>"Is this the kino club?"
"Is this the kino club?"
Other urls found in this thread:
maybe the t-rex was just an incel
Oh look a jannie
welcome to the club buddy
Holy shit. Impressive bulk and a good taste in movies? OP being a seething jealous fag as usual
blue shoes wide dragon
He's got a big old ass coming out the front of his shirt.
>"Sorry I need to return this. I only watch kinos and not flicks."
>"Yeah I post on Yea Forums how could you tell?"
I'm 550lbs and I can barely walk. Spend my entire day posting on /pol/ or watching anime. AMA
How do things get this bad?
what is this thread about
That store clerk is fine as fuck. Would bang.
>not playing video games like this chad instead
How is it possible to walk around and be THIS fucking fat? Does he eat like 20k caliries a day?
people this fucking fat should be euthanized, butchered, and air dropped to starving africans
Nothing to ask, just wanna say you're based and I hope to one day be like you
He's just bulking so he can have iron giant calves in his beach bod.
really fucked up opinion, man. that last part i mean.
I'm a bit tired of video games lately too much SJW stuff and lack of soul. But I do play a lot of breath in the wild, dota, and japanese RPG's
imagine living like this
Based, i work out every day and am in good shape and wish i could be like you.
>"Prequels have always been kino."
We're laughing at those cargo pants, right?
imagine if he brapped when he leaned over
does this guy doesnt have a family? friends? how the fuck one ends up like this
people that big don't brap they just vacate their bowels on the spot
American diet is 95% carbs with huge serving sizes
maybe a bit of poo here and there but I doubt many can ever fully empty their shit holes without assistance.
Yea Forums is his family
you underestimate how pressurized his colon is
thing's basically an aerosol can with shit in it
I guarantee at least 30% of these people's diets are cheese.
And how do you know this? From experience?
I guarantee most of that cheese from cheap frozen food isn't real cheese
I have fifteen brap cows hooked up on my brap farm in my basement to nozzles, just brappin all day and eating KFC
who the fuck took this picture of me?!?
My son
Calm down janny.
>"Yeah this is the club."
>"What's the password?"
>*both start laughing uncontrollably*
>"Okay you're in."
my local card shop had some of the nastiest humans i’ve ever come across.
several obese kids that constantly smelled like ass and one of them had a weird smelling foot fungus.
faggot had the nerve to wear sandals.
his dad is the enabler
Who said anything about frozen food?
Lol nice.
Americans don't eat cheese. They eat pasteurized process topping
>I used to do this when I got too drunk and hungry
I regret nothing
Guy looks like he's on his early 20s, and already shows acanthosis on the face, he will be blind in his 30s and with amputated feet on his 40s, of course only if a heart attack doesn't come earlier.
Greek is the the perfect example of brain drain form a high inflammatory diet
Is that Brad from 4PlayerPodacast?
inb4 Banned for replying to Off-Topic Garbage for 2 days.
how is it actually possible to eat enough to reach this size
I've never seen anything like this here. You sure that's not Mexico?
>now melts
Do americans really?
w-what happened before?
That death suits holy shit, there's a person under all of that.
why are fat people so FUCKING disgusting
no that shit doesn't melt its covered in minute amounts of powdered wax shit to keep it separate
lost a cousin that way, just wanted some quesadillas
god bless jerry I'll miss you
Notice how the corporations are literally forbidden from calling it cheese. It's "shreds" or "slices" kind of like how chocolate-flavored corn syrup is called "chocolatey" syrup.
>fat shaming thread
It got hot and just burned.
>almost the entire package is in English
>is that mexico?
They do a lot of stupid things
Hey there debby have you scrubbed the fat cheese out of your folds this week? Thinking of you, xoxo
Why yes it is! Glad you could make it, gentleman, would you roll out the red carpet?
>[Medicine 86] Guy looks like he's on his early 20s, and already shows acanthosis on the face, he will be blind in his 30s and with amputated feet on his 40s, of course only if a heart attack doesn't come earlier.
>*posts a rotten tomatoes thread*
Have sex.
They're all around you, user.
I'm good debby I honestly don't think I could find your rotten cunt under the folds
maybe after you get that gastric bypass
just keep eating m8
Why do threads like these make it to 70 replies in 30 minutes and get trips and my threads always end up on page 10?
I don't remember his name but I saw a youtube video a while back and his whole family is a bunch of dumpster divers.
>Natural fresh roasted peanut flavor
Jesus Christ
how do i achieve this natty? Currently 6', 180lbs
by being an american
is this the fucking state puft marshmallow man
lol some mudslime now seething about Americans
I cannot comprehend how it is even possible for fat to be stored on the forehead.
this man is making a mockery of architecture
I would actually try this. Is it actually decent, or does it taste like shit?
I hate these threads they always make me feel bad.
God I wish I was a healthy weight.
>yeah, it's just my genetics that I'm this fat. I've tried dieting and everything, some people just have slower metabolism.
To be fair, making fake peanut butter and spreading it into a dozen servings (if something's under 5 grams per serving they can literally make it zero on the info) is the only way to make it live up to those claims. Peanut butter is very nutritious and calorie-dense to begin with.
For more of the shit amerilards have to put up with thanks to business-friendly policy, check this out: mouseprint.org
>that title
Can't stay that fat without beetus juice
>gained 20-30 pounds over winter
At least Yea Forums tells me that it's easy for manlets to get ripped
>eats 20k calories in a single sitting
>The towel on the bed because you are always nude and your ass is too vacuous to properly clean so shit ends up everywhere you sit.
I want to honestly puke.
favorite monster? for me it's khezu
/fit/ pls stay
I bet he plays a mean swarm deck.
significant calorie surplus for years
lots of junky carbs, very sedentary lifestyle
I'd be more interested in the median. It is possible that a bunch of ultrafatties in the 300lb range bring up the weight, and abuelitas bringing height down.
Nigger play SpaceStation 13. You, and every other autistic person on the internet inside a spacestation in the future. And its FREE. It's a very autistic game, but it has a lot of depth
I always wonder in these threads, are foreigners under the impression these weird products are common and easy to find in America? I've seen pictures of what they sell in "American isles" in your markets and it's always the weirdest shit lmao
That isn't peanut butter...
>tfw he's the fat skype friend from that one post
At a large enough sample size, the median and mean will generally be pretty close together.
heat coin
this stuff is illegal in the first world
>3rd world reading comprehension
You tried.
I see the 'fat guy lean' in every gamestop i've ever been to
If its not a customer, than its an employee about the same size leaning on the counter the same way
Something about that place just draws them to it
please tell me this is a shoop
this is seriously fucking with my head
Is fatness a genetic disease in America?
Women have very little pressure to take care of themselves. The whole anti-bodyshaming (of women) movement has had a big swing back effect, where many women feel absolutely no need to care for themselves, and men have been conditioned to accept said lazy females. Men haven't received similar leniency, which is why so many fit, healthy looking dudes are regularly seen dating plain, fat women while the opposite seems a rarity.
brb, going to pick up some American bread
>lost a cousin that way, just wanted some quesadillas
dude not cool don't post pics of me
Oh wait, I need breakfast bread and not regular bread.
Whats your AOTS?
These people need to be helped, not laughed at.
Is that a result of the CLT? I think I see what you mean. Regardless, I was trying to express that the distribution is skewed to the right -- there are way more 300lb women than 50lb women.
How do dudes like this reach their dick when they gotta take leak? Genuinely curious lol
oh my god im a retard, not the CLT, the LLN
i don't want to ask you anything i'm just going to sigh and shake my head
Holy shit it looks like me but fat
Finally a little compassion among the soulless incels ITT
I thought it was because of the CLT? Since a normal distribution has the same median and mean
>t. Not remotely a statistician
laughing at them is helping them
humiliation is the best source of discipline
I saw this in a sprouts once and bought it out of morbid curiosity... After tasting it I made all my friends try it before throwing it away. Tastes like rat poison.
sorry mate I only just realised you mean aisles instead of isles. spastic
>obese for half of my life or thereabouts
>after nearly 15 years finally lose the weight
>loose skin and literal gyno means I'll always have the fat guy look unless I have surgery
>surgery could result in numbness
>always going to be a facecell with pronounced nasolabial folds that make me look jowly, a somewhat wonky eye, small chin, and neutral (maybe negative) canthal tilt on one eye
>thinning hair
I'm going to die alone.
I'm not going to make it.
I have complete compassion and respect for people who actively try to lose weight and better themselves.
I have no sympathy or feelings other than disgust and pure hatred for the shapeless gluttons who lay around moaning about how terrible things are.
Its like the fatties I see at walmart, camping out in front of the store for hours for thier turn on the electric cart.
Fuck you, you fat disgusting waste of human flesh. Just fucking roll into a ditch and die, so at least your rotting carcass can fertilize the ground and let you contribute to the world for once in your fucking life.
Nothing but hate. Hate. Hate. Hate.
That's a shame. I love peanut butter, but it's so calorie dense that you can eat an entire meals worth of calories in a a few spoonfuls
Outliers wouldn't really be too much of a factor. Standard deviation should be provided to extent outliers have on the margin of error.
>being this obsessive about your canthal tilt
What are your favorite kinos? (No animes please)
t. 300 kilo fatass
The king
impressive he can walk, imagine his leg strength
Do Americans have special stores for normal, non-artificial bread? Can you even buy it in walmarts and stuff?
Is this a jannie thread?
/pol/ and /r9k/ are confirmed loser centrals.
It's over for us, user. Better to just make that money and die young
Can one of you ladies please be my gf?
Do you just walk up to strangers on the street and ask them to be your girlfriend?
Why would you do this to me on the internet and expect a different result?