Would you get caught by L if you had the "Death Note"?
Death Note
i don't know what that means
how does he catch people?
>make a big deal out of people using it not being able to pass onto the afterlife
>later on: afterlife is not real lmao you just die
What was the point of this?
Well, if I had already seen and read it like I have in my regular, non-hypothetical life then anyone using L's tactics would have to work a lot harder to get that opening salvo on me. Light got caught off-guard in a very reasonable way I think most people would've fell for, however, so if L did something equally as clever after the broadcast region trick he would get that opening move for sure. After that I'm not really sure because I can't be certain how smart or capable I would be with such a power. It's not something I've thought of in-depth, or anything...
just use different sources from around the world for your killings
that's all.
Just sort of a grim joke. Like maybe someone might be dissuaded from using the Note if they were told that and I'm sure Ryuk would find it equally hilarious. You have to assume that Ryuk wrote a lot of the notes himself given that he had no problem doing that for Light and constantly dissembled about what he knew or whether or not he had altered the Note.
Ryuk was just fucking around he lied to Light multiple times throughout the anime just to fuck with him since him coming to Earth in the first place was just because he was bored.
The biggest Ryuk troll in deathnote was that he knew light yagami would die on the stairs from about mid-way in the show.
Ryuk states that if you take the shinigami eye deal you will lose half of your lifespan but the cause of death will be the same. Misa takes the eye deal twice and Ryuk asks Light Yagami with a smug laugh if he is REALLY sure he wants to cut Misa's lifespan in half twice. We don't know why Ryuk is so smug and laughing all the time while asking that on the first watch.
However we find out that Misa's cause of death is committing suicide due to Light dying. Meaning light cutting down Misa's lifespan caused him to indirectly die earlier as well.
This is why Deathnote is so fun to watch multiple times. You start to notice small things like this.
Nah. Light was a fame whore. You can't be caught. Series turns to shit after the second notebook appears.
A lot of niggas would be dropping dead
I need to watch it again. You just changed a major way I watch the show.
Light was really quite imprudent, wasn't he?
I would have just ignored Lind L. Taylor and any other bait.
In the internet age you really couldn't be caught if you weren't completely retarded.
You can't be sure your instincts wouldn't be the same as Light's. Assume the police are really that stupid (which you very well might if you were truly deranged enough to use the Note) and you have to acknowledge the massive opportunity that arose when his target was broadcasting his name to the world. Light couldn't be sure they knew the rules and so he took a huge but calculated risk whose payoff would've been a complete and flawless victory. I doubt most people wouldn't've fallen for it. Light might've been chewing the scenery before he wrote Taylor's name but he wasn't not thinking.
Him killing Taylor showed that Light was far more emotional and narcissistic than even he was aware of. What I'd do is make note of a list of the most important targets and kill them over a relatively prolonged period of time as after a certain point "they" would be keeping track of information about important targets and who was accessing that information. Saying as little as possible is also actually ideal, over time it gets the point across because all the deaths could still be clearly intentional. But Light doomed himself as soon as he started interacting with authorities as Kira.
For an irl example, the BTK both doomed himself by making his motives known and trying to get attention for his crimes.
In reality if you got the deathnote and you hadn't seen this anime you would just have used it for your own benefit. Kill people you disliked throughout life. Kill politicians you disagree with etc. Maybe even buy stocks and benefit off of killing key people which cause the stocks to rise or fall.
You wouldn't use it to try and change the world.
The simplest solution then would be to simply create target lists based on memory and to completely avoid any irregular usage of media, maybe listen to the news on podcasts but never search anyone up, just listen attentively and if you do any research, do it with books (like Joe Goldberg did in You). I think you're right, Light's choice to engage is completely narcissistic.
>Dad: Do you want to join my police investigation?
>Me: wtf dad I'm not a cop, don't you think I should be focusing on school?
I probably would have done exactly what Light did if I had the power of the notebook for long enough. If I was against L, I have no doubt I'd get caught, but I don't know if there's such a person or agency that exists with his ability.
If my goal was the same as Light's, I'd be done. Some google algorithm would probably make me a prime suspect sinxe I'd use the internet instead of news and it'd all be downhill from there
However if I used it for my own purposes there's no way I'd get caught, L wouldn't even know anything is wrong since I wouldn't kill people systematically
Light should've just been a bit more chill. Had he taken a few random hours each day to kill off some dudes as like a hobby or something and never watched the news he would've been in a black box that you can't see in nor out of. He would've never been caught, simply never. The burning drawer trick was an essential safeguard, he definitely needed to do that, but it was his zeal and desire to seek out and crush anyone that might stop him that got him into deeper and deeper shit over time.
Probably not, I'd be killing off random prominent jews and big name people in amongst random criminals that actually commited confirmed heavy crimes in more ways than just a heart attack to avoid it ever looking like the same person.
>Get the deathnote
>Write more than just "has a heart attack"
That's quite an assumption, most people aren't terribly murderous and if they didn't want to get caught at the very least they would proceed with extreme caution. It is true that a lot of people would use it to kill politicians and the like, but many would also use it to kill criminals (read a comment section for a pedophile serial killer and tons of people will say they want him dead).
To say the goal is to "change the world" depends on whether or not you want fame for this and want to make it known what you are doing. Light clearly wanted this. Not everyone would.
Yes this is what I meant.
For another irl example, the UNABOMBER seemed to use varied sources to find his victims, and similarly to Light, was done in when he wanted fame and to make his world view known. Had he not insisted on his manifesto never being published in its entirety he never would have been caught.
how could he catch you realistically? you could just write his name down and boom he dies.
In the show? Yes.
In IRL? No.
In in real life?
I think the question of fame and narcissism goes to the heart of the issue of "changing the world." In truth if you killed off criminals you would never be able to see change on a macroscopic level enough for it to inspire a sense of accomplishment. I think anyone who dipped their toes into this power would eventually crave the fame in order to counterbalance the horrible shame they feel for taking lives, however horrible they may be. At least, that's what a morally reasonable person would feel. And I think that excuse for bad behavior would turn into a truly murderous zeal if people started worshipping your acts like they did in DN.
I would not
You both are missing an important part, a very important part.
Barring Misa committing suicide and negating the Death Note, she was very likely going to live for thousands and thousands of years. Both Jealous and Rem killed to save Misa, adding their remaining lifespan to Misa's life. There is no telling how much they had left, but, it is likely they both had a very long time left. Taking the Eye Deal means nothing, if you are going to live a hundred thousand years and now you are only going to live for twenty five thousand.
Misa took her own life, which is not part of the guarantee of the Death Note. Free will, and all that. Natural lifespan is what is cut short by the notebook, Misa cut her life short herself.
The only reason the killings were even considered murders was because he killed an insane amount of people with the same MO. Unless you want to send a message to the world a murder weapon that can perfectly simulate death by accident/illness/suicide all without ever having to be on the same continent is 100% unbeatable.
I'd just constantly kill people and travel to a few Rick people's homes to support myself. I'd wipe out most of the population and start stashing and building a compound with my riches.
Then I'd capture concubines and kill who was left and tell ryuk to fuck off.
Nigga that's bullshit and doesn't even make sense within the series.
In that sense you're arguing Light dying from getting shot multiple times is his "natural" end, when it too is the result of multiple "free will" instances.
Stop giving some fucking shonen multiple degrees of depth it never really had.
The only reason i might get caught is that i would kill way more people but by the time i get caught the damage would be done. If i moved to a 3rd world country i would never get caught.
No, because I'm not an attention whore. Besides, using the note IRL would be idiotic unless you're an edgy retard who doesn't believe in due process. Real life is not Ace Attorney, you can't just decide if someone's a bad guy just by looking at them. It's useless for anyone with a brain.
The fact that the cause of death was in turn response to Light's death and the cause cannot be changed means it's one of the rare instances when a death can be made that way indirectly. What he said was right.
Also, I'm pretty sure the show endorses fatalism. Regardless of all his machinations, Light is doomed by his ego, L is doomed by his loneliness, and so on. The suicide was inevitable. We have to deduce that the demon lifespans didn't add much, because remember that the Shinigami in love with Misa did nothing but watch her, so much so he virtually never killed, and Rem was herself probably prudential given her character and only sparingly used it to keep herself alive. So when Light quartered her lifespan he brought his death careering towards the present day. She might've gotten what, 50 years from those deaths? She died at 23 IIRC so after the demon lifespans she was destined to die at 92. Maybe Light's original death wasn't until she was a bit older, he might've had a much longer run, but because of Light's imprudence he gets cut off at 23 along with her.
Jesus Christ I thought you were using a clip from the Netflix live action there. Don't scare me like that.
Well, it sounds like someone has never thought about forging the world in your own image and purging those that stand in your way.
I would off a bunch of high profile kikes and politicians instead of petty criminals within 50 miles of me like that dumb faggot.
If Light's death was really caused indirectly by Misa's suicide being "moved up" then does that mean the Note can change the judgment of those whose fate has been changed? Because Light's failure was the kind of stupid mistake he would've never made, an inability to see all the angles of the Yellow Box Warehouse scenario that was so unlike him. Did the Death Note make him dumb so his death could come sooner? Because assumedly the only thing that her Eye deals could change other than her lifespan would be those indirectly affected by those changes, so I'd assume it couldn't make Near smarter in order to win.
>implying the nip live action is any better
No, because the hardest part to accept about this show, the one thing my extraordinary powers to suspend disbelief just couldn't touch, was that L somehow figured this shit out enough to be a credible threat to a guy with a supernatural death note book.
>Isabela Moner comes to anons house and fucks the living shit out of him posting on her instagram account how he was the best lover she ever had and then dies of a hear attack
A lot of it was pre-cooked Deus Ex, like the fact that L had gone his entire life living under an alias with no records of his name and history anywhere at all despite the fact that he was living in a pre-Death Note aware world. The fact that anyone like Lawliet would cultivate themselves into L without the world having prior knowledge of something like a Death Note is rather far-fetched, but not entirely unbelievable and so it doesn't really ruin the show for me.
Jesus, it begins...
The idea that anyone could take that autistic faggot seriously already ruins the series.
This, the important question is whether anyone could handle that power without eventually doing some really stupid shit.
It's more the idea that someone decided a bunch of crazy coincidental suicides and accidents had to be the work of a person, never mind that it would be nigh impossible with out supernatural help. The idea that official agencies would see that as possible and give the guy any resources or help regardless of his reputation is just asinine.
No because I don't really need to kill anybody.
This, I would shape the economics and politics in a way to advance mankind. What Light did was retarded.
They weren't coincidental though. You'd have to be blind not to see what was happening as some kind of supernatural crusade or literal fucking nanomachines. Light made the mistake of having an MO, namely killing criminals whose names were public knowledge. Not a one who died in the time windows observed by police didn't have their name as public knowledge. The show is not written as poorly as you perceive its writing.
Scratch this, I would get celebrities and stuff to send me nudes and fuck me before dying in 20 years. I'd get caught but it would be worth it
Probably not.
Light's downfall was his own hubris. At multiple points in the show, all he had to do was fucking nothing and he would have been completely off the hook. But he couldn't help himself. Being Kira was always second to defeating L. And as long as he was focusing on beating L rather than simply evading him, he had no chance.
I'm a fucking simpleton who doesn't want anyone to know about me, least of all L. Anytime I want to kill someone, I roll some dice to decide the date and time. Pick something boring and fast like a stroke.
Just give them some disease which lapses symptoms for many years
I'd exclusively kill people who are idiots on the internet.
They'd die of car accidents and the like. So no, I'd never be caught.
But if they acted like Naomi Misora did before she died, wouldn't that creep you out? Like a wordless zombie copulating with you. Can you really qualify "They fuck me (and enjoy it)" in the Note?
absolutely not
i'm inherently paranoid, i would never take an action that would lead back to me no matter how much i would want to get rid of anyone near me
If I had the death note I would've just become a lazy hitman for some criminal organization. Make easy money while living the neet lifestyle. I doubt I'd ever attract the attention of someone like L.
I think it depends whether you view yourself as an outsider with no interest in personal gain, personal involvement and If you don't start granting other people's wishes. If you don't make yourself a god then you'd be fine imo. You wouldn't be killing every single day though.
I can't believe you fucking zoomers can be this retarded. First and %50 reason that Kira get caught was he killed all criminals with cardiac arrest so that people know someone throwing justice. He did this because he is a massive ego.
Nearly most people wouldn't use DN because wanting someone that and actually killing them is different. And the ones who use it can't be caught if they keep low profile. DN is the ultimate weapon.
No one with a modicum of sense could possibly lose with a Death Note. Only pride-driven fools could fail.
No need to signal your existance: kill around the world, at all times , using different methods.
i think its stupid light or the other dude didn't hide pages of the notebook around the warehouse in the rare chance that something goes wrong with their plan. Light put all of his eggs in one basket like a retard.
>Hide pages
>Get shot when you try to retrieve and use them
I don't think you thought this through, user. Not to mention they'd probably just follow the guy there, too.
But I do agree that it seemed extremely out of character for Light to go forward with something he didn't fully plan out.
While we're at it, fuck the whole "I won, heeheehoohoo" shit when they clearly weren't dying yet, too. It's one thing for him to have gotten lazy to get himself into a scenario like this, but there's no fucking excuse for that part. Every other time he's waited for them to actually start dying before acting smug.
If Misa's quartered lifespan forces Light to die earlier so she can kill herself because he died, then the Death Note theoretically "made" Light stupid at the end so he would die at the correct time. The cause of death can't change, but since it's Ryuk writing his name which is the cause, that does mean that no matter what happens, even if Light WINS, Ryuk would kill him at the appointed time.
The other dude could have hidden pages anywhere, like his clothes or his asshole instead of nowhere at all.
You know what, that only makes that theory hold even more ground. It pretty much satisfies every moment that seems utterly stupid in an acceptable manner, like the perfect writing equivalent of a get out of jail free card. Though, would the book be able to edit people's IQs like that?
If he did, he'd have to do it prior to the switch, which carries its own problems, most namely that Mr. Perfect Recreation would notice that a page has been torn out (unless it wouldn't show? forgot if the book did something like that). At the very least though, that'd make them have to set up a new trap since they can't risk him showing up with the real thing.
I also question whether or not it's possible to do that, but because that other user outlined the fact that this explanation works, we have to assume that since he's indirectly affected by the Eye Deals, the powers of the book take over his mind and control his final actions.
>Mr. Perfect Recreation would notice that a page has been torn out (unless it wouldn't show? forgot if the book did something like that)
there is actually an infinite amount of pages in Death Note, so he probably couldn't check every single page if it's torn out.
i'm a total racist so i would just spend all my time copying population registers of african and arabian countries, totally untraceable
This, though it would not work if you wanted to be like light and let people know you exist
Alright, then maybe that could work out. As far as I remember, they just swapped the book and let him come there himself since they thought he was harmless by that point, so that could plausibly work.
I don't think he'd be able to go to the warehouse first, though, since they were tailing him like fucking crazy, but man, could you imagine if Light had actually won through a literal asspull? It's almost poetic.
Despite having 41% suicide rates...
I'd kill all SJWs ruining movies, shows and vidya
no it turns to shit as soon as L dies
After L dies is the best part of the show. The ending is absolutely kino when he runs away from the warehouse and remembers how his life was before he found the deathnote. Basically showing how he was never a bad guy but genuinely just tried to do the best he could.
The entire point of the show was that everyone that gets that amount of power turns into a monster no matter their ideologies or morals. Light Yagami was specifically shown to be a perfect moral guy for this very reason and we even see him return to a moral guy when he forgets about the deathnote after which he immediately becomes against Kira's actions. L himself said so that if he would have had the deathnote he would probably end up exactly the same.