Yea, I'm thinking he's back

Yea, I'm thinking he's back

Attached: Jonah.jpg (634x1099, 97K)

i know a couple of farmers who wear blue shirts just like that

is he gaining for another role?

He sure does this a lot

kek, i feel bad for him, he seriously cannot keep his lost weight off. 95% of people can't though

dude will be dead in 10 years with all those weight fluctuations

relapsed? lmfao

How can one man's weight be so labile?

He has no muscle, so his metabolism is super low, and he's a food addict. When he goes off his diet, he smashes insane amounts of junk food.

my mans got 2 packs of spirits and pretzel M&Ms

All he has to do is go to the gym with his buddy Channing Tatum and stick with it.

He's never looked more jewish

Of course he smokes Spirits.

>2 packs of smokes
>1 bag of eminems
>0% fucks given

First of all you smell great.

Its not a matter of "can't" its a matter of won't, hes famous for being funny fat guy, thats a type cast, his upgrade to ex-fat skater poser is good for his personal life but industry wise, hes not fit enough to be main, hes not built or threatening enough to be villain, his only window of opportunities is fat funny guy and he probably chose career.

nah, the majority of people who lose weight don't actually change their eating habits, they reduce calories. then once they lose weight, they go back to eating poorly and put the weight back on. he probably uses food as coping mechanism for something

He could probably play a slimy Jew well.
A despicable weasel.

back to formula?

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What's the significance of Spirits?

That’s bullshit. Here’s a real pic of Jonah

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His sensei told him he would be a more competitive grappler in the heavyweight division.

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*pulls out glock*..."Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. You were saying? No please, continue... I'd love to hear the rest of this fantasy of yours. EVERYONE ELSE SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP! What's the matter, frog got your tongue? You seemed so talkative before, what changed? Oh this? Yeah, this is normal to carry where I'm from, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's the first real one you've seen. No, don't look at anyone else, look at me. Look at me because I'm the one in control of your life right now. I'm in charge. No, don't cry, that's not going to help you. Not even a little. Wanna know why? Because at this very moment, here and now, as far as you're concerned I'm God and unless you play your cards right, I could very well be the last thing you ever see. So save your tears for someone who cares and choose your next words really fucking carefully now you stupid French bitch. You disgusting whore. Because this is my show now and your fifteen minutes are almost up. Now tell me what you are. Repeat what I just called you. And start taking off your clothes as you do it. Yeah that's right. One piece at a time. Right here and now on national television. Be thankful, I'm about to make you a star..."