What is the Yea Forums equivalent of this?

What is the Yea Forums equivalent of this?

Attached: superior anime taste.jpg (760x596, 201K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I thought this picture was set on autoban?

>yeah I watch anime, what gave it away?

Attached: 1559741596777.jpg (859x960, 35K)

>moeshit is good


Attached: my KINO chart.jpg (1183x1183, 244K)

>doesn't have a big beer gut and gyno
You almost had it

Lotgh is good though

Attached: 4u.jpg (1200x603, 138K)

trannies ruin everything

A lot of peoples' favorite movies on Yea Forums are movies that are also popular, like The Big Lebowski, American Psycho, or Apocalypse Now, just to name a few. If everyone who posts their favorites here considers "film" as one of their interests, then their lists should be a lot more diverse if you consider the totality of film (there are more good critically panned movies and good but unpopular movies than there are good popular movies).

So if your top films are also very popular within a certain circle (like Yea Forums), and you don't have well-defined reasons for liking them besides, "it was complex/good/funny/powerful/etc," it's really just a facile way to signal your personality to other people. Needless to say, the anons in the 3x3/letterboxd threads are horribly narcissistic.

>Everyone is looking away from their computer screens

Attached: topsters2.png (913x913, 181K)

that 3x3 basically has the 50% of anime series that's actually worth watching.

damn, Yea Forums taste look like that?

Attached: 1547095020032.gif (250x231, 875K)

Attached: fedora.jpg (751x1502, 541K)

how is big trouble in little china fedoracore
the rest of this is pretty accurate though

our daddy told us not to be ashamed of our taste

What's the one on the upper right supposed to be? I recognize all of them but that. I'm probably familiar with whatever it is but it's drawn in such a way that I can't make it out.

>someone took their time to make this


i think its Texhnolyze

who the fuck cares you fagget anime is gay

Takes a gay to know whats gay

not even pseudo-cinephiles like el topo

You are gay

Nah, Shinichi doesn't wear blue, and his hair is brown.

That makes sense, I've actually never seen Texhnolyze despite being familiar with the title so I didn't know that was a famous picture of it. It's definitely that.

i made that list after browsing a bunch of chart threads and one thing i noticed is that every pleb would be self conscious and include movies like el topo, silver globe etc alongside all their imdb top 250 films
Yea Forums is shit

Pretty accurate.

After being here for long enough time you then become a tryhard and say all those movies are shit.

I haven't seen it but it sounds interesting. Why is it so bad?

The ideal cinegrid is just The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford and nothing else.

it's not that they're shit movies it's that if that is your 3x3 looks like that then you obviously haven't seen a lot of movies

Only films there that gets consistent unironic praise is Taxi Driver.

If that's true, they probably only have it set to autoban on Yea Forums because that's the place where it would get posted the majority of the time. The thing I know about filters is that they can't have too many filters because when a post is made it has to check it against every single filter to make sure it doesn't contain any of them, which eats a lot of bandwidth. So setting it on only one board would reduce the load.

Do we still have 3x3 threads? I haven't seen one in a long time.

>no master and commander

>Fight Club
>Pulp Fiction
Yea Forums doesn't overrate these

how can there be 3x3 threads when people don't watch movies anymore?
if there were 3x3 threads on Yea Forums today the entire thread would look like this because people only come here to shitpost now

there was a decent chart thread like 2 weeks ago, i tried making another one later but you have to be pretty lucky to get one that doesn't die with less than 10 replies


Yea Forums is the Yea Forums equivalent of that

I like every movie on that list, they are good

I don't get it, are we only supposed to like to faggot european art films or something?

the point is people with that list are being disingenuous
they fill their 3x3 with movies like american psycho, blade runner etc then they sneak in something like angels egg or el topo and its so completely forced just to try and get some epic le patrician cred without realizing those movies are the imdbcore of non-hollywood films
i'd rather people just be honest about their true favourites

what's bottom left?


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But LOGH IS good.

Attached: 12b.jpg (948x5966, 1.46M)

Attached: 13.jpg (948x2578, 798K)

They're not bad, you're just a cinéma n00b if three or more of these are in your all time top list


I'm building a Yea Forumscore list, give me some more suggestions anons

Taste is subjective and as long as you're honest with it I see no problem.
I'd rather someone with the most pleb taste ever than the usual guy with a 3x3 filled with obscure borefest just to look cool.

No! You cant like something that is popular!


a terrible list fitting of Yea Forums

moeshit really does suck though

breddy accurate

so it just end then? What the FUCK

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>Gordon Ramsay on Cocaine

drug den: nice and hot

Attached: Gordon's Cocaine Recipe.webm (480x270, 2.87M)

Well what the chart in your image represents is a 3x3 with impeccably boring taste - basically hand-crafted to be agreeable to everyone by putting in shows that everyone widely recognizes are good but are entry-level enough that it indicates the poster hasn't seen much to begin with. Individually, those shows on a 3x3 are all right, it's when you put them all together do you expose you have entry-level pleb taste.

A Yea Forums version would look something like:
>The Thing
>No Country For Old Men
>Taxi Driver
>Only God Forgives
>The Master
>The Good, The Bad and the Ugly
>Eyes Wide Shut
>Blade Runner

Pic related is a pretty boring one I pulled up.

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