When I was a kid I thought chest hair was some rare thing that only gross people had...

When I was a kid I thought chest hair was some rare thing that only gross people had, because every single man with an exposed chest in a movie seemed to be hairless and smooth

Why do they do this?

Attached: CBDD52D9-691C-4AED-B1A0-D1C62267C5B4.png (500x281, 199K)

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You watched those commentaries too, huh?

You just didn't see many movies.

Attached: 487561.jpg (337x500, 111K)

because hollywood likes that style

I really, really, really dislike people making substanceless threads based on five seconds of a youtube video

god can you imagine if he was just like this gross sweaty, hairy slob. that would've been KINO

>You watched those commentaries too, huh?
>I really, really, really dislike people making substanceless threads based on five seconds of a youtube video

What video?


OP if you're gonna base your thread on shit from a YouTube video, don't pick one that's currently being pumped out by YouTube's algorithm

literally me

I can't grow good facial hair but I fell for the hairless chest meme in high school, shaved my chest for years, and now i have a full thick chest of manly hair like Sean Connery. Chicks dig it but I still would like to be smooth like the goose

its because CG hair rendering is difficult

never heard of this gay couple
they're not funny
video was claimed by the studio LOL

Same reason women movies shaving legs, hair are too lewd.

The idiom "put hair on your chest" somehow got its meaning after the 90's when subliminal PSYOP's sponsored by gilette started feminizing men. Men today are shorter, wimpier, weaker and more pathethic than ever. The only way of staying clear of this government sponsored manipulation program is to simply not watch any film or tv past 00's.

somehow *lost(...)

did you never go to a beach or a pool or see your dad without a shirt

Why do you have to bring that up

based retard

>Doesn't know about the slow burn of emasculating white males from Hollywood kikes

Don't shave your chest, and only trim your balls/bush if its a forrest. And don't circumcise your boys either. I don't care what you see in porn.

Only cucks have hair on their chest. Literal virtue signaling that you are "manly". If you are a true man you wouldn't give a shit if you have hair there or not.

The kino choice is shaved chest but apparent happy trail to a well manicured bush.

Attached: 1488184322338.jpg (650x1000, 119K)

Doc Oc probably shaves because heir would interfere with all his weird surgical implants.

>if you're a real man you wouldn't give a shit if you have hair or not
> so you should shave

>confirmed for chestlet

>if you are a true man you wouldn't give a shit if you have hair there or not.
>but if you dont care and dont shave it you're a cuck
hang yourself retard

Bare chest Ock!

Attached: doc-ock-spider-verse-sequel-excited.jpg (1200x650, 255K)

fucking hate zoomers

Chestlet cope.

How is letting your hair grow naturally and not giving a shit virtue signalling? Wouldn't caring and shaving it like a woman/faggot be the sign of a cuck?

>hey spidey, wanna play baseball?
Not sure what raimi was talking about here

The only part of my body that i don't shave are my arms and the hair on top of my head. Everything else goes

>it's a "I think everything is hairless effeminate twinks now because it's literally all I can think about at a given moment" episode
Is there such thing as a repression Olympics?

The uncomfortable nightmare is must be to be sweaty and have heavy chest hair.

I know the commentaries, theyre fucken funny never got their full ones though also based

I don't care if you have chest hair, but you sound kinda faggy

>Men today are shorter
this is simply not true

>itt anons who have never breathed the same air as a female convince themselves they are manlier than other males by virtue of whether or not they have hair on their chest
And yet you faggots still wonder why no one likes you, much less fuck you

>he fell for the shaving makes it grow thicker meme

You fucking idiot.

What age do you get chest hair????
19 YO here and only got a few strands around nipples

Mine started growing wildly around 17/18