Her career fucking DIED ever since Harvey got caught.
I wonder how many famous actresses are just getting roles because they're someone's fucktoy
Her career fucking DIED ever since Harvey got caught.
I wonder how many famous actresses are just getting roles because they're someone's fucktoy
Her career died because her nudes leaked and she has nothing else to offer
I'd imagine that she lost a lot of her marketability when half the world saw her asshole from multiple angles.
That was ages ago, she continued getting leading roles for years (all to poor box office numbers). But ever since Harvey, nothing.
Her career died before Harvey got in trouble. The nudes leaking are often credited as the reason, but everyone forgets that tons of nudes leaked and no one else was impacted by it.
The nudes didn't do her in, but rather her reaction to the leaks. She accused everyone that looked at them of being rapists, which is the kind of leap a burgeoning feminist with an 8th grade education would make. This reaction lost her a lot of the guys that were infatuated with her, some of the rest of us stopped liking her as she became increasingly self-important and political.
Basically- Hunger Games ended, she started being less likable publicly, the shift of focus to her in X-men made the movies worse, and she picked a string of roles in films without broad appeal.
she's in the upcoming bad blood movie, which was a good book, and a not so good real-life occurrence.
>a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers.
>"a book of selected poems"
>synonyms: volume, tome, work, printed >work, publication, title, opus, treatise;
actors have contracts lined up years in advance.
The pretty ones
Yo wtf she looke like that Amy Schumer fella in this pic
Her career is pretty much analogous to being the next Kristen Stewart: starring in a very successful series, and then stars in less notable films after that initial success.
I've seen people echo this shit a lot.
Other that autists who go on mr skin and aznude, I really don't think most people put that much thought into watching a film because they might get to see an actresses tits.
Especially not the idea that once an actress has been seen naked she's done for.
Look at Monica Bellucci. She gets her knockers out practically every film and her career is alive and well.
J-law just isn't that amazing an actress. She worked for the hunger games but not much else.
Reasons why her 15 mins are over, in order of the significance.
1. Old Harv ain't around anymore
2. She's an obnoxious cunt, and people in the industry are tired of her shit
3. She's a one trick pony
And another great example is Eva Green who straight up insists flaunting her perfect titties in every project she's in.
Oh, you think you're better than me? Fuck off back to Yea Forums
>She's a one trick pony
This. When you see her in film you are well aware that your watching Jennifer Lawarnce, not who ever she is trying to act as.
her career never existed because shes not that good looking, even the fappening didnt save her
Weinstein was one of the best promoters in the film industries award seasons, especially the Oscars, which really goes quite a long way to explain her numerous accolades. Because honestly, and let's be real, outside of her roles she's a potato faced dumb whore who got lucky with the Hunger games.
Her career indisputably slumped when her nudes came out. What studio honestly wants a lead actress who has butthole pictures free to view online, it's a marketing and PR nightmare when there are literally fresh, prime young woman homeless and littering the streets of LA like literal cock-roaches desperate for a gig at any cost. The only thing stopping them from bagging a Lawrence-assured role is the star power, something Jennifer no longer has. The slump was combined with leading roles in big would-be critical darling and superhero films that failed to impress, like Joy, Serena, Passengers, Mother!, Red Sparrow and The last two X-men Films. But you'll always see critics mumbling the rhetoric, "So yeah... the film was utter garbage in every imaginable sense... but muh J-Law was still okay... wasn't she?".
>Lawrence won an Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance in Silver Linings Playbook (2012) at the tender age of 22
>Silver Linings Playbook
The Weinstein Company
kristen stewarts talented
That she fucked Weinstein is pretty much common knowledge at this point, but I always wonder about how she got her start in television. In interviews she says that when she was 15, some guy literally approached her out of nowhere, while walking down the street, and signed her with an agent -sounds like total bullshit to me. You think underage JLaw was already fucking and sucking her way to the top?
>You think underage JLaw was already fucking and sucking her way to the top?
Probably not on her own. She would had to have a pimp.
Her career died because she's a shit actress
No one is questioning that. Winning an oscar for playing a character that slept with every person she could find. Harvey was so on the nose with this shit. Roles that she completely miscast for. Playing middle age women in her low 20's. Harvey was a great con man.
She could very well have offered more nudes, everyone would have taken it.
Don't pretent you wouldn't pass any sort of fap material, be honest.
She was just shit and the two popular IPs she was in are dead, Hunger Games because it's over, X-Men because she couldn't be bothered to sit in the makeup chair.
Her whole gimmick was "America's Sweetheart" and "She's just like us!"
Fappening killed that. It's one thing if nudes leaked but she had an enormous amount of selfies of her own butthole, she got exposed for being a vain cunt. Complete opposite who she was being promoted as. Then Big Harv crashes and it's obvious she was never that good. I mean, could her Oscar for Silver Linings Playbook be less deserving? She plays a slut in a Rom Com. Even normalfags see through this nonsense.
On top of all of that, she became extremely unlikable when she went off on a reporter for using his phone and has been in a downward spiral of unlike ability ever since. Every TV appearance makes it worse
Red Sparrow also proved that she can't carry a film at the box office
Oscar winners?
>one trick pony
This all day. You never get the impression that she’s playing a character. Her personality is never subsumed within a role. She just emotes as herself. In essence, she’s famous for playing herself, for bringing her own personality to the big screen. That’s fine if you’re Bruce Willis or even Holly Hunter, but when your personality is increasingly revealed to be a self-righteous cunt, nobody’s standing in line to watch your shit.
And both of the actresses appeals lies in their sluttiness. Sure jlaw is a slut but she plays the girl next door most of the time, not ravenous cougars...
To be fair, she's not old enough to play a cougar, but something tells me her jaw is going to look like shit when she ages and the wrinkles in it dig deeper and makes her already dumb smile even worse.
only women care about phony hollywood narratives, nobody ever thought showbiz was merit-based and her leaks were GOAT tier so not sure why that would have an impact either
in reality, it is too difficult to sell diverse "beauties" like the new 007 when supposed "trailer trash" still looks 1000x better, even at her lowest point
her career died when she went the feminism muh pay gap route despite being the highest female earner in hollywood at the time
Weinstein was 100% the reason
I think this is a good point. A lot of people behind the scene were probably pissed that she was complaining about her salary, when she made astronomically more than they did.
It's always a special treat to see Hollywood actors complain about their pay, seriously.
Captain Fungus has an oscar.
And she's a good actress.