Woman can't be new Th

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Her face is aging like 2 times faster then her body

>doesn't care about capeshit until she gets to be the star
Based or cringe?

Thats means shes not eating gentile children to stay young.

She still doesn't care. It's just too good a payday to turn down.


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Is she one of those secret reptilian people?

fame whore

she's a well known (((reptilian)))

So do they make another hammer or is this netflix level of whatever shut up and watch it

poor girl thought she could escape capeshit

She's been applying Korean foreskin paste to the wrong areas

fuck it. in the movies it'll be a jewish woman kiss a black dude. let them bare the brunt of their own propaganda for once.

Apparently shes putting on a little weight and muscle for the role. Calling it now, shes gonna look fucking hot

Ive read the comic, it couldve been a good movie if it wasnt for the fact that they already had like 2 movies about Thor without his hammer. Its also really boring to bring back Jane after essentially kicking her out. I just hope they stay true to the comics and give her the cool Thor costume, but in the end make Odinson worthy again, perhaps hinting at old King Thor

You've got a point...

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Taika Waititi is playing Hitler in his new film

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Natalie "Gotta pay them bills" Portman

>Make bazillions with comics
>SJWing the comics tanked sales
>Makes movies instead
>Start the SJW process on the movies
I can't imagine what will happen to capeshit movies next.

Shit I didnt even recognize that was natalie portman.

How about they come up with a...get this...original superhero?


Natalie is going to get jacked and make femcapekino!

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Natalie Portman will play female Thor? Thorina? Thorette?

Thora Birch must be so pissed right now. She'll be wearing skinmasks on TWD while Natalie gets another undeserved role in a Marvel movie.

>excuse me user, what did you say about the jewish peoples? you're not an anti-semite are you?

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needs some pit hair

That face

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You know what she might probably be the first actress who's made that kind of open declaration/challenge
Fuck it I might actually watch this if she gets buff for research purposes of course

it's going to be pathetic unless she takes PEDs (anavar)

>implying she's not going to do it Natty

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Sounds like KINO to me

lmao they cucked the shit out of thor

thor is the fan favorite after iron man and captain america left, they can't have another white male running the franchise

She does that already in Annihilation though.

>Femanlet (5' 3")
>pushing 40

What is going on with her faces

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Johannssen is also a femanlet - even more so after she got her implants removed

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I enjoy the Marvel films for the most part, but I think Portman is the beginning of their decline. Bitch cannot act, and her shitty personality shines through everything she does. She's also aging like a shallow dish of mayonnaise sitting in the sun.

She's being punished for being critical of Israel publicly.

Women might live life on easy mode but they are on nightmare difficulty when it comes to building muscle natty.

Anavar is basically a magic pill with no negative affects besides slightly fucking up cholesterol levels.

She should have been an Elf in LOTR

Juju shit aside, how can you look at that and not be mesmerized by its beauty?
Shes even got short dude hair and shes still drop dead gorgeous hfs.

>holding a prop like she actually believes the comics her agent had to explain in 3rd grade metaphor


She's a vegan.