Any more examples of transformations like this Yea Forums?

Any more examples of transformations like this Yea Forums?

This is the actor who played Goldberg in The Mighty Ducks, Shaun Weiss.

Attached: goldberg.jpg (800x420, 36K)

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I should note that he's 39 but he looks 55 and up.

he also happens to be one of the known celebs with a steam account which amused me

Attached: pzja23.jpg (780x520, 21K)

At least he lost weight.

>that haircut

What games did he play?

his games are private because that's the default and he never changed it but he has the badge for 250+ games

>Last Online 1521 days ago

Looks like the mugshot of a serial rapist.

he was a schizo

Happy to see he lost all that weight. Good work, Goldberg. Keep it up.

Now that's what I call pod racing!

was he really, or did the pressure of bullying from a young age just make him snap

he was legitimately diagnosed by a doctor but it's probably both

What the fuck did Hollywood do to this guy before they spat him back out?

Star Wars fans bullied him as a child for "ruining" their precious movie.

Why did all the Heavyweights betray us Yea Forums?

Attached: Aaron-Schwartz-2.jpg (741x741, 50K)

/ourguy/ Kenan never let us down

Attached: image.jpg (681x383, 165K)

Perhaps the stress is what triggered his psychosis, and if he had not been an actor he never would have known that he was susceptible to schizophrenia. I know of someone who became psychotic after finding out she had terminal cancer.

Damn he could've played adult anakin

Attached: inCollage_20190723_062702944.jpg (1920x1920, 1.69M)

Hollywood and showbiz in general really has no right telling people how to live when their own lifestyle literally destroys people

>she ded