Are there any good kinos or documentaries about the incel phenomenon?
Are there any good kinos or documentaries about the incel phenomenon?
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lol this guy looks like a pepe
>anything I don't like is incel
old meme
This guy looks like Adam Driver lol
>he's white
well of course
I'm pretty sure the Incel subculture originated on Reddit.
i hate that anyone spent time looking into this.
>Incels are mostly American
>America is mostly white
>"Inceldom is a primarily white movement"
By the way you could use the same argument to frame the Democratic Party as "primarily white" even though no one would since their branding is minority appeal.
there is a solution for incelery, just HAVE SEX!
incels are based
I do not think you understand what based means.
Incels are more than meets the eye. It's about disenfrachised masculinity. And there's one absolute kino for that.
There's plenty of nonwhite incels. As a matter of fact, incels believe not being white basically makes you unattractive to women
Why don't they just have sex? Lmao like, dude just have sex!
>mentally ill
>Society treats you like shit and treats you as it's scape goat.
Incel farms when?
Now you know how niggers feel
There's more incels in China than the whole population of Canada. What are these faggpts smoking? I guess they just see nonwhites as so subhuman they don't even acknowledge them.
You are now aware that "incel" is a term that had to be invented to describe the people who used to be called "nerds", because corporate America co-opted that term for marketing purposes to sell Funko Pops and Captain America t-shirts to so-called adults.
gb2 r/incel
India too. The vast majority of incels in the world are actually Asian, and even in the west Asians are overrepresented.
Niggers commit most of the crimes. They deserve it. It doesn't matter how much blm lies you spread you can't break the law and not get shot.
Holy shit this dudes channel is fucking golden.
Why haven't you taken the dogpill yet Yea Forums?
It really puts into perspective how good whites in the west have it. I must have seriously fucked up to remain a virgin.
Whites have it good in the west and have it even better in other countries where being white is a massive advantage. Think of crusty old boomers with Thai brides. Granted, you can tell just by looking at them that she hates him, but the truth still remains that women in a lot of countries throw themselves at white men.
>I must have seriously fucked up to remain a virgin
t. incel
Is that even a real thing? I'm a fucking wizard but I have to admit I haven't got laid because I've never met a single effort towards it in my life.
Literally anyone can get laid. Ugly? Low your standars, really fuck ugly? Just get a hooker.
Also I don't feel an ounce of hate. I simply don't like society or being a sheep, so I just go my way.
nerds got married to ugly trekkie women though
Of course it's a real thing. Imagine if you were mentally ill and/or highly autistic in addition to your current virginity, and it made you extremely insecure and maladjusted to the point that you couldn't stop yourself from obsessively complaining about women and blaming them for all of your problems. That's an incel.