what's the most based and redpilled show / movie on Netflix?
>inb4 they're all muhh jew propaganda
if so, just post the one with the least amounts of it
what's the most based and redpilled show / movie on Netflix?
>inb4 they're all muhh jew propaganda
if so, just post the one with the least amounts of it
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Is this ironic?
no, i'm actually very sad. Ever since my dad died I've constantly been reviewing my life and thinking about what I did wrong to lose him, how could god do this? Why am I still playing that sick bastards game? what's the point of life? and if god isn't real, then why am I torturing myself? It used to be for him, but he's gone now. Thanks for asking though.
come on I paid for a month
Probably Cary Fukunaga's work. Maniac is fantastic and Beasts of no Nation is to a lesser extent, pretty enjoyable, both available in 4k. Their catalog is collapsing by the day though as every company pulls content.
Unironically Dark
Perfume, Altered Carbon, Mindhunter and Ozark were good, too.
thanks i'll give them a watch, 4k runs like shit for me though
I'm not in to the whole dark / stranger things aesthetic the 80s are for faggots
No not all. It's about an irredeemable sociopath slut who constantly fucks other people over. Plus a main character is a pseudo-intellectual who excuses her awful behavior using feminist jargon, but he's really just trying to fuck her
So it has the same plot as You?
Don't know, never saw You
don't watch it, it's shit.
Dark and Stranger Things are literally nothing alike. And Dark isn't an 80s aesthetic series. It takes place in the 1921, 1953/4, 1986/7, 2019/20, and 2052/3.
You couldn't watch both shows and find any real similarities between the two.
seems interesting, aren't all the characters bland teenagers though, i'm not here to watch children
Even if it goes through time are they still bland old faggots?
>aren't all the characters bland teenagers though
There are teenagers for sure. But every main character is in multiple timelines, at different ages, played by different actors. It's a pretty complex tale of time travel, paradoxes and incest. It's one of the harder shows to explain desu, you just have to watch it. It's very very good.
And there really isn't a main character. They're all a tangled mess. Some are little kids, some are teens and a lot of them are adults or old geezers.
If I wanted to watch timeline kino i'd watch the umbrella academy. Bland teenagers / old shits is not something I find interesting.
Are any of the characters based, i'd all?
Umbrella Academy is shit tho. Dark is unironically kino and unlike anything that has ever been attempted in a show. It's every bit as ambitious as Cloud Atlas was as a movie, but also nailed the execution (through 2 seasons at least).
Is every character bland or no?
They're German, so to an extent yes. They have a fuckugly language that I don't understand and was reading subtitles. An actual German would be better at answering I'm sure. Since literally all Germans seem bland to me.
Searched it up, looks interesting. I'll give it a watch, thanks
So every character is a bland Germ*n and I have to watch with subtitles?
Do you know how hard it is to read for neet faggots like me?
anyone else think s2 Dark was better than s1? so many great moments
no faggot
The End of the F***ing World is actually pure kino. Its basically a good modern day Bonnie and Clyde
stop talking faggot, I'm actually really interested in watching this series it looks magnificent, god it reminds me of dad. (pic related him preparing to go kill faggots with the rest of the cartel
another shill? based
Captive was pretty good because it revolved around 3rd worlders kidnapping white people
am I the only one that enjoyed Altered Carbon? Aside from the cyberpunk aesthetic, I quite enjoyed the story.
I thought it was good too, season 2 must be somewhat close to releasing by now
ozark was shit
say that to my face fucker and not online and see what happens
not a shill thread, ahem*
Come on we all know Jonas is the main
Who is that extremely attractive Jewish girl in your picture, user?
>umbrella academi
What does kino means to you?
wouldn't be surprised if Claudia is the most important character with the biggest role in s3.
>umbrella academy
>not kino
say that to my face fucker and not online and see what happens
but user, you have to find out which quarters in the America the Beautiful National Parks series will be released before it comes to an end in 2021
Daredevil Season 3
Beasts of No Nation
Will I be able to jerk off to my quarter collection in 2021?
Its a fun stupid mess, the girl that could control people was annoying, did nothing at all and had too many spothlight, the hulk smash guy was lame, his power was unconsistent (was he actually super strongh, he lost against chacha(?) In a fist figh) and completly boring
The rest of the cast was fine, the ending is a meh at best and they did miss handed the organization if you compare them whit the comic (i went to read it after the watching the show out of curosity)
6/10 is worth watching
If you don't remember, chacha is a top tier time agent, I thought the hulk guy was wholesome, fuck you. also there's a season 2 coming out soon so that wasn't the actual ending.
>what's the most based and redpilled show / movie on Netflix?
>inb4 they're all muhh jew propaganda
I got you senpai.
i steer clear of most netflix trash but that operator movie with bin afflecki was surprisingly decent
castlevania, unironically
why, why would you post this?
im interested in watching Star Trek, should i sign up to this shit? i have no idea how it works, is it embedded with a decent quality player, or some trash app you have to download?
Of what I've seen, Adulterers if you pretend the ending doesn't happen and ignore the moments leading up to it.
hello boomer, all you have to do is go on their website to watch movies from there, unless your on mobile, on mobile you have to download the app.
Unironically Sunny
ask me if you have anymore questions btw
mindhunter season 2 soon bros
Narcos. it exposes Glowies and there meddling
I really enjoyed the 1st season. When does the 2nd season come out?
mid august, can't recall the exact date, like the 15th or so
Nice. I'll have to rewatch s1 before then.
I don't binge watch normally I couldn't stop watching. Offbeat in exactly the right way.
It really is all kike propaganda though.
Jewflix is the worst of the worst when it comes to subversive, pointless, shit tier plotlines.
They have sacrificed countess TV series with potential.
Most originals is trash. The Good Cop was comfy but it was closed after one season
muh edgy teenage drama for art hoes
Don't know why anyone want to watch it after season 1. It was so mediocre, like Fincher wasn't even involved
It’s amazing how sjw shit worms it’s way into every modern comedy eventually. It always feels painfully forced.
>watching the good place
>it’s pretty good
>suddenly, like 5 ‘fuck white men’ jokes in one episode
It was mostly jarring because there had been none of that until that episode. I don’t know who got into that writer’s room, but I hope it was a one episode deal.
want to expand on Dark being most based
>all white
>casual german
>absolutely no kikery except maybe a tranny prostitute but they're treated like the degenerate they are
>super based theological undertones
>entire show is based around loving all white families in a small town that all stay there to help make their community better
>also casual german, holy fuck
City of God (film)
Better Call Saul (tv)
Extras (tv)
The Office UK (tv)
/ss/ kino. "Koi no Tsuki"
>Wako Taira is 31-years-old. She works part-time at a cinema close to her home. Her boyfriend is Fu-kun and they have lived together for 3 years. She has never thought of breaking up with her boyfriend, considering her age. One day, she meets high school student Yumeaki Iko. She can't resist him. Wako Taira has an affair with Yumeaki Iko.
generic trash disguised as something good. Even the music was disappointing and I love Graham Coxon
None of them is Netflix original
The post never specified that they have to be Netflix originals, he just asked for kino on netflix
Jews aren't inferior and nobody's ever claimed that.
Push the right button.
Okay, what about this?
It's fake news. Jews keep down whites artificially to elevate blacks beyond their genetic potential. The Jews really are orchestrating an anti white conspiracy as well.
Wasps used to do the same thing before Jews, you need to have sex user
The Sandler movies
Scam City
Inside the Worlds Toughest Prisons
F is for Family
The Last O.G.
Wild Wild Country
Comedians in Cars
New Girl
Fincher was definitely involved and directed the first couple and last episodes of S1. he didn't stick around for the middle episodes and ended up being disappointed with how they were shot, so for S2 even the episodes he didn't direct, he was hanging around set keeping an eye on things. He's also extremely involved in the editing process, so saying he's not involved couldn't be further from the truth.
no, it was shit tii
Midnight Diner: Tokyo Stories
dear netflix employ you need to learn how to code