Aussie ‘’’’”””””comedy””””””””

Aussie ‘’’’”””””comedy””””””””

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Other urls found in this thread:

Aussie comedy

*Melbourne comedy

this is REAL Aussie comedy

Reminds me of dads google history, so pretty based

Australian "humour" reads just like a shitty buzzfeed article

Do I really need to watch 4 hours of this?

I can't find it now, but there was some ad from the 60s or 70s on a beach in Australia. All the beautiful blonde haired white people are having a blast, then this greasy, curly-haired wog turns up, being all gross. All the beach goers band together and throw the wog in the ocean

Reddit: The Country

They're a Weird Mob (1966)

Australian """"feminism""""

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>this thread
you maggots, you disgusting parasitic worms, make way for the real voice of Australia

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Okay then

Feed me (You's)

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Aussies are pretty based tho

Fuck all the good bits aren't on YouTube. There was a skit from a show called Auntie Jack, the skit was called "Immigrant Training" or something. 1st generation immigrants were brought by their offspring to a park on leashes, down on all fours. The trainer gave them tests, like leaving a "stink-bomb salami" and a pavlova on opposite sides. To pass the test, the 1st gens, still on all fours, would go to the Australian pavlova. They all went to the salami, pulling free of their children holding the leashes, and devouring the salami like dogs. The trainer started beating them all with his cane

t. not australian

>privilege bridge
>comments disabled
ABC kids is run by college graduates desperate to get the next generation to absorb marxist bullshit

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no they're not they're fucking faggots

t. Australian

What happened to these guys?

This is pretty based desu. Love the tune

Worst attempt at damage control
>abloo bloo why won't you let us indoctrinate your kids in peace?
The funniest thing was so many people started using Kevin as their avatar image on facebook and youtube

the show wrapped up, I'd like to see a third season though that retcons everything and goes back to the same style as the first season with very little story and more focus on the challenges

Set back cucks

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This is the pinnacle of Australian comedy.

Remove Melbourne.

australian comedy all boils down to "look how australian i am guys"

>implying it still doesn't hit the mark every time

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its funny, but i just want a little more sophistication than 'hey guys remember bogans'


We learnt that from the British.

What are some essential Aussie kinos? Aside from mad max

Australian ""comedy"" boils down to [X] THING AMIRITE?

What the fuck is this?

>NRL footy show
get fucked ya north poof

Wake in fright
Animal Kingdom
The Matrix

The Castle
Wake in Fright
Wolf Creek
Two Hands (with Heath "I Died" Ledger)
Animal Kingdom

Based show start to finish. Great antidote to all the Nihilist Yank "adult" cartoons that are around rn.

Wolf Creek 2:

The Boys
Two Hands
The Rover

I've started writing a pilot script for a reboot of Hey Dad! where an older millennial is left to take care of his three kids after his wife dies. The scenario is valid but the original series is completely out of date.

The clip you posted is crap. Aussie comedy is too on the nose.

Michael Cusack is peak Australian comedy

The Tracker, absolute abo kino

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last of the knucklemen
bad boy bubby


That's got a good beat and a great hook. Aussies do children's television really well even when it's obvious propaganda like this.

The Proposition

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This whole list is ace

No joke, a few months back my cousin was auditioning for an ABC kids pilot about a trans kid starting high school, shit's getting bad over here.

Cheers cob
t. seething Lebo cunt

based jordies


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Haven't heard many other people talk about The Rover. It felt like it captured a lawless fringe community really well

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this is an interesting one, not incredible but it does what it needs to well, good acting cast

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pretty much

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fukoff yank

unironically the most based person in australia.


Aunty Donna was once pretty good, too bad it looks like one of them hooked up with the blonde chick and they removed 'problematic' content. Broden is the only one worth watching now.

Only good Melbourne comedy is The Micallef Programme, but that was 20 years ago

I've actually met them all and Broden admitted to writing most of their stuff, Aunty Donna was his channel originally. Mark seems like a massive nerd and Zach is very... Melbourne.
Have they actually removed any videos?




He's from Based Adelaide tho.

Season 1 is too good for this board

Season 2 is reddit

second bad boy bubby. total kino

Australian comedy that airs on national television is either lefty circlejerking or inoffensively bland. For true aussie comedy kino, you need to watch shit like .

only wogs make good comedy... wog boy, superwog... the list can go on

Oh fair enough. Guess all we got is Lano and Woodley

Yeah Broden is good value, I wish him the best. I can't remember exactly which ones but there were some from back when there was the blond guy was in the group that were removed. Just had a look, one of them now has "This sketch isn't sexist please just watch it." in the description. Guess there's nothing else they can do to be successful in Melbourne.

Was that the "subtlety spying on a hot girl" one? None of their content is particularly edgy apart from a bit of violence here and there.

W-what about that Rick and Morty spoof tho? P-please no bully

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I would like to throw in Snowtown

That was pretty well-received here. I've watched it many times and still get a laugh.