How many times is Anthony going to see Dora La Exploradora?

How many times is Anthony going to see Dora La Exploradora?

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how do we stop the white man from taking all the brown girls?
it keeps happening

What kind of dress is that? It looks 2-3 sizes too small on her. That's can't be comfortable at all, how doesn't she fall out?

There's this super cute latina girl that works at McD's and I haven't figured out a way to hit on her without being weird. I keep coming back to order junk food.

Looks like the perfect size to me

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Anthony has already done the exploring

ask for her snapchat

Ask for her number, if it doesn't work out then just go to a different McDonald's

begone boomer, you ask for her social media or you look weird now

Ask her if she needs papers.

Seriously, I work at a restaurant and because I ha speak spanish and am a cotizen I have all the latina girls asking me if I'll marry them for money so they can be legal. A lot of them are cute or have nice bodies. I'm to much of an autist to go through with it though.

what state?

What if you don't have social media

She'll just divorce me right after.

then you are not gonna make it

good thing my dick is small enough to fit in that pocket chica

99/100 of them will be fat as an elephant by 30. The Latina curse.

Florida. For some reason all the latinas come here I have a choice of a Colombian, Guatemalan, Honduran, Mexican, and Argentinean.

She might let you fugg though

I'm actually in a similar situation. Except the girl i'm infatuated with is this pixie girl working at a burgerking. She went out of her way and brought onion rings to my table after she forgot to put them in the bag, she smiled at me and apologized. Due to me being a total loaner faggot, her little interaction made me fall deeply in love with her and i will now die for her.

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that level of neediness is a turn off though, you have to act like you don't care for women to be turned on by you
tread carefully

I mean isn't that like most women though ? Especially here in American. Plus I can always just divorce her once the deal is over if I notice shes getting fat.

What happens with latinas is that they pop a ton of kids.
They get pregnant, they give birth, and they get pregnant again without letting their body recover from pregnancy.
This affects all women, but due to how latin society is, it happens more to them. It's also common among middle eastern women, btw.

A woman's body needs time to recover after the pregnancy, if she gets pregnant again, her body will end up changed permanently, which often means that she will be fat for the rest of her life.

Nope. Sending her my ear next week.

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enjoy heartbreak then you autistic bastard

How long should you take to recover?

Depends on the woman.
A year, year and a half should be enough.

Imagine being this much of an autist.
If you say this, she'll think you're a literal retard or maybe even right-wing. Yikes.


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I had a dream that I seduced Isabela Moner. It wasn't raunchy like out of a porn, but romantic and sensual. Then I woke up, and couldn't get back to sleep.

I'm Hispanic, Hispanic people can't be racist.

>Actually being nervous around a hoodrat latina

Dude, those girls are all fucking by like age 13, and pregnant by 15. You think the dudes fucking them are timid little bitches?? Just be confident, funny & direct, they love that shit. You'll be slurping up that taco laced pussy juice in no time.

>She might let you fugg though

She'll probably pretend that she's interested in fucking you but will say that she wants the marriage first to show you're committed. Then once the marriage papers are sign, she'll refuse to fuck you, and if you insist, she'll just claim domestic violence and get her resident papers under The Violence Against Women Act of 1994

La goblina.


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>ywn leisurely film Isabela placing the dog you got her for your wedding anniversary in a small pool