whose ready for catkino?
Whose ready for catkino?
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More like undercover furry threads
Would it have been that hard?
It's sonic all over again
>literally starring edris elba
LMFAOOO elbaposters BTFO
Only white liberals will go see this crap.
i've already jerked to Taylor 3 times
just since the trailer
Ooooh ooh ooh oooh oooh,
you jerked it off again last night
But oooh ooh ooh oooh oooh,
this time, I'm telling you, I'm telling you
have sex
it is interesting she's in this
I've heard her name for over two decades
it's as if she's immortal
>naked boobs
>no nipples
how do they breastfeed?
I want to get raped by mr Mistofeles.
I'm pretty sure the cats looked like that in the musical because it's a limited medium and they obviously couldn't get real cats to act and sing in broadway but this is a movie, why don't they just make the cats actually look like cats and not some humanoid abomination?
good lighting
i've had sex, it's overrated
angel dust is better
only hardcore furries will go see this crap
The thing is, it wouldn't work with actual cats either. Ultimately, Cats is a dance-heavy musical, and you can't really make cats dance.
Having said that, the reson it works in a theatre is because stage plays make the audience work with their imagination, filling in the blanks. The heavy make-up won't convince you that the actors are cats, but you figure that they're portraying cats. Does that make any sense?
In a movie, this kind of collaboration between the performer and the audience doesn't work in the same way. For a long time, Cats has been referred to as an unadaptable work, and this trailer just confirmed that statement.
ME! Got my cat ears ready.
It's the faces that just look out of place. Applying a bit more makeup to make their faces look more feline would work really well - but you can bet your ass it's either the producers or the actors/agents who want it this way so their stars are more recognisable.
>multimillion dollar movie looks the same as a music video from 2001
They deliberately made these character designs extremely unappealing so they don't appeal to furries, did they?
I'm a white liberal, and I've never seen Cats but I might see this. Not gonna pay money to see it tho.
Oh lord this looks fucking abysmal
if you're a furfag and you unironically like the trailer, you're absolutely unhinged
t. furfag
>inb4 >furries not being insane already
fucking LOL
Im getting drunk as fuck and going to see thi
So you just proved his point. Fucking retarded liberal
wow, that does fix it at least in that still
You seem really upset, fella. Everything ok at home? Is your mom yelling at you again?
I'm a staunch boomer conservative but I do like musical theater. I've seen Cats on Broadway and liked it, but I never thought it could really be well-adapted to a feature film. This + the cgi art direction they took pretty much confirms my thoughts. I'll probably catch it on demand for like a Saturday evening if I stay in so I can make comments about it during the movie, but I won't be seeing it in the theater.
Im sure we can all agree the most revolting part of the trailer was the faces of the black actors.
They're going to appeal to them either way. I can't even imagine non furries wanting to go see this, unless they stan one of the actors in.
The universally negative response to the trailer will compel Yea Forums to defend this movie as a masterpiece.
how does millions of dollars of CGI look worse than a dollar store halloween costume?
Me, i will get stoked during christmas and watch this surreal masterpiece masturbating to Taylor cat.
I too would like to have an orgy with the cast.
it's hfy cringe dude
if it were FOR furries, they wouldn't have slapped those mus monkey faces on
but it's even worse, seems like these are literally just fuzzy humans, plantigrade and everything
Taylor Yifft
Furries have been blending humans and animals together for decades and gotten the style down, they know the difference between animal hybrid and disfigured mutant, why would they want to see some grade-school level attempt at it?
she cute.
nice trips
I like cats, and I did fap to the occassional fur-covered, cat-eared, voluptious succubus (I'd say ~25% on the metric) in my lifetime, but this is just too fucking weird and unnatural-looking.