Only in America could something so stupid be considered a masterpiece.
Only in America could something so stupid be considered a masterpiece.
Dr Pepper dumbass
Gen Xer here. It was pretty gay 2bh. It was all Baby Boomer nostalgia shit. Of course when the Millennial version of Forrest Gump happens (no Gen X version forthcoming, we were never that narcissistic,) It'll be all:
>"an then I weynt to tha show with tha silly lady named GA GOO or somethin? An then I sat around uselessly in a tent in this thang called OH DUBYA ESS or some kinda thang, and then there wuz that day I chopped mah penis off, an for some raysun all these crazy people with pink hair were saying I was "WOKE," which I never got since of course I was awake, I wuz outa bed!"
Seek help
Fuck the last bit actually made me chuckle
I'm too far gone
>America, living in your head rent free since 1776
What did he meme by this?
If only it were a Bladderpiece. Poor Forest.
Shut up, OP.
The movie is just okay. Pulp Fiction is where it's at.
there's nothing more realistic than a character in a movie using product that exists in real life
Maybe. Then again, I knew a woman who hated Forrest Gump, and she wasn't from America. She kept going on and on about how she didn't get the appeal. Eventually I just shrugged it off and said the appeal is probably largely an American thing, because he's going through a lot of events that adult viewers in the 90s remembered living through as kids. There definitely is the element of nostalgia there that would be lacking if you weren't an American. It's also a lovable underdog story, and Americans love their underdogs. She eventually just kind of dropped it and said, well, she liked the music, and I think most people can agree that the soundtrack was good (even if some of the songs are a bit cliche and predictable and overused, like Fortunate Son in the Vietnam stuff). I used to have the soundtrack on CD, and enjoyed listening to it.
Long story short, yeah, he's probably 'baiting, but there do exist people who hate Forrest Gump.
It was boomerkino, it wasn't for you people.
Kek based
X nostalgia:
>wall, we hyeaded ovah to tha show
>ah slammed hahd foah an houah
>this gal an ah made out
>we sucked down some beeahs
>den ah passed out on mah poach
>literally says Dr. Pepper on the bottle
OP is a mistake
Why did I read your post in Forrests voice?
The movie is kino. Stay seething capeshitter
This is low tier quality bait. It's sad that people took it like fools.
This was gold.
There was a thread about posting the worst imdb reveiws you could find of movies you liked. The one of forrest gump was pretty funny. Guy found the movie offensive as an american because the movie quite literally turned american history into spectacle for a retarded audience. There's some irony in there. Forrest Gump is the american dream made into a movie: retards who don't question the authority will become succesfull celebrities
I' not going to change my views because you met some chick.
I don't know you.
And, I don't care.