting piss drunk and causing thousands of dollars worth of damage on golf courses? Everyone's an asshole
Haha he’s a rice nigger
Shut up. My race makes me a good person
t. 5'X Asian "man"
>New Achievement: Dim Mak!
I hate knowing that the white guy probably got arrested when the white woman obviously started it by spitting on him. Dumb bitch should have been brained
The escalator was cordened off because they knew it was faulty, the two women were at the top there to help/berate the woman for ignoring that.
Lol, all golf cucks dress the same
based angry man
i-is she okay?
>british police
surely you can't spit on someone and not expect to get punched in response
any "expert lawyer"-anons can confirm?
Absolutely disgusting.
My son.
Golf courses have dress codes. No denim and collared shirts or turtle necks are required you low class neckbeard.
china needs to end
Can't tell if thread is a bunch of newfag zoomers or just old incels who can watch the same videos for the dozenth time and still be easily amused.
fake weights obviously.
It looks like that was his fetish.
He talks funny because he had a stroke, so its not really his fault.
around bl*cks never relax
>l-look at all those books I have, pls think I am smart!
seething asian
I don't trust any Asian webms as being real unless someone is getting run over, shot or killed.
this is a skit right? Like Key & Peele?
no shit retard, the clothes they are wearing are explicitly sold to be golf cloths
They aren't even the kind of books you use to look "smart" its all Dan Brown and Stephen King shit
you could look like henry cavill and it wouldnt matter if a woman saw that "library"
>muh equality
>wumen ken doo anything men can du
Based, traitors like that should be kicked to death.
>look at all the books only i can handle with my supreme Asian knowledge!!
> Fucking Eragon
lmaoing at this chink, trying to flex with a middle school reading level
>young adult fiction