What happened to her relationship with Chakotay?
What happened to her relationship with Chakotay?
>still hot after 20 years
Still would fuck.
Maybe he was a bad sexual partner from drinking too much? You know, an Indian giver.
A-koo-chee-moya. We are far from the sacred places of our grandfathers. We are far from the bones of my people. But I ask, on this day of sorrow and uncertainty, that the wisdom of my father find me and help me understand my dilemma. Speak to me, Father. Speak to me in my dreams.
Drinking too much firewater?
She split when she found out his Injun nickname, "Johnny Short Bone"
They had to get rid of him because he was actually created by an armenian.
He's dead.
Based armenian fake indian of ancient tribal wisdom
Why does her prosthetic look crappier than the one from a 90s TV show?
because women and diversity hires made them this time
It doesn't but you're desperately reaching for something to whine about
Had her and picard ever met before?
How are the CBS All Access numbers doing, since you're here? Still terrible?
Beltran hated Voyager
>"When you're given these throwaway scenes with not much thought put into who's saying it and its importance to the whole story - and I'm talking mostly about seasons five and six here - it just makes me feel like the writers don't care. Therefore the producers don't care, therefore the show isn't that important, therefore why am I busting my ass trying to make this stupid scene worth anything?"
>"I was right, [the writers] are idiots. So I feel vindicated but unfortunately, you're going to have to sit through it."
You could say it ended because she had reservations about continuing it.
Based and correctpilled.
It just hit it's projected 2021 numbers two years ahead of schedule, thanks for asking.
yeah, okay, it's made out of play-doh
If I remember right the whole Chakotay-Seven thing was them throwing a bone to him to shut him up at the time, so I wouldn't expect it to be given much care
You Vs. The person she tells you not to worry about.
Remember they don't have the rights to star trek so they've gotta change things for legal purposes.
If that means making everything look like a fan film then so be it.
>Remember they don't have the rights to star trek so they've gotta change things for legal purposes.
I don't understand this.
It's called Star Trek. The characters are 7 of 9 and Picard. How do they not own Star Trek?
How are SG Universe, Caprica, and STD not lower?
Don't get that retard started.
he believes youtube "journalists"
Tom Paris was from an episode from Next Generation but they changed the name so they didn't have to pay the writer of the episode. It might be a similar thing.
Just kinda seems to swing a bit lower on the bottom part
syndication cash and royalties are a bitch yo
That was just them stiffing a writer.
stargate is caca poopoo
Dark Matter and Star Trek Animated both need to be a tier lower
he went out for milk and never came back
Stick Final Space in terrible Tier.
The single episode with the subplot where 5of9 is using the holodeck to pretend to be a normal real girl and then chukotay please her out of it was probably the best story in voyager
I'll never get over how big her titties were, and how much those catsuits she wore highlighted them. I should have appreciated them a lot more back then. Guess I'll make up for lost time.
I'm ethically opposed to supporting a tv show for the wrong reasons that's why I stopped watching when they introduced her character
no asked lol
It's probably CGI'd on. Not even kidding. CGI has become like a drug to these people and they use it now for the dumbest shit.
You guys like star trek 2009.
Star trek: Discovery?
Notice how it's nothing like the prime universe.
That's why.
They need to pay another company.
Her husband used to m pass her around at sexclub fyi
Chakotay finally went Janeway.
Obviously she dropped him for Barclay.
It's such an unnecessary fucking cameo. Why not some of the DS9 crew? You know, the show people actually liked? In fact, why not Sisko? He and Picard hate each other. THAT'S a conflict I want to see resolved.
even after she's been passed around a european sex club by her senator cuckold ex-husband?
I wonder what Jeri Ryan's direction was for reprising this role.
Director: "Hey, you know Seven of Nine? Easily your most famous and memorable character?"
Jeri: "Of course I do! What about her?"
Director: "Would you like to reprise her?"
Jeri: "Oh em gee of course I would!"
Director: "Great! Now, remember her personality? Well throw that shit out the window 'cause you're now a sassy older woman who has completely transcended her borgocity. Basically play an entirely different person. And... ACTION!"
Chakotay isn't interested in her coochie no-moya
Didn't Sisko's actor eventually hate the roll and started to become clinically insane?
Avery Brooks? Uhh... I hadn't heard about that. Weird that he would hate the thing that made him famous but it has happened before, I suppose.
>literally made up phrases from some guy who scammed the production company
Fucking a wooden plank can be difficult and painful.
So is she a fifty-something year old virgin or at some point did someone manage to get her out of that silver bodysuit long enough to touch her transphasic vagina?
Sisko is a meme character
Seven is actually relevant to a story about Picard and the remnants of the Borg
I have a lot of issues with what they are doing with Trek now, but let's be honest, this is set 20 years later. She'll have grown and overcome her initial autism. Complaining that she grew as a character in that time is just silly. We met her the first few years coming off being an almost lifelong borg. She's been around people for a long time at this point and she'll have mellowed out. I'm willing to wait to see if they still let her have traces of how she was before. Maybe the borg influence just manifests differently in someone who spent 20 years living with non-borg.
that feel you got to meet Jeri in her prime and brush up against her.
No she isn't. The BORG are relevant to Picard. Seven had zero point zero interactions with him. But more to the point, his de-assimilation had been thoroughly explored before. What, they have to drum this shit up thirty years later like he still has nightmares about it?
And besides, he was only Borg for, like, a month.
Yeah, Seven should totally act exactly like she was just unplugged from the Collective, twenty years later. Two decades of being an individual would not have changed anything at all about her.
The point I'm trying to make is that, unlike in the show where her personality slowly developed over time, this is a massive jump from where she was at the end of Voyager (a bit more social, wanting to explore relationships, cooking, etc.). How do you account for all of that time? Where is Jeri pulling this new characterization from?
>this is a massive jump from where she was at the end of Voyager...How do you account for all of that time?
Umm, the literal 20 years since we saw her last.
And you think Picard will address all of that time? Show Seven's life through flashbacks? Seems unlikely given the show is about, y'know, fuckin' PICARD.
No, it's not necessary. A time jump of 20 years lets you show people have continued to grow and evolve. It's very clearly implied that she has mellowed out some and is in a better place.
I accept your surrender.
It won't because it doesn't need to show any of it.
I want a lesbian sex scene between Seven and B'elanna's daughter. I forget her name but the actress they had play her was hot.
That she even has it is stupid. iirc the Doctor found a way to remove the rest of her implants that were blocking her from feeling too much. Some 20 years before the new Picard show is taking place.
The only way that Picard's, or Seven's, or anyone else's characters are going to retain any of the dignity or charm of the originals in this nu-Trek age are if their actors breathe life into them with their individual performances. We know the directors and writers are hacks, we know they have no idea what the fans want, or if they do they don't care, so expecting anything but pure fanfiction from this show is retarded.
I personally have hope that Jeri will override at least a small amount of the shitty writing to shine through as the true Seven, who would no doubt, like Picard, still be dealing with a life-time of PTSD from being a literal mindslave connected mind and body to millions of other mindslaves. But we all know what's going to happen. We all know it's going to be two Stranger Things characters bantering about the good ol' days and shooting stuff. Fuck it.
Harry hella missed out on his oportunity.
I vaguely recall an episode that centered around her and that one Borg boy. One of her critical implants was failing and he surgically removed his own because he was young enough to not require it.
The point is I'm pretty sure there are some implants that she'll never be able to live without, which is honestly not a bad thing, given that her eyes are prosthetic and better in every way to organic eyes. Also she's faster, stronger, requires less sleep, impossibly intelligent...
Would YOU want those implants removed?
Harry was a notorious idiot for a lot of reasons. Doing nothing to advance his career for eight years is another.
>Danth's Law
That was her cortical node that regulates her other implants. Don't know what the doctor wanted to remove exactly but at some point it could be possible that she'd be able to live without Borg tech.
Maybe but again, some of it is mandatory unless she wants to be blind and missing one of her hands. 'Cause remember, the Doctor straight up made her new eyes and limbs.
>paris who is a convict
>fucks up whenever he gets his way with something
>goes against captains orders and violates the prime directive
>get demoted and thrown in space jail
>gets his rank back before Harry gets even a glance who's always on duty and a model officer EXCEPT ONE FUCKING TIME FOR SOME SPACE PUSSY
Hard to advance in rank when you are stuck on ship stranded so far away. Rly only way to move up in murdering your CO.
On other node, baring that one alien that shagged him for sole purpose of giving him hearthbreaking STD, he almost actively avoided getting his dick wet. Remember the time he pushed that klingon amazon onto Neelix of all people? Trek's OC incel.
Honestly I feel like if Seven had joined Starfleet, she would have made lieutenant before Harry did.
Captains can promote all the way to flag officer. Janeway didn't because, presumably, she knew Harry was hot garbage.
Yeah but he created the Delta Flyer!
Point taken.
Real Harry died, Janeway probably just never trusted that alternate universe copy of him they kept to replace him
They sold the real one to some one armed bandit at the big auction
I want Harry to make an appearance in Picard, still stuck in the same rank.
Garret Wang was pretty much a dick to work with, and they almost wrote Harry out of the show until People Magazine voted him as one of the "50 Most Beautiful People in the World".
The fact that still nobody liked him was why the show shat on him from such great height.
A side story of Harry's slow descent into depression would be fun. Hasn't been promoted since Voyager returned, none of the original crew keeps in contact with him, he's only assigned the shittiest posts, and mid-way through the season he threatens his considerably younger superior with resignation... and no one cares. No retirement benefits would be conferred, his medals would be expunged from record...
Basically I want Harry to wind up an unhinged hobo that tries to sell stories about his time in the delta quadrant for rations.
Is this the power of nanoprobes?
Star Trek nanoprobes are somehow even more bullshit. Need to reprogram a warp core? Nanoprobes. Need to create a virus speficially designed to kill aliens from another dimension? Nanoprobes. Need to BRING SOMEONE BACK FROM THE FUCKING DEAD?
Need to wipe down the holodeck? Nanoprobes.
I'd like it more as a cameo. Maybe not even hire the actor but have some unimportant young Starfleet captain give orders to "ensign Kim".