Where did you get this?
How do I download and install the movie using this code?
link's not working bro
well of course online!
Hmmm. A cult of white people who follow a retard. Where have I seen that before in America...
>people who build multi-billion dollar companies and fuck supermodels are retards
this is what liberals actually believe
you're a regular stephen colbert
why are you doing this
>nepotism and privilege means you "built" something
Conservitards actually believe this.
he inherited around 35 million and turned it into 3.5 billion - no mean feat. When you give 35 million to an actual retard, they either end up dead or broke.
Midsommar doesn't have any supermodels. Have you seen it?
Who is the "Stephen Colbert" of the Republican Party? Tucker Carlson? Rush? Charlie Kirk?
>actually engaging low effort leftypol bait
No, Trump inherited $1 million by the age of 8, he couldn't even run casinos where drunk idiots just throw money at you, his father Fred gave him $413 million (adjusted for inflation), he owes $500 million in backtaxes, & he's not a billionaire (otherwise he would have shown you his taxes).
>sharing files
>doesn't give me the link
Dumb op
This is bullshit, movie just came out a few weeks ago. No way possible for there to be an evo webrip that isn’t a cam.
Fred built a billion dollar company. Donny was just told he was very special all his life (here's your participation trophy). And if supermodels wouldn't fuck retards, then Don Jr. would be an incel.
why u lyin for FUCK YOU
He was a multi millionaire by birth, crediting his wealth to him and his bootstraps is fucking stupid.
Fred built a real estate company in New York; and it wasn't worth billions.
Trump started 6 gorillian different companies.
>wagie can't comprehend the stratification of society
It costs 3-5 million dollars to build one Wal-Mart.
>Where have I seen that before in America
>he couldn't even run casinos where drunk idiots just throw money at you
His only failed casinos were the ones in the Atlantic City district. It was due to the taxes there, which caused several other businesses in the district to fail also. Not just Orange Man.
It's real easy to trick millenial leftists with just a few slogans like "DIS ONE BUSINESS FAIL, THEREFORE MAN BAD." because you soi niggers don't know shit about the stock market or anything. That's why you work at Soibucks, and I'm a /biz/ chad getting bitcoin from my home office.