>my favorite films? I would say mine are Under The Skin, Goodfellas, Barry Lyndon, Pulp Fiction, Ran, Full Metal Jacket, Brazil, Once Upon a Time in the West, There Will Be Blood, Drive, A Clockwork Orange, Eraserhead, Taxi Driver, Schindler's List, The Social Network, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Children of Men, The Godfather Part 1 and 2, Lost Highway, Scott Pilgrim vs The World, Fantastic Planet, Mad Max: Fury Road, Boogie Nights, Enter the Void, Requiem for a Dream, Shaun of the Dead, The World's End, Hot Fuzz, The Dark Knight, Raging Bull, Amadeus, Breathless, Good Time, Ed Wood, The Graduate, Adaptation, Saving Private Ryan, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Incredibles, Once Upon a Time in America, Boart, Dr Strangelove, Run Lola Run, Nocturnal Animals, Crank, Crank: High Voltage, Whiplash, Die Hard, Do the Right Thing, Star Wars, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, Blue Velvet, Inflourious Basterds, Harold and Maude, Night and the City, Akira, District 9, Fish Story, The Servant, Jiro Dreams of Sushi, American Movie... the list goes on! Yeah, as you can tell, I'm a bit of a cinefile...
My favorite films? I would say mine are Under The Skin, Goodfellas, Barry Lyndon, Pulp Fiction, Ran, Full Metal Jacket...
I also use Letterboxd.
Tell me why I don't like Ralph, Yea Forums
While this is funny, his Top 3 was a more succinct way to shame him.
>”Goodfellas, Shawshank Redemption, and Pulp Fiction; yeah I aspire to make movies like that”
Are you going to be making this thread every day? It will get annoying just like the threads of my friend and nemesis who still posts chad lad ralph every day.
He's jewish.
He made a 30 minute video on Aquaman.
He got way more cucked after starting the podcast with the dog fucker commie and moving to LA.
He looks sort of like a young Quentin Tarantino
That's literally me...
Hey, Ralph. When are you going to stop associating with that cringey dogfucker?
>Villeneuve, Wes Anderson, the list goes on...
Shut up Ralph and go review Paranorman or Hannah. For the record, Ralphthemoviemaker is pretty funny imo.
cause the only new movies he wants to talk about are either cape shit, garbage, or garbage cape shit
Because as soon as a "critic" tries to make a film and fails they kind of fuck themselves over. See Stuckmann's BvS Script etc. A critic doesn't have to be able to make a film, but once they try and fail it's hard to take them seriously.
BASED RALPHPOSTER. This Chad LAD deserves all the attention he can get. Based af CHAD LAD RALPH.
Random anons have bitched about Lover but I did watch one review from a former film student too that gave quite an insightful review. The guy had criticisms but was able to articulate how it is pretty decent/impressive within context, i.e. inexperienced student filmmaker with limited resources and time.
We are locked in this eternal dance, the eternal struggle, you and I. I fear even the victor will have to perish along with the other as a result of his triumph.
I don't think that this ralphposter likes ralph. Good for him, that kike needs to be called out.
The struggle truly is eternal but only one of us will triumph in the end.
Called out for being an insane talent and generation-defining genius? I absolutely agree. In time, humanity will see the light and join him in the sun.
I think the crux of it is that a critic needs to be able to recognize quality, even if they can't produce it. And if they produce something of low quality, and can't tell it's bad before they release it, and think better of it, then it really messes up their credibility as a critic, even if they only were blinded because of personal bias, it still makes it seem like the critic doesn't know what the hell they're talking about when they say something's good or bad, because they thought their own work was good enough to release in the state they did.
Called out for being a lousy jewish hack. People need to beat his stupid face in with a fire extinguisher.
those are good movies though
Shawshank isn't in his top three. Not even to 50 IIRC.
You aren't wrong but does Lover even fall into that category? If it has the same problems King Candy has (technical limitations and meh acting outside of Ralph) I don't it does and those issues are a product of the fact that it's simply an independent student film.