I'm watching The Office for the first time...

I'm watching The Office for the first time, going into season 3 and now no less than two hot chicks want this guy's dick. What the fuck? This guy is average as shit. The actor isn't even beastmode yet. I look better than this dude I don't get any attention.

Attached: average.png (1255x703, 705K)

>Pranks you to death

Attached: jim3.jpg (788x720, 84K)

>This guy is average as shit.
4 in the real world
8 in the office
it works for guys too, you know
What are the alternatives for a young pretty girl that hang out there? Stanley? Toby? Creed?

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That explains it, there are a handful of fuckable chicks at my work and at least 4 guys with some game to each one.

he has blue eyes and is tall, this is an automatic chad in every environment where more than one human male must compete for female attention.

you see women can't appreciate beauty, they are not wired for selecting mates based on physical appearance. they see: size, hair/eye color, skin tones. and they make selections by democracy.

if you want to try this out, simply run this experiment.

>night 1: go out alone and try to meet girls in a social setting
>night 2: go out with another girl, and see how many girls will approach you

women want what they see other women have. this is why our society is so lopsided when it comes to materialism. kim kardashian gets a big ass, everyone wants a big ass. she dates a black guy, everyone wants to date a black guy. she gets long straight hair extensions, everyone wants that etc.

imagine if your entire brain and sexual dynamic was built around picking the winner of a coin flip. you're always on edge and desperate to get clues from your environment. if you see a single male thats a rapist. because historically the lone male animal is the one who is maladaptive or seeking to force a mate. even in other social predators like wolves you often see one male wolf with multiple females, and the lone wolf who can never pair up hovering on their periphery trying to sneak a fuck in.

Personality is most important. You don't have one, or you wouldn't be whining about this

Can confirm, i'm the best looking guy in my office and i'm like a 5 out of 10.

Work at home?

No, I work in a burns unit.

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He's tall and has broad shoulders. That's all you need really. Sometimes women want to be protected and sometimes they want to be overpowered. It's something a manlet can't realistically offer them unless he has social credit, which is artificial and a lie.

> Manlets can't overpower women and taller men.
Tell that to the whores of Baghdad when the Mongols came calling.

A big man can overpower a woman with ease. Manlets have to make an effort because women are the same height. If I want to overpower a women I have to get on the same level. A big man can do it like swatting away a fly, effortlessely. That's what turns a lot of women on.

How to get personality

I dont like his face at all

Creed? What about about Sneed?

>4 in the real world

Try 9 you fucking beta. Jim is a unique handsome lad, he’s good parts nerdy, good parts handsome. White (which is bonus) Is tall, good hairline, strong facial features and has that comforting confidant look. Deep manly voice, Women would literally melt for a guy like that. If you look up his recent transformation with the beard and muscles he’s a 15/10

I think you need to go outside and do things that are uncomfortable. Somehow this gives you personality.

>full hair
>hunter eyes
>broad features (mouth, lower third, nose which is a masc trait)
>deep voice
>extremely neurotypical and charismatic

He's on the cusp of slayerdom. He would be if he looked less goofy.

Why does this board have so many incels lol

Have you never worked in a close environment before?

Everyone's ratings tend to go up a few numbers by familiarity.

>I look better than the guy married to Emily Blunt

Sure you do OP

Attached: John-Krasinski-Emily-Blunt.jpg (2053x3000, 687K)

we all know Dwight is the true alphachad

I do believe I am better looking than that guy, yes. Though he is more chad and therefore wins.

late night Jenna?

oh if that were true my co-workers wouldnt be mouth breathers

a manlet can overpower any woman. a 12 year old boy can. testosterone is a hell of a drug.

its just when you're tall its more obvious that you're strong.