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I ate only McD for a month and lost body fat and gained muscle.
Should be titled Super Cuts Me.
Oh no I thought fried food and tons of carbs were good for me oh no my whole world view is shattered
you know people are creatively bankrupt when Super Size Me is getting a sequel
Super Size Me. Just a got a sequel
This just fucking happened. Let that sink in. How about Bowling for Columbine 2?
This. What's the fucking point of a sequel to a cringy Bush era documentary?
Is this gonna be about CHick Fila A? I read CHick Fil a restaurants are more profitable now than Macdonalds.
because morgan spurloc needs money for hair plugs
They are because the reality is nobody gives a fuck about faggots when it comes to tasty chicken.
Is it any good? We don't have a single one around here.
I hope they bring back super size because of this returning faggotry.
t. hungry skelington
Yeah it's good, they steam the chicken in the oven or some shit and it's really crispy and juicy at the same time.
>expect jaw dropping revelations
like what eating fried chicken everyday isn't good for you
>be a hack
>and a fraud
>have a single movie that does relatively well
>spend the next fifteen years trying to ape the success of that movie
>fail continuously
>get outed as a fraud repeatedly with each film
>make a sequel
fuck this fag
I miss pre 9/11 America.
There’s a line around the building during lunch time and they still get your order quickly. The food tastes better than McDonald’s and the people that work there aren’t pissed off dregs.
So, Spurlock proves again, that eating humongous amounts of food makes you fat? Who knew.
His career.
>an alcoholic rapist telling me fatty foods are fatty
>soi face
>faggy ironic handle-bar mustache
I hope he gets murdered.
Well no shit Sherlock
It's all propaganda bullshit, he's just some faggot commie vegan cuck with an agenda against meat and capitalists.
I'm so skinny and hungry.
I almost never eat fastfood burgers anymore because of Super Size Me, which is stupid because I still eat like shit. Also, Morgan Spurlock is a liar and the health problems he complained about couldn't be replicated by an independence source.
Super Rapes Me is the correct title
>not "no shit Spurlock"
Swing and a miss.
>Buzzword buzzword buzzword
>zero content
Typical /pol/
Very tasty. They use almond oil or something. You can feel it. Feel the difference in taste. They use certain spices. Its pretty amazing for fast food chicken
Even the bread is delicious
Those don't look like Chik-Fil-A buns.
Some people have done what he did and never got sick
Some people say he cheated on his movie.
If you exercise and eat McD daily you would be fine as long as you ate salads too.
Everything in the movie has been disproven
To avoid lawsuit probably
There is a documentary that proofs that his whole diet was faked. Forgot the name tho.... Maybe one of you guys remember.
>made in 2017
>waited 2 years to release for Basedface to catch on
Their salads offer nothing. The trick is to only eat every other day, stick to burgers, fries and zero sugar drinks (no desserts) and LIFT. You need to be able to eat 2 days worth of calories in one sitting to make this work.
his tv show is on amazon is it worth watching?
The trick to what? I already have a girlfriend incel.
>Their salads offer nothing
That's the point, you skip the empty calories from the fries, it's no different to taking a zero sugar drink
Salads have water and fill you up brainlet
Didn't this guy get #MeToo'd? That's why this movie was shelved for a couple of years. Did he finally get off the hook?
He #MeToo'd himself
I wonder how much Jewish mayo he gulped-down in order to get a pardon.
7 tablespoons
Fuck you asshole just because i dont remember doesnt make me a fat piece of shit. Eat shit
>salads fill you up
>"Wow, did you know that marketing exists to fool you into buying stuff by making things sound better than they really are by exploiting terminology and loopholes?": The Movie
I would love for all marketers to jump off a cliff, but this is just going to keep happening and this movie isn't going to shed any real light on on a problem people already are well aware of. The problem is buying shit is just as an amoral process as producing and selling it. Best you can hope for is some sort of means of accountability of the entire process, which really is only possible with small-town business.
They do if you don't have a fat, stretched out stomach.
interesting, but that guy is seriously uncharismatic
Breaded chicken sandwiches are worse for you than cheeseburgers.
I'm guessing the whole movie will be "they throw the chicks in blenders and stack the chickens 50 high and they shit all over each other" which everyone already knows.
People still use the term "hair plugs"? Only boomers say that now.. you must be 35+ years old. The modern term is hair transplants.
Nobody is fooled, baldy
And literally no-one came forward afterwards. What a fucking loser.
Someone posted what the movie is about
>Despite what people think akshually fried f chicken is not a healthy alternative
Uh, no fucking shit? What an unnecessary movie that I'm sure was only made to take jabs at chic-fil-a because wahh muh faggots.
Will it be as full of lies as the first one?
Now imagine supersize me movie not about food but about 5G network
This is wrong. We just pressure fry it.
t. Work at CFA in the kitchen
if you think that ones bad, this dude does the same thing and even better because he uses sarcastic boomer humor
>eat fast food for a month
>record it
This is the dumbest and most simplest way to make cash, and it's not like its torture but at the end of the day he fucking shits on these companies for providing him with cheap calorie dense hot food.
He also needs money for his legal defense fund for raping people.
I think a worse one of these films is "that sugar film" that starts a vegan with his "all natural" wife and claims that an average person's breakfast is Toast, cereal, yogurt and juice... in the one fucking meal.
This stupid reply made me laugh for past few minutes and I don't know why
>go from full vegan diet for 10+ years to eating nothing but super sized mcdonalds meals every meal every day for 30 days
>wonder why your body goes into shock
As if we needed a fraud to explain FAST food is meant as a convenience and nothing else.
Genuine question: how many people here regularly eat breakfast? I feel like the whole "wake yourself up at 7:00 and cook" concept is a fucking meme. I've never had time for that shit.
when you mistake a legit answer for an insult
>Super Size Me
>Bowling For Columbine
Bush-era documentaries are peak comfy.
This happens to me all the time and it is quite disconcerting. I'll reply and then get yelled at, happens in real life too. Unsure what I am doing wrong really.
Or a smart man. The #meToo hunters are a bit like bears, they don't attack you if you don't move, but the more you run, the more they come after you.
>vicariously I, live while the whole world dies.
this dude probably fucked holly conrad
all these fags believing in billion dollar multinational fast food corporations instead of some guy who let his health go to shit in a documentary trying to expose them
My science teacher in high school always said that he knew him in college, and that he was a massive faggot.
You're a fucking melt that's why lad, absolute fucking bender you are, proper nob head might as well kill yourself tbqhwy cunt
it is, the concept of scheduled body functions by science was the most retarded thing to ever happen until the food pyramid. Eat when you're hungry, stop when you're satisfied (not full), drink when thirsty, stop when you're done. Life existed for billions of years without a spreadsheet to tell you how to live.
>so I ate the food
>yes every day i ate the food
>its all i ate yes
>so when i ate it
>i got fats
>but all i was eating when hungry was burgers and fries and drinking cokes
>but yes i ate the foods and i got fats
>mcdonalds bad
*nods knowingly*
could be autism or could be society is getting more conditioned to being butthurt because of social media, who knows, won't know without interacting with you and your slice of society
I do
t. play football with friends & lift 4-6 days a week
God dammit, get this man a million dollars!
>drinks a bathtub of soda everyday
>fucks up his health
>reditards give him a standing ovation for that
Ex-fatfuck to /fit/ler here. I dropper nearly 60 pounds since I started lifting, but never stopped eating burgers. I just cut out soda and fries out if it and surprise surprise, the burger itself does absolute fuck all. Proper burger is even beneficial when I want better tasting proteins from time to time.
>If you exercise and eat McD daily you would be fine as long as you ate salads too.
You're still consuming a shit ton of salt, saturated fat, sugar and preservatives. Getting fat is only one of the hazards of eating fast food every day.
>is from /fit/
>doesn't know a thing about calories
sounds about right
>shit bait
Typical Canadian.
Just coffee at the start and after two hours, shen my body is sufficiently awake, Ill eat fiber dense food to keep me going until the work is nearly done.
Disgusting. Is this what you people aspire for? She looks like a fat kid wearing a wig.
hes probably just gonna go into the whole “peeble think chikins is better then fwench fwies and boigurs but look at dis!” As he proceeds to eat 5lbs of fried chicken a day between bread.
it was the best of times
>single McBurger has more calories than you manage to burn during warmup
Slap yourself.
Say what you want about mega corporations but McDonalds for me when I was on welfare, they did this thing where you could get a big mac and fries for like two quid.
Lemme tell ya when you're eating canned tuna and lettuce everyday and anything else cost way too much money a nice warm burger and fries for next to nothing was a warm hug and a half.
>Bowling for Columbine 2?
With the amount of spree shooters since columbine this would make more sense than "guy eats fast food for a month 2 electric boogaloo"
that is a jaw dropping revelation for americans
So this is going to be about chik fil a and how queers are actually better for society than religion?
>How about Bowling for Columbine 2?
I don't think the name is catchy but the subject matter would merit a new documentary.
I actually didn't know that. But I am from Europe
Bowl of muesli and a glass of orange juice every day.
skipping breakfast for over a year now and having the pressure off of not eating "the most important meal of the day" is great.
The fat, sugar and calories could be offset by hard labor but the salt will fuck you in the long run, it's literally poison.
>jaw-dropping revelations
Eating shit tons of fast food will make you fat and the meat industry is basically animal cruelty made into a science. There. I saved you an hour and a half.
Supersize #metoo
We know, Cole. We know.
He opens his own fast food store, expect ginger pubes in every burger
It was the blurst of times.
You lose salt through sweat though
so whats the difference now? he just eats chicken for a month?
>Morgan Spurlock reignites his battle with the food industry - this time from behind the register - as he opens his own fast food restaurant.
>Americans actually need documentaries to realize McDonalds and KFC makes you fat if you eat too much