Well, that didn't take long

Well, that didn't take long...

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Other urls found in this thread:

urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Nigga Pass

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Ms Bond, I respect women and minorities and especially minority women but I won't respect your bluff... Raise

Fo' of a kind, kangz

took them a whole week though

>I'm sorry Ms. Bond, but the bar does not carry cough syrup, even as a mixer. The fact it doesn't, does not make them racist,so please stop yelling.

She's not Bond though, she's just inheriting the "007" designation.

Bond, for the last time, this is a high class establishment and the canapés don’t include a two piece and side of grape juice. And for the love of god I don’t smoke menthols so stop asking for one

Don't expect that "logic" nonsense to work on these incels.

>Ms Bond this isn't a dice game

Implying that’s any better.

Technically James Bond isn't even real

>No, Ms. Bond I am not a devil

Ooga Booga

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>Ms. Bond I assure you, no invocation of Hell will make you any better at playing poker

Ms Bond, please focus on the game, our other guests are getting uncomfortable with your demeanor. And no, we don't serve "muhfuggin fry chicken" I'm sorry, maybe some caviar will do?

>she isn’t the white guy she is just replacing him
Oh cool! Glad to know

Not one for poker, Miss Bond? Perhaps a game more your speed then.

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> "Ah, Miss Bond. I'd recognise the distinctive scent of Newport cigarettes anywhere."

top kek

trying too hard

>We have a wide selection of cognacs, Delamain de Voyage, Hardy Le Printemps, Hine 250, but I''m afraid we do not have Hennessy

>I didn't order a comfort girl... Oh, this is 007? This will be even easier than I thought

>Ms. Bond, you can smoke cannabis in the casino, but please stop dumping the tobacco from the complimentary cigars onto the floor

Lmao based

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I'm not well versed enough in black culture to know what this means

>The minimum bet is $100,000. I'm sorry, but a pair of "fresh Jordans" won't suffice

urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Nigga Pass

>I suppose cordon bleu is technically fried chicken

Oh no, your comment is invalid now

MD 20/20... Stolen, not bought

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>Ah Ms. Bond, I heard you coming from the parking lot. Please dont yell at our valets they work very hard.

lmao in my city there's always tons of tobacco on the subway from people gutting blunts

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and my sides just shattered

>I'm sorry Ms. Bond, but an EBT card is not legal tender in a casino.

So ... they're saying she'll be exactly like Bond, using the same cover and the same tactics?

>I don't give a damn whether you had to pawn off your Cadillac to afford the high rollers table

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Logic has nothing to do with it dumb clit sucking s o y fag
The series is JAMES BOND
Not Jane bond not "007"
If they want another female spinoff make it
Hell atomic blonde red sparrow and salt proved it can be done yet they already take a failing series and gender bend it like its gonna save it with woke
Fuck that I'm glad mission impossible is the new bond

White racists are less funny than women. That's really sad.

>Yes, yes, Ms. Bond, you "wuz kangz and shieeet." We get it.

t. MJ

>stealing jokes from 4channel
Hang this fucker

Til we meet again, Ms Bond!

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Top jej


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I'm latino and love these threads, keep seething

Oh please,Mads wouldn't even touch that baboon with a 20 foot pole

No Ms. Bond I'm afraid your uh... "Kang" and "Kween" can't "slay" my Full House.

Also drinks for the players are free so please put the two bottles of Champaign back on the table?

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>007, it appears I cannot interrogate you by whipping your balls, for you have none

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>alright, miss Bond, let's shoot some hoops, then

I think you missed the joke dumb dumb.

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Imagine thinking yourself superior over darkies when this is how you write Champagne.

Ms. Bond out of respect for your fellow guests please use headphones

t. retard

>"Ms. Bond, I wager your chances of winning this game at say...13%"

isn't the plot of the movie about her being incomptent so they have to bring the original james bond back from retirement to help her complete her task? doesn't sound like a sjw message and looks acceptable
> clit sucking
shit taste, my dude

>ms bond, I respect your need to moisturize, but please you're getting palm oil all over the chips and it smells quite bad

Da names Bond, Bail Bond.

>No ms. Bond, you cannot buy your way into the poker game with food stamps

>Ms. Bond I can assure you, you there are no volcanic eruption nearby, please stop applying lotion

Boring. Lurk moar next time.

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>Ms. Bond the waiters have been complaining about your lack of tipping

Stupid submissive faggot
Also no it sounds shit Nd is race gender baiting dumb

I like this

>Ms Bond I must say the fact that you brought your child to this table to serve as a distaction is quite amusing but not shocking, it would appear he is getting quite hungry, I hear they serve KFC downstairs so perhaps your husband could take the money you haven't lost yet and feed the child.. oh.. no father, then please head to the buffet table, I'm sure you will find something to little Jamals liking, something sweet even, watermelon perhaps?

Thanks for clearing that one up jamal

haha, the deep cut, poor Jemima Bond

acid magenta doesn't go well with dark skin

> Miss Bond I can assure you I have no relationship with this Yakub you speak of

>Ms. Bond, I'm afraid the television here does not receive this "Maury" channel

"miss bond" sounds like if the character where a sophisticated beautiful woman that is also a femme fatale, and you can almost delight on the thought of that until you remember that he is refering to this turd fuck this gay world

I don't get it

Cope, incel. Just cope.

Black people lol

>I'm afraid our bar doesn't stock malt liquor, shaken or otherwise.

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>delight on
And you have the audacity to complain about a lack of sophistication. What a fucking ego on a guy who lives in a trailer park in some flyover state.



I know what you mean. This is a cringe post, but I know what you mean.

Best post in the thread

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based retard

I thought she was getting the 0006 designation




>hahah Ms Bond I have thwarted you with my master plan, and the secret files are mine

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>I see you chose to hide the state secrets in the most secure place you know, Ms. Bond... very clever.

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dabbed on

Looks like a nigger in drag
That ugly nigger is supposed to be a woman?

All black woman look like black nigger men.

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I wish I knew anything about nigger stereotypes so I could understand the jokes
I'm sure they are funny though

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>Ms. Bond you can't bring food to the table, please go finish your chicken wings at the bar before you put grease all over the chips.


Are you retarded or something?

Latin X to the rescue.

Keep crying Jamal

I'm not american and theres no niggers in my country (or at least not where I live)

No, Ms. Bond, I don't know how to play "Bones".

but 007 second code name is James Bond

>flies over the heads of three out of five anons reading it

Poland here, so far I've learned
>cough syrup
You slowly catch on user, even by proxy

I don’t expect you to talk Ms. Bond, I expect you to die

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best one

>You're a retard for correcting our memes that don't even work!
Based retard.

That's pretty much the same as falcon becoming captain america or that hispanig mutt replacing spiderman.

Grape drank, lean, dindu nuffin, the list goes on...

Pretty sure Skyfall indicated that there was an actual "Bond family" and James Bond is his real name. This movie is in that continuity.

The only good thing about the black woman 007 is that it gave new life to this meme

Yes, it is. That is to say, a relatively meaningless passing of the torch gesture with no sticking power.

she cute

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im a black man
that looks like a black man, im not even trying to joke.
that said, these miss bond memes are fucking hilarious

>Ms Bond, you are black, but I wouldn't consider you mild at all. Hm? No, smoking isn't allowed at this establishment.

>cough syrup
explain pls I want to shitpost

>not nigress
Back to reddít son

dats raycis

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>Miss Bond, I am aware of your kind's natural attraction to my, ahem, North European features, but I'm afraid we cannot simply "fuck each otha's brainz out like masta an' slave" in the middle of this casino...
>He looks at the camera after saying Casino
>it cuts immediately to another character saying "Royale"

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Next time I'll use sheboon

>iam sorry miss bond but we cant accept your food stamps

Just imagine a fat ghetto mama on welfare and her 5 adolescent hood rats gorging on chicken wings and getting high from cough syrup

Stolen from cumtown sub where it was stolen from here. Shameful

>Every time she speaks Laverne goes "umm HMMM" in the background


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wtf I'm black and I'm seething now

>engage in witty rapport with the villain
>some fat black gal always adds OH NO YOU DI-INT

dis got me gud

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Too funny

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*Kendrick Lamar's goldfinger starts playing*

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No way

jenkem, truly, was ahead of its time


a hood pass
getting invited to the cookout

That'll do, user

That'll do

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*takes out anti-black vaccine*
You're cured!

It's kinda long-winded like Ornella's joke.

>You're out of chips, Ms. Bond, but not to worry. There's a payday loan center just down the street.

I lole'd user


have you had your iq tested? you might be a genius

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>No miss Boon, none of these chips are equivalent to 'two loosies, 7 dollars and half a 40'.

I think that was a mistake, bond being a sassy black woman now i think is stupid pandering but james bond should be a nom de guerre.

international food stamps

>It seems you have drawn the "GO TO JAIL" card from the chest Ms.Bond, altough I'm sure this wouldn't be your first experience behind bars.

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I don’t get it but my phone network won’t let me enlarge images


>making a twitter account and liking it

>The password, Ms. Bond?... Well only one other person knows aside from me... Your father.

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Based retard

well done

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the sadness is people like you cant take jokes anymore. im from a time where "sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt me" meant something. you sensitive faggots are ruining everything. and you better believe after this crazy social experiment wears out its novelty the backlash is going to be horrendous.

No, Ms. Bond you did do something

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>I know all about you, Ms. Bond. I've read your case file. I've seen the footage. It's a wonder that you survived your childhood...

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Fatal? Oh, not at all. This death trap only has 13% chance to kill. But for you? It might as well be 50%

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Black people can’t swim


The new Bond has been trained in gorilla warfare.


Honestly kill yourself

I don't get it.

>Q scene
>Ms. Bond behold, the 2020 Q Altima.
>Do try to bring it back in one piece and by that I mean with the radio still in it.
>Yes they are "24s" Ms. Bond.

black people don't have the skeletal frames optimal for swimming or some shit so they just sink and drown if they get in over their heads

>Please stop pawning your watch 007.

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>Im sorry mam, you cannot leave your hair curlers here, this is a casino not a motel.


>no, 007, that is not "jayzus" taking the wheel, I'm steering your vehicle remotely

stupid cunt

oh fuck this actually got a kek out of me. am I a racist now??

>The name is Bond. Bail Bond.

And there it is.

lil wayne looks like that?!?!

>the post that saved Yea Forums

Why couldn't they get an actually attractive black woman?

asian here
i keep coming back for the jokes

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beauty is not in right now

Ba Boon

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holy shit

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Connect Four is based
guess I’m black now

I still don't get it.

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I mean at least Ariel is cute. Imagine if Leslie Jones got cast as Ariel. I think the sun would just eject us from the solar system and send us spinning into the abyss.


oh fuck my sides

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wow actual humor on twitter

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guess who's moneypenny

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James Bond isn't multiple people as shown through pretty much every actor referencing the same dead wife (the exception being Daniel Craig but his reference is the family manor.)

absolutely kino post

American blacks literally don't know how to swim.

Wow it gets to be a niggercomedy

>jenkem addict

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It's Champagen, you serf.

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>Do you expect me to talk?
No Xer Bond, I expect you to dilate

Lost it

It's just reposts from here.

>It looks like I win, Miss Bond. How unfortunate that you didn't realize you had a potential 4 in a row the previous turn.

Can someone explain? I don’t get it


Blacks can't swim

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that grey alien hybrid looking bitch is not cute

>>cough syrup
Syzurp/Sizzurp/Purple Drank/Purple Drink/Lean. Black folks mix codeine cough syrup with sprite or other sugary drinks to get fucked up.
Nigs are fat. Soulfood is their cultural creation and it is dripping with fat, grease and cholesterol.
Most black folks are on welfare.

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I use likes to essentially bookmark tweets. Twitter is tight and you're a fag if you think otherwise

Ms Bond is incapable of swimming

>Sadly, those of us who presumed the franchise was ready to move into the 21st century by casting a woman of color in the leading role have been misled. Rather, the rumors regarding Lynch's role have been blown out of proportion, and she's not actually replacing Craig in the iconic part.

This one deserved to die full of water.

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>those names

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Post the one with the shoe and they all jump in to juggle it out before it hits the water and then they all drown

based kek


I wasn't going to watch it anyway. It's a complete positive for me.

>clearly taco bell
what did user mean by this

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fuck you krakkka, we mermaids now

It wasn't a mistake, though the other Bond actors have been playing the same Bond character certainly since On Her Majesty's Secret Service with Moore, and the other two referencing the dead wife.

>we dont use the joker card on poker, ms bond

I call bullshit. They were just looking for ez pander points. The Brits have been pulling this shit for over a decade now.

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Stolen from 4chins and the reddit lurkers are praising twitter? Get the fuck out.

do they even understand the function of makeup
..they have to ruin everything

We know, it doesnt make this meme any less funny

>Don't expect that "logic" nonsense to work on these incels.

When some feminazi and/or one of their SJW white guilt numale closet faggot lapdogs calls you an "INCEL" or use their generic insult "have sex", because they can't form a coherent thought let alone a counter argument, it's because women are nothing more than three holes which is why even the ugliest, fattest, poorest amongst them can get laid whenever they like. Withholding sex from men is the only power they have. Without that they have nothing and are nothing but herpes riddled whores!

And the so-called "men" who use those words are even worse because they're virtue signaling numale cucks who think that they'll get some of that sweet college/university hipster chick pussy when those women will be fucking Chad Thundercock and only settle for them once they're looking to nest with a beta orbiter provider after they're done riding the cock carousel!

No one self-identifies as "involuntary celibate". It's something roasties project onto men who don't put up with women's shit. As if to say "oh, if you had sex you'd agree with me and give in to my demands". This is because women think they can get anything they want with sex and believe this because their white knight lapdogs betas would do anything for a pity fuck!!!FACT!!!


I love when blacks people are able to joke about things like this.

trying too hard fren

>Why couldn't they get an actually attractive black woman?

Sorry but beautiful women are a threat to feminists i.e. ugly women, so they don't want pretty ladies to make them feel insecure.

>I mean at least Ariel is cute.

She's an ugly fucking cunt. Hire someone like pic related and I'd let it go!!!FACT!!!

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Based FACT!!!1!!1! poster

there was some kind of study about how black women are the least desirable social group possible aka nobody want them, nor even blacks
they are quite stigmatized thanks to TV for being grumpy, so you be sayeen, pushy and dependable

>Never thought I'd meet someone who likes tacky gold jewelry more than me.

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cerra el orto, mogolico. Me chupa la pija vos y tu diversidad de mierda que esta arruinando los aspectos sociales de la gente.

>I love when blacks people are able to joke about things like this.

Yeah, reminds me of the 80's when things use to be cool!!!FACT!!!

I'm afraid we're playing poker, Miss Bond. I cannot simply "go fish nigga"

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cant wait for this to be stolen and put on twitter

>there was some kind of study about how black women are the least desirable social group possible aka nobody want them, nor even blacks


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Because water is racist

Why didn't Twitter make black mermaid memes?


yeah but that's like a 20yo black women
they hit the wall HARD and become Carl Winslow by 25


>Mrs Bond you can't bet EBT cards


No idea, otherwise I'd hunt her down and fuck a baby into her!!!FACT!!!

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I admit this one is attractive, but 90% of them IRL are loud, obnoxious, and litearlly look like lumpy apes.

that solid Harvard education, senpai

>Ah yes, Ms. Bond. I see you’re late as always. No, the game started at 7 BST, not 7 BPT.

logic is relative m'lady

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>"I don't care how they "play it in the hood, big papa", please put your clothes back on, Ms Bond. "

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>"miss bond..."

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Once it became 4channel its basically reddit

wtf bros these pussyfootin cumfags are stealing our funnies

Twitter is amazing if you know who to follow



Perhaps a game more your Sneed then


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>shes not actually replacing her, we just wanted to give off that impression and switch 007 to stick it to the racists

Stay mad white boy. Your women are ours and so will your country

>Ms. Bond if you cannot stop your children from throwing chips and playing on the Baccarat table I'm going to have to ask you to leave

>"Excuse me if I interrupt you Ms. Bond, but I don't understand what you're trying to say. I speak fluently five languages but sadly is useless with you. I'm really sorry for being so rude, but if you could at least use "you are" instead of "you is", you would do to me a great favor. "

>Da Li'l Mermaid


>thanks to TV

>"You cannot master the English language, little pickaninny. You've never mastered basic agriculture, or even basic principles of warfare. I sincerely doubt you will ever master the mightiest race on the planet. Now, if you would please pry Ms Bond's lips from around my phallus and leave, I am trying to play a game."

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>Mrs. Bond this is Baccarat not Dominioes

They’ve always done that shit.

First we take the welfare,then the world!

kek, fucking newfag

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This casting has produced some fucking MINT memes

>move into the 21st century by casting a woman of color in the leading role
so only movies with space queens are allowed now?

This move is so incredibly smart by the Broccolis.
They're basically giving in to the SJW twitter demads by doing this in Craig's last movie before casting the next Bond (who ofc will be a white British male).
Then they can act all innocent like they are indeed progressive and have "done representation" in the past.
Such a smart move. Nothing matters, this is Craig's last outing. If it rules, cool. If it sucks, next Bond, let's go.

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You have to go back

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>You're quite bold in your wagers, Ms. Bond. It must be the first of the month

>Implying it's not an easing in for the race/gender swap for the next reboot.

Yea Forums is like those deep sea vents where all life stems from, everything eats us


Do not post here

>"Ms Bond, the Walther PPK is not meant to be shot sideways. And would you please stop hopping up and screaming "MI6, FOOL!" when you discharge your weapon?"

Attached: M_(Judi_Dench)_-_Profile.jpg (690x690, 264K)

I like that analogy

>I'm sorry Miss Bond, I'm not familiar with "Steel Reserve" but I'm quite sure we don't carry that brand on tap. Perhaps a nice IPA instead?
>Ah my dearest apologies but this establishment does not accept EBT as a form of payment.

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I think they're testing the waters.

brainlet SEAnigger here, explain.


Good shit.

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Based retard


>keeping up with the cumtown reddit page
dude do you want to kill yourself for me?

Underrated. And my god is that shit disgusting.


Yea cause that will make the movie watchable

Much smaller of a franchise in terms of number of movies and therefore quotable lines.

>Yes, yes, justice for Trayvon. Now make your wager, Ms. Bond.

Where have you been living where these motherfuckers are ever satiated. If anything, to them it's "precedent" for woke shit

KEK I live in Detroit (right outside of it in a nicer suburb actually) and last week after traveling to the ghetto for an AMP rub n tug, I noticed a "JJ's Fish & Chicken", went in and there literally was bulletproof glass everywhere. Even a bulletproof glass turnstile to collect your food.

After I ate though, I knew why; those were some damn good fried tendies, made by a staff consisting of niggers and mudslimes.

>Mrs. Bond we have crackers right here

>Your jaw strength is impressive Ms. Bond, however these are Casino Chips.

Chappelle's Show did more for race relations in this country in 3 years than 50 years of Civil Rights and 8 years of Obama (who made race relations worse, but the media blames it on Trump of course).

I can ask any person of any race (white, black, Asian, Muslim, spic) what their favorite sketch was or quote it and they will instantly start laughing. It was a simpler time where we could all make fun of each other and laugh at our own expense without getting offended.

I will always thank Dave for giving us that, even if it was only fleeting.

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Top kek

>If you are hungry, Ms. Bond, I recommend the spicy chicken confit with grape reduction sauce and a watermelon agua fresca to wash it down.

The Boondocks also did a lot on that front


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Agreed, Satire and humor in general really cause a bonding affect between people of all walks.


>met my best friend a decade ago by quoting a stinkmeaner line on the bus to school
racism was solved that day

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top culinary references lmao