Chris Peterson is a carefree, childlike bachelor who refuses to live the life of an adult. At the age of 30, Chris still lives with his parents and maintains a career delivering the St. Paul Pioneer Press; a job that he has held since his youth.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>has a job

You're still a NEET if you don't work 60 hours a week and make >100k.

If you live in an apartment
Are virgin
Have geeky hobbies
Have no gf
Don’t have a car

You are NEET and Incel. That’s just fact.

Keep watching!

That's some serious projecting going on there user

So like 99% of all young adults are neets?


All the free time in the world and he spends it talking to other NEETs

how would you live in an apartment without having a job to pay rent?

you know NEET stands for "Not employed, in education or training"?

pls don't lump incels and neets together

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i'm a NEET of nearly 6 years and i'm not an Incel
by definition, you are literally
even if you had the most ugly person on the face of the earth and they genuinely didn't want to have sex they would not be an incel

>All the free time in the world and he spends it talking to other NEETs

The same type of person who believes that NEETs should hang out together in a discord.

This discordant server requires you to be the NEETiest of NEETs or you get banned5lyfe.


>a career delivering the St. Paul Pioneer Press; a job that he has held since his youth.
If he was born a decade later he would unironically be more successful than the retards who are in massive student debt due to getting meme degrees.

Incels are the good guys.

incels are killers and pedophiles

neets are patricians in waiting


He's got a comfortable garage to live in. He's already closer to being a rockstar than most NEETs.

Get a Life was great, especially season 2 where it goes off the fucking rails,
He moves out season 2, but no, being employed means you’re not a NEET.

>Incels are the good guys.


episode 2

there was an episode where his parents bricked up the entrance to keep him out lol i forgot about this show

His Neurotypical Narcissistic-Parents take no responsibility for not owning a family business to employ their son.

Season 2 Episode 1

Get a Life S2E01 Chris Moves Out

>you're not working unless you're inside a fucking cubicle 9 to 5

lol I remember this show. It had that REM song for the theme, "stand in the place where you were." I remember the episode with the tool belt fight.

about 3 minutes in and this feels more like a parody than a real show. What network was this on? Yikes.

I'm 30, never had a real job, and haven't had one in 12 years, wasted thousands of my parents money on a geology degree I never did anything with, live at home, do nothing but sit on my ass most days, but I'm not obese / fat and still exercise. All I do is play video games, or some woodworking / scale model making every now and then, that's pretty much my entire life, except cleaning up after my parents and taking care of our animals. 10 years ago I would tell myself things were going to change and it would get better and I never made the effort, just expecting things to happen but that's not how life works and here I am, and it won't ever change.

What's your favourite Get a Life Episode?

>paperboy is a real job for adults with life goals

based! It's captain knuckles!

Our Boy Waldo the Handsome Boy

(Got the sixty bucks?)

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>incels are killers and pedophiles
Ehhh WRONG! John Wayne Gacy was married with children and killed and raped children. Most murderers are sex addicts

American """""humour"""""

of course nuchan has never heard of this show and of course a literal fucking redditor makes this thread

the absolute state of summer on 4channel

the literal inspiration for freddy getting fingered

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heaven forbid there are people that want to work a simple job with a simple life to try and avoid being too involved in the massive exploitation machine that developed in the west.
everywhere you look you see half ass losers in bullshit jobs because of the need for benefits.
shitty brain dead professors, unqualified administrators, bankers, uneducated cops, HR, "consultants", bad engineers, nearly every government employee, scientists (ie people who stayed in school because they were too retarded to do anything else, now they just defraud the grant system), biochem jobs, high frequency traders (all of whom should be shot dead in the streets), rentiers, defense workers, etc.
And despite touting capitalism, once a business gets a certain foothold, the government will keep it afloat to maintain the economy, perpetuating bad businesses.
the entire power structure in the west is anchored by criminal sociopaths. read about those two goons linked to Trump and Ukraine and Israel. The shit never ends. Normal people can be denied a job for having driving infractions, but these criminal fucks can do all sorts of financial crime and keep on ticking.
Fuck, this, shit. And fuck the white middle class assholes who ignore all this while faggying around with their family in an RV at the beach.
See the march in Puerto Rico? When's the last time the American middle class got off their faggot asses to assemble?

Chris Elliott is the only time nepotism in the industry brought us kino

He is so handsome. And he's white!

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