Refute this

refute this

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Haven't seen a single one

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watch a real movie next time you absolute troglodyte

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We get it, your a boomer, now fuck off faggot.

>that animation row
lol leave the cartoons to Yea Forums and Yea Forums please

I can make an arbitrarily ranked chart too, nigger

you're probably a friendless incel

have sex

Move all animation to meme tier for starters.

What movie?

that's a column, retard

>Brief Encounter and La Strada that low

The Deer Hunter is overrated, Full Metal Jacket is honestly better


fuck rat movie high tier
touch of evil is overrated
so is God Gay Afterdude
Nashville blew
Deer Hunter, Third Man, Mirror need to be higher
Eternal buttshine should be meme
Mulholland is High
Dunkirk doesn't belong on this list at all
Same with Lion King and Pulp Fiction
enemy should be higher, same with Gold Rush and Sunset ballivard.
Why is there an anime movie on here? What are you 13?

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>in the mood for love
>no chungking express
Nice bait

un chien andalou is just a shitpost from 1929, dont know how anyone could rate it "god" tier

I dont watch movies so I dont care

Ejacutalting on random people's faces is a crime.

quick rundown on this image?

what the fuck is the last row? i thought comedy/satire or something but then what is dog day doing there? am i retarded?

dog day is comedy user


Don't bother

Everything on your chart is meme tier. Get some real taste.

it is movies

The night of the hunter is shit-tier.

Swap out The 400 Blows with Stolen Kisses
Swap out Playtime with Yoyo
Swap out Fantasia with Winnie The Pooh
Swap out In The Mood For Love with 2046

This cunt again

un chien andolou is crap
persona is inferior to wild strawberries
come and see is great war horror, but its not exceptionally good compared to others
400 blows was ok, I still dont see the big deal over it

>Un Chien Andalou god tier
>Ratatouille high tier
OP I guarantee that you are either underaged or in your early 20's. Please don't voice your opinions here again.

Wait, I recognize that bike

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dunkirk better than fullmetal jacket__?_ what dunkirk should even be HERE

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i know, it literally has no meaning

>Only "no shoes, SLAP" Yesterday
arguably Ghibli's most boring film. Awful taste
Of course you have the most kid friendly Ghibli film here. How can one person be this fucking retarded. At least choose good ones. Fucking Cagliostro and Porcco Rosso are God tier films.