that looks like a fucking witcher 3 screenshot, I thought real life had better graphics?
I wish Blizzard stuck with the dark gothic Diablo style instead of making everything in that cartoony warcraft shit.
Which ps1 game is this?
underrated kinotography desu
He certainly slayed that pussy.
>In the poem, Beowulf slays three fucking monsters and gets a shit tonne of gold and fame for it, then dies like a Chad
>In the film, his search for fortune and glory make him a meathead and his ego drives him to shag a roastie, thus telling the audience that if only men were more sensitive and caring we would have a better time of it.
>Even based Wiglauf is suggested to be next in line to be seduced by Grendel's Mother.
>There is even a scene where Robin Wright's character and some roastie maiden are talking about how men can't help themselves and they are nothing without their queen.
Dogshit film that shat on my most ancient piece of heritage (I am a britbong). They managed to ruin the piece of literature that first established heroic tales in the English tradition. Fuck this movie and its fucking nu-male shit, CG achievements can go hang.
>my most ancient piece of heritage (I am a britbong)
What does Beowulf have to do with the Mahabharata?
kek, I'll give you that one, good laugh user.
But fuck this film and fuck you all too if you liked it, it was Basedwulf.
Didn't book Beowulf give praise to the Christian God for his monster slaying abilities. Meanwhile movie Beowulf goes full "Jesus made men weak"
Most based thread for sure. Christopher Lambert did a Beowulf movie too. Never did get to see it. Probably pales in comparison to this one, it's good enough to never make a remake of it. One movie and no more. Perfect.
>he doesn't like his protagonists to have fatal flaws
>he doesn't like tragic heroes
abysmal taste my friend
yep that too. The advisor in the film was some faggy jew like Wormtongue from LOTR and in the book he was just another membr of the kings retinue with this weird fucking culty thing going on that the King wasn't interested in.
In the poem it is literally a tale of Christian knights fighting for the glory of God and accepting heroism as his earthly reward.
These are not the flaws in Beowulf my friend, his flaw was he was too brave and took on a dragon head to head, meaning they both died. Making him a macho meathead who fell due to toxic masculinty is absolutely not a canon adaptation of Beowulf.
did you even watch the fucking movie
I like the movie
You like taking it up the ass too, so how is that any kind of reference?
yes and read the poem about 3 times. This is how the jew gets you fren, he makes his death the same, but he adds in a rambling monolgue from Robin wright that re-contextualises it as muh male ego, rather than the original meaning which is that he is a holy warrior fighting demonic creatures.