What was he supposed to do here?
What was he supposed to do here?
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This scene was so accurate of how roasties actually are. Nothing turns them on more than toxic masculinity.
>"Go away."
there, just dismiss him. all he wants is a reaction from louis.
Probably nothing. Just like most of the people here.
This made me so uncomfortable. I was yelling at the screen when I first saw this. Your'e a grown man, do something!
This is why you should carry a gun.
Fuck this pissed me off.
This, literally just flash it and they'll run for the hills, and if they don't you can kill them, win win tbqh.
He made a big mistake by acting passive agressive without the force to back it up. realistically the best move is to just leave the store. Or if you couldn't leave because you were waiting for your food or something, to go over there and kindly ask them to be quiet. But fighting in any case is retarded, there are like 5 guys.
I just realized a big problem with my theory. They might have a gun as well. Regardless, this scene did its job really well because it triggers literally every man who watches.
What he actually did was the correct solution, follow him home and snitch to his dad and watch as he gets his ass beaten.
This. Even the toughest tough guy(and I knew a few in high school) is still just one person at the end of the day. You're up against multiple guys who don't care about a fair fight. They just want to cause you pain and humiliation. They'd smash a table on your head and throw you in the deep fryer for laughs.
Man what a faggot. The kid wasnt gnna do it. Just wait it out. You biitxh out like that in front of a chick and she’ll ditch you
Man fuck that shit. If someone treats me like that, I'm going off.
>Listen here pal, you caught me in good mood so I'll let you off with a warning.
Couldn't finish watching. Fuck that punk.
he could've tried not being a fucking rapist
Pull out your concealed carry and end his life.
I fantasize more about pulling a katana on a bully than a gun.
Stab the butter knife through his medulla oblongata and drag his corpse out of the diner until he came across a cop.
Great scene, but the payoff is the rest of the episode.
>What was he supposed to do here?
the entire show is louie acting out his sexual fantasies
he has a scene where he has sex with a girl that wants to fuck him only because she loves "ugly old men". he has a storyline where he defends masturbation on fox news
ffs nothing about this is subtle
>”What, are you gay or something?”
The whole toxic masculinity me too movement thing is just a large scale version of the tests women pull on the men around them all the time. They wanna see if you really have a pair of balls or not. As we can see by the success of the me too movement, as a society, we’ve failed to prove that men as a whole still have balls and now men get ditched for feminism and the “strong independent woman” myth.
If I were Louis C(uc)K in that situation?
Tell him to kick your ass. "Go for it, bitch." Sit there stonecold. He either won't and just walk off (he'll probably pretend like he's going to punch you to make you flinch, but if you ready yourself for it, you won't), or he will and he'll throw his life away when he gets arrested and thrown in prison (where he'll get raped and probably murdered) while you walk off the ass kicking.
Then again, I wouldn't be a hothead and lose my temper at some fucking kids having some fucking fun in their fucking lives, especially if I didn't have the muscle or backbone to back it up (or, at the very least, a fucking gun).
I can tell you've never been to NYC, lol.
Most people in the city have dealt with this exact scenario. You ignore it, or you leave. If you complain to the restaurant, or confront them, you're getting your ass beat on the sidewalk. Unless you can throw a punch, but going to jail for the night for punching a minor isn't exactly sexy on a first date.
>You ignore it, or you leave.
And then the kid jumps you and beats your ass anyways.
Nah. Never happen. Niggers, maybe.
First rule of NYC - never make eye contact. You'll avoid 99% of the beatings that way.
If you don’t have the ability to actually defend yourself then don’t try to play some authority figure and tell them to shut up. Louis doesn’t really have the commanding presence to tell a group of rowdy teenagers to shut up, but as a comedian he does have the ability to play the situation off as the mature cooler headed man, who remembers when he was a hot blooded kid like they are, who knows better than to try to start shit with a bunch of punks, and convince his date it would be better if they went somewhere a little quieter. It certainly would have worked better than raising your voice only to get quiet as soon as one of them confronts you.
Who cares about bumfuck New York City, faggot? It's not even among the world's largest cities any more. I live in an actual large city (one of the largest in the world) and your ignorant, broke, redneck ass wouldn't last a fucking day.
I've been in situations like this, pull a knife out and start yelling "kill me" until the cops show up. It scares people if you're 6'2 and look homeless.
Obvious b8
>"i can't deal with this guy, he's too tough, better ignore him and hope he gets bored and leaves me alone"
Pull his dick out and star furiously masturbating.
The ultimate defense mechanism
>Pull a knife out and tell them to kill you
Fucking kek
Based Pajeet
"Oh yeah? Well I bet you're not tough enough to say the n word"
Please don’t hurt me.
Take a gun and shoot them when they're walking away obviously, not so tough now chad HA HA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHA
this, just start acting like the craziest motherfucker there is.
>some teens are being rowdy and noisy
>look to date
>she's pissed
>crack a joke at your expense to diffuse the situation
>she laughs
>ask her if she wants to go to someplace quieter
>she agrees
>the two of you go back to your place
>you fuck her
>you're happy
>she's happy
>the teens are happy
>everybody happy
Except in Louis C.K.'s case, instead of fucking her, he'd just make her watch him beat the meat.
Too late. I've already shit in your street and looked at your girl's bobs and vagene.
He should have sucked their cocks to establish dominance over them.
Bitch Lasagna
>concealed carry
Have fun with that headache
You might, might get away with that if they are white. But its NYC, you are just as likely to get your face smashed, while you are sitting down, and he is on his feet.
Then what? He walks away, no one tries to stop him and then the police come like 10 minutes later and just take a report, but they have 100 incidents like this, so probably nothing is going to happen.
easy there redditor
Your best hope is that someone pulls out their phone and records it. They probably won’t stick around long enough to deal with the hassle of showing the cops the video of you getting your ass kicked, but it’ll definitely get on the internet and if you got your ass beat badly enough it’ll go viral and then you can take the video to the police yourself and take legal action. Otherwise you’re just gonna get your ass kicked for nothing, nobody is gonna help you, nobody is gonna wanna deal with the police when they get there, nobody is gonna care, people have places to be and your smashed up face just doesn’t really matter all that much to everyone else.
Is it not true?
Were you trying to have a point?
India turned pewdiepie into their designated shitting street.
>watches scene
>immediately seethes about the woman
kek as soon as you recognize somebody is threatening you she's not even in the picture, ya dumb beta
The point is you can do what you want to some Yorkie fag and he'll just walk away with his tail between his legs cus das how dey do it in da Big Apple!
But muh wamin
he should have just complimented the guy for being young and then done a long rambling self depricating and gross bit about how fat and useless he is
If he could make them all laugh he'd win.
Those kids come up to me and I know I'm fucked I'm going to call him out for being a piece of shit and escalating something for the sake of looking though he's only acting like that because he's got his group of henchmen backing him up. What kind of prick threatens someone with violence for asking if they could keep it down? Kids like that are why you should be able to legally carry a gun.
A good answer is “fuck off”
>I'm going to call him out for being a piece of shit and escalating something for the sake of looking [tough]
>Kids like that are why you should be able to legally carry a gun
>I should be able to escalate a merely embarrassing situation to the point of life and death so that I can look tough
he actually jokes about this in his set. you just say "okay, then I'll call the police and you'll go to jail"
Honestly that was just me being enraged after watching this. I'd probably just threaten to call the police
The answer is humor. If he was remotely clever and made them laugh or actually seemed like a cool dude, it would have diffused the situation and they would have left, maybe even on friendly terms.
>t. white dude that literally hosts BBC gangbangs for my white girlfriend where I have to diffuse ape behavior all the time
"Never you little cunt, what you think you can intimidate me in front of my girlfriend? Trying to impress your boyfriends over there, don't look at them look at me. I've fucked girls bigger than you, I've taken shits scarier than you. Now fuck off before I lose my paitence and next time you better think twice before you pick on someone, faggot."
>I should be able to escalate a merely embarrassing situation to the point of life and death so that I can look tough
The sad part is that this shit actually happens in real life.
why are you all such angry stupid little bitches?
Think violence or crying to the police are the only ways to handle a situation.
How about making a joke and changing it up so it's not a zero sum game and everyone can win? You gotta give them an olive branch so they can be cool without losing face.
How do you cunts even function in the world?
It's called a "nigga moment".
Okay bud.
If you act like a bitch, people gonna treat you like a bitch. And if you pull out a gun you better be prepared to get shot.
Everyone’s polite here in the South, because we are all packing heat. An armed society is a polite society.
Not really, in reality it’s usually some wacked out boomer
Also what if they just grab his gun
Ok then, what kind of joke do you make when someone's physically threatening you? You have a child's perspective. He should have just been more friendly in the first place when asking them to shut the hell up.
>don't look at them look at me
I kind of lose my cool when people confront me, this kid doesnt look tough and was annoying as hell so id probably end up fighting him, probably stab him or something with silverware if I had to.
I'm pretty good at diffusing people and talking my way out of a fight. That encounter could've been resolved without being a total cuck. Sometimes there's no choice but to fight. I've walked away from one fight. There were two guys and I knew there was no way of winning and i don't believe in getting your ass kicked in the name of "honor" or pride when your life is clearly on the line. When there's no one to break up a fight of you vs two men. That being said most people don't expect you to engage so when you punch back they're in disbelief.
>a person should be allowed to physically threaten another person without any form of reprisal
If that's how you want to live your life, cowering in fear, too scared to even defend yourself, by all means, live like a worm. Not everyone is as pathetic as you.
confirmed, im getting scared just replying to you
Remember in this hypothetical scenario, you're the worlds greatest comedian
>How do you cunts even function in the world?
I open carry.
>worlds greatest comedian
>can't even handle a single kid
>the only way to defend myself is to ramp up a situation from shit talking teenager to murder
Fucking go outside once in a while and interact with people outside of a computer screen. There’s no greater argument for gun control than the shitposters on here.
you probably think this was based
Carry a gun and see the nerds on the run.
You shouldn’t be allowed to own a gun if you have tits.
That’s just Texas where boys will be boys.
Do you think Louis CK could defend himself from a young fighting aged man in prime physical condition without a gun? Get out of here. In fact, that's a great argument in favor for gun ownership: it allows the physically weak to defend themselves from the physically strong.
I am a social recluse for the most part but I am fit and somewhat big(6'2" , 98 kg).
I wouldn't have a girl with me anyways but on the other hand no one bothers me.
If you're well built then even other bigger guys don't bother you unless you are acting loud.
Seriously though, if you have any level of competent social skills you could defuse the situation, if you don’t then you’re the last person who should be walking around with a gun. Also the situation in the video is retarded though because Louis really does initiate the confrontation himself and does it in the worst way possible for someone so physically non-threatening.
That was retarded, the ho that wrote this doesn't take into consideration that Louie doesn't want to get bashed by 5 guys
The weak should fear the strong
So, how do you ask them to be quiet without starting a confrontation?
The thing that's scary isn't that one kid, but the fact that even if you beat him in a fight his group is going to come and beat the shit out of you until your dead. Unless there's a dramatic size difference, most fights can go either way
Also, a lot of women today would have caused a scene as soon as the guy put her hand near her face even if it was for a handshake.
"Hey guys, not trying to be a dick, but we can't hear each other when you're being that loud. We'd appreciate it, thanks"
If Louis knows he can’t defend himself against 5 young guys, then why the hell is he raising his voice and acting like he has any authority over them? This is even more of a reason for weaklings to not own guns, they get themselves into situations where they’ll end up using it when they don’t have to. Learn your strengths and weaknesses and don’t go looking for fights you can’t win.
Most people who get bullied in general have a massive victim complex and present themselves very aggressively because they're constantly trying to compensate and desperately want to assert dominance over someone, like Louie does here.
They're basically asking for it.
I saw it in school, I felt really bad for the kids who got bullied but they did bring it on themselves as well.
And yeah, these are the people who are likely to lash out one day.
Even the one kid could beat Louis CK, but you're right, the fact that there's a group of them makes it way worse, all the more reason to own a gun so you can even the odds in a situation like this. Or, you can be a victim, and cower and grovel for mercy (which they may or may not grant you: that situation could have easily ended with the kid deciding to stomp Louie for fun, and Louie ending up in the hospital or dead, with that woman raped, all because "guns are bad" well no fuck that little shits that threaten your life are bad).
Don't be a stupid asshole to people you don't know then, simple. This is something getting guys killed for all of human history.
>telling loud people to be quiet makes it okay for people to beat you up and put you in the hospital
Some tard wranglers are doing a shit job today and need to get their asses fired.
>pack of wild teenager stomping out boomers and raping their dates in the coffee shop
Do you even hear yourself? Please don’t ever touch a firearm.
>society supports bullying so kids "toughen up"
>sensitive children get bullied disproportionately
>they toughen up like society wants them to and shoot up a school
Just because people say "this is why you should carry a gun" doesn't inherently mean they'd like to use it on the kids, but you may one day find yourself outnumbered by a group wishing to cause you harm and you either have to be a savant fighter or have a weapon to put the odds into your favor. There's no need for a weapon to be used here, but if they just so happened to beat up Louie then having a weapon is his only means of survival.
If the kid is allowed to go up and threaten a guy without anyone intervening, what really makes you think anyone will stop them beating his ass and raping that woman? Nobody else even seems to be around in that scene. It's easily possible whoever works there is in the back sleeping or whatever.
Yeah nevermind I misread, I was arguing pro-gun.
>telling loud people to be quiet isn’t grounds for getting beaten up
>being loud is grounds for getting shot
At least you’re right about the tard wranglers.
Absolute nigger logic.
It's not 'sensitive' children, that's what i'm saying. The bullied kid stereotype is falsely represented. It's not the shy passive kids who get bullied the worst. It's the kids who actually still think they should be dominant over others but have no idea how. It's the equivalent of those tiny little dogs that think they're tougher than all the big dogs and yapp all the time. The ones with power fantasies who wish they could beat up their bullies.
The actually shy sensitive kids, who would never fight anyone, are generally well liked in my experience.
T. 150 lbs. weakling who wants to be treated like the big boys at the gym
>>How about making a joke and changing it up so it's not a zero sum game and everyone can win? You gotta give them an olive branch so they can be cool without losing face.
The bully isn't trying to save face. He knows he hold all the aces and Louis can't win that confrontation with him. Louis just made himself stand out as a weak target and he moved in to dominate for it's own sake out of a sense of opportunism. You can't joke your way out of someone whose sole intention is to dominate and victimize you, you look like a cuck who's showing submission and everyone can see it.
This is basically the male vs male version of Ornella and Jonah Hill. It's a no-win scenario for Louis and it's why it's so frustrating to watch.
Fair enough point in general, but in this specific situation, most of the pro-gun arguments are fucking sperg level wild wild west fan fiction
THIS is the kind of kid who gets bullied. The American version of this would be him shooting everyone.
Because he's an adult and they're fucking brats who think they have authority over him. He should have brought a glock and made that little faggot beg for his life on his knees.
>common sense and social skills are “nigger logic”
Spend some time away from /pol/
>The actually shy sensitive kids, who would never fight anyone, are generally well liked in my experience.
This is true.
t. shy sensitive guy
if someone did this to me, i would react with escalation, and one of us would either back down or end up dead.
Yep. If a kid is a threat to your life (like this kid was to Louie), by all means, defend yourself. Shoot the fucking brat if it comes to it.
I can't imagine anyone being such a cuckold that their own life matters so very little that they wouldn't fight to defend it from someone telling them that they'll end it. If you come up to me saying you're going to murder me or beat my ass or whatever, fuck yes I'm going for my gun. I'm going for my gun, I'm grabbing a knife, I'm grabbing the biggest hardest blunt object I can swing at you, I'm going in my car and I'm going to ram your dumbass with it if you get near me, I'm doing whatever it takes to make sure I fucking live, and anyone who doesn't is beyond fucking retarded.
You don't go up to strangers and fucking threaten their lives, you fucking psychopaths, especially in a fucking country where that fucking stranger can own a fucking gun.
You didn’t see the rest of the episode retard. She tells Louie it was unattractive to back down and leaves
this scene is perfect
it will be talked about for years on Yea Forums
Idk if this was a serious comment or not but I legit lol’d.
He wouldn't be shooting the kid for being loud. No one is saying "if kids were being loud, I'd shoot them." He'd get shot for going up to the man and threatening the man's life all because he asked him to be quieter.
And yes, I'm right, Momma and Dadda need to hire a better tard wrangler for you. Thanks for agreeing, retard.
It hits every male that watches it where it hurts the most.
>asking people that are being loud as fuck in a public restaurant is "exerting your authority"
Exactly why retards get shot, they're not exerting shit, they're just asking you to be considerate and quiet down a bit so they can enjoy the meal they paid for. You escalating this into a fight situation with 5 friends is exerting authority, and that's exactly what will make someone shook and if they're armed possibly ready to kill you.
>this scene is almsot one decade old
100% this
When I was in highschool, shy kids really didn’t get fucked with very often. It was the loud socially awkward/overly aggressive kids who couldn’t actually back up their aggression that got bullied.
Nope. The Bully has to look tough. And he does it by forcing Louie to look like a bitch. That's a zero sum game.
But if Louie acted confident and made a long self-deprecating joke about how he has sweaty balls and is old and can't fight for shit or something, then he'd take the impetus away. If he can make the guys friends laugh and be on his side, then the bully guy would have no choice but to be nice. Because if he continues making Louie look bad, he's just repeating what Louie himself did, and his friends like Louie now, and he'll lose face.
>The bully isn't trying to save face.
yes he is, everyone is always trying to save face. Louie tried to asset dominance, and he's proving that he's dominant.
How could you NOT bully someone when you know this is who they are?
This, what the fuck? This isnt some quippy marvel movie. You're going to try to do some "diffusing" with a guy throwing his hand in front of your woman? The ONLY correct response at that point is to tell the nigger off to his face and get physical. But no,
hehe ill use some epic banter!
Just go user
The kids are the ones that escalated the situation to where violence was on the table.
kek the sheer seethe in some of these replies. it literally didn't happen you faggots, these are ACTORS, a TELEVISION PROGRAM.
lol next time you see a group of high school kids messing around at night try telling them to be quiet
Well that's because I feel this thing called empathy like most humans do.
>"We settle this like men. You and I jerk off while she watches and the first one to cum wins. Unless you're scared she'll laugh at your tiny white dick, that is." -winks at black man mopping the floor-
Not at all.
These threads get replies because you have people who come in with reasonable responses to the situation, and they get replies from people trying to be twisted genies or whatever.
>"oh, you walk away? well he follows you home and makes you watch as he rapes your kids"
>"oh, you tell him to leave? he summons his gang members and they pummel you"
>"oh, you pull a gun? a police man sees and arrests you and you go to prison and get raped by bubba"
>"oh, you ignore him? this angers him and he kills you, and he gets away with it because his family is loaded, and your girlfriend sucks his dick over your grave"
It's fun for both parties.
quiet down
Just start masturbating. It's the ultimate power move.
If he has a gun you clearly challenge him to a duel. Unless they're from florida.
People who try to enforce rules on a bunch of immature, giggling shits? Oh yeah, he's totally the bad guy.
>Louis challenges them to a good ol' fashion game of crabcock
>"Me vs the 5 of you. You cum you out! Try to keep up."
>What was he supposed to do here?
If it were me, I'd apologize for being too loud, and then go back to having fun, but more quietly. I wouldn't go over to the guy and harass him because he's a complete stranger, and there's no telling what he's capable of (especially if he's going to snap like that at a bunch of kids: while that's not a definitive sign he's a psychopath, it is definitely a possibility).
Then again, kids do stupid things. When I was a kid, my buddy was driving his dad's car. His dad had a bunch of tools. One of my friends thought it'd be funny to take a hammer and shake it threateningly at a person as we sped by. A couple seconds later, the guy speeds past us, waving a drill. But for a second, we shit bricks thinking it was a gun. That said, never once did it occur to me as a kid to behave like the kid does in this video.
The second the guy came over and started shoving his hand in front of your date's face, and CERTAINLY by the time he asked how long since you got your ass kicked, the only correct response is to stand up and tell the guy to do something. What are you gonna do? What are you gonna do? Throw a punch bro. Throw a punch bro. Wow, 5 on one, an absolute bad-ass. There's no other way out at that point. Lol at the cucks
>J-just ignore it! uhh try to use epic banter to diffuse the situation!
No, its far past that point. ESPECIALLY if you dont want to look like a bitch in front of a girl. You would unironically let a guy come up to you on a date, nearly slap your date and threaten to beat the shit out of you, and just sit there? You deserve to get cucked if that's the case
Well you just played out the whole thread and took the fun away from all of us.
His problem is that he talks too much and overcompensates for how nervous he is because they're not listening. Just be reasonable with people and don't treat them like their beneath you and most of the time people are chill.
>pull a gun
Yep. I'd rather go to prison and have the other guy go to hospital than the other way around.
And potentially get seriously hurt for what? To impress his date? Louis isn't a young man and he knows it. He's aware he could die in this shitty diner.
Not only should louis have had a gun in this situation, but he should have had a couple grenades and a giant offroader with a minigun mounted on the back in the parking lot.
That’s why he should have had a rocket launcher tucked away in his jeans
I like to think that I would deal with this situation because I would either fight them or intimidate them or shoot them because i'm actually really tough and stand up to people in situations like this in real life, no one gets away with treating me like a bitch and then i'd take the girl back to my hotel room and block the door and she'd watch me masturbate but she'd be as wet as the bullies tears.
Okay, you go to prison, get raped by Jamal, and get AIDS, and wind up going to the hospital.
He should not have been a pussy
This isn't the full scene, it cut her response
He was supposed to tell the kid to eat a dick. He wasn’t actually going to assault him in a public place.
>this but unironically
There’s a more than likely chance that you get put away for murder if you shoot a teenager in a shitty diner because he was talking shit to you. Doesn’t really matter what he was saying to you, if you actually sperg out and pull out your gun and it escalates to the point where you shoot one of them, you’ll almost certainly be seen as the aggressor who killed a “kid with a promising future” or whatever. Best bet is to either figure out how to defuse the situation or figure out how not to end up in these situations in the first place.
i'd try some deescalation moves
>*palm up gesture*
>i'm sorry if i offended you and your friends
>i have everything to lose and nothing to gain by fighting
>we cool?
if i get punched in the face i'll take it like a man and hope someone calls the cops
>i'm going to work in something in video games or animation
He had about 50 pounds over that kid and was like 5 inches taller, he could've easily slammed the fucker into the glass window and sliced the back of his throat.
And then you get piled on and the shit kicked out of your head.
Louis should have fucked his butt right there in front of everyone.
Depends. If he was threatening you (which he was), pulling a gun on him would be justifiable, and then if he tries to do anything to you (like goes for your gun), shooting him would be self defense. Not sure how you, just sitting there, would be the aggressor and not him, the guy who approached you and threatened your life.
What would you do in this situation?
Keep in mind Louis is a rapist. This bully is doing his duty as a social watchdog.
fucking white people.
Louie threatened him first though.
He said:
>Be Quiet [or else]
He didn’t say be quiet or else. If you’re going to lie and avoid my question, no (You) for you.
that was the implication.
what would phil anselmo do?
As soon as that little punk bitch waved his nasty hand in front of my face I would have locked him up and folded him into a fucking pretzel before he even knew what was going on. No way in hell that little prick would have been prepared for someone with 7 weeks of jiu jitsu training like me. I would have put him in a rear naked choke and cut his lights out while his pussy shit dick friends all stood back in horror. After that, the girl’s pussy would have been so wet that she would suck me off in the parking lot as we were leaving.
I'd say that I was a lawyer and that if he laid a hand on me I'd ruin his entire life.
That’s when he goes gorilla mode and fucking mauls you to death with his 5 other chimp pals before you get the chance to take legal action against him. Should have been packing heat, dumbass.
I play on this faggots ambition telling him that I'm sure I could take him 1 on 1 but a feminine homo like him sure won't fight 1 on 1 like a man and that it is pretty obvious his gay lovers gonna rush in and help their bottom boy. Hopefully this manipulates him into 1 on 1.
That little faggot ain't gonna do shit. He's all talk. Now if it was a black kid that would be a different story.
If it was a black kid he would have apologized for him and his friends’ rude behavior and probably would have even offered to pay for their meal.
That’s when he goes Chuck Liddell on your ass and beats you to within an inch of your life in a 1 on 1 fight. Should have brought the desert eagle with you to the diner, tardo.
Get in that ass, Larry
You cant carry a handgun in NY unless you're granted a special permit a part of the elite class (Donald Trump has an NY CCW), a body guard, a police officer, or a lawyer.
I have no idea if the unconstitutional state constitution allows you to carry a rifle or shotgun, but its most likely banned in the city too.
Damn check my numbers over there. Sick ass numbers right there bro. Fuck yeah.
The responses in this thread are the funniest shit I've seen.
>carry a rifle in NYC
The only thing you’re allowed to carry there is AIDS.
People who talk like this can't actually fight. I'd almost pay to watch him stomp you out.
Won’t be so funny when I’m smacking your wife on the ass while you watch, mother fucker.
I smell some insane projection coming from this post
Is there an alternate version of this clip where Louis Pulls an AK47 out from his pant leg and sprays 30 rounds into the group of highschoolers as they enter the diner? Because if not then Louis is unbased and bluepilled
based boomers
>Low T due to a lifetime of chronic masturbation
Don’t end up like this, let go of your crotch before it’s too late.
you should use it on those kids anyway, and remember to not fuck up like pic related and finish them with a shot in the head
>armed society is polite society
Niggers are armed and they aren't polite
Stunning and brave.
top kek
they all live in gun free zones and only a certain percentage of them are armed
I hate this world sometimes man. What sort of laws force you to murder otherwise you'll be prosecuted and sued for defending yourself? How do we rationalize taking lives when they can be spared?
> a certain percentage
100% are criminals, therefore they are all armed.
start masturbating
>be American
>go out to a diner with your tinder date
>night ends getting into fucking gun duel with random thug like it's the 1800s wild west
i fucking love america
Drink less soi. Real men murder as soon as eye contact is made with another man. Gotta strike before they do.
For starters don't yell at them from across the room like a passive aggressive prat.
t. mumbai resident
>not suicide bombing the group of kids in self defense
>ignore it
This. Kind of amazed that's a real thing in NYC though, of the whites I know in the south at least (dunno about other races) they would probably just walk away. None of the people I've met are really like that.
You just reminded me actually, this was one of my favorite episodes of the show. I know people here aren't big fans of it, but I loved seasons 1-3 honestly.
t. rust player with no friends
Louis deserved to get his head pummeled for that one desu. Too bad it’s a tv show so Louis writes himself out of an ass kicking.
>I've fucked girls bigger than you,
why would you say that?
>implying I play rust
Because he’s a sperg who has never been outside before and doesn’t even realize that the only place anyone would ever say anything so stupid is right here on 4chinz
He cucked himself by inviting L Ron Hubbard to fuck his wife.
no, this is why you join a boxing gym
In India you can just throw the body in the Ganges
Louis should have said “bruh moment” and that kid’s wig would have been snatched.
>not implying I implied you have no friends
yikes, I was just kidding about that part
>implying that wasn’t the joke
Seriously, he could have said something like "hey guys, I know you're having fun but I'm trying to talk to my friend here and we're having a hard time hearing each other, can you keep it down a level or two? I'd appreciate that" instead of trying to enforce dominance over people minding their own business.
He was just being polite as an armed individual.
the woman's pussy would dry up all the same, so the end result is no different
True but there's really no good way of getting out of this without looking like a victim. At least you could resolve the problem without totally embarrassing yourself.
>They might have a gun as well.
This is why you don't flash guns like a dumb nigger and actually draw it and tell them to get on the floor or die.
Only the most extreme act of physical violence could satisfy her feminine desires at this point. That’s why india’s population is soaring despite the fact that all the men there are violent and sexually awkward/aggressive to women. Actually, it’s BECAUSE of that.
>whens the last time you got your ass kicked?
last week at jiu jitsu probably, why do you ask?
your autism is showing
the only correct answer is to come from a background of having done full-contact sports like boxing for several years.
the self-confidence alone might have de-escalated the situation right there, as he would have naturally shown to not be afraid when asking them to shut up.
the only reason the entire situation came to be is that he radiated weakness.
Im becoming more and more convinced irony is the solution to every uncomfortable social situation
A real man would have radiated .45 rounds at that thug’s forehead the moment he walked up to them!
That mother was so based. Louie is a faggot
Big if true.
guns have a place in this world, i acknowledge that, but it is not to magically make up for your social and physical weakness as a man.
it's not supposed to be a "get out of having to be dude"-free-card.
Based mom, I’d pound her raging bitch cunt until she couldn’t walk anymore.
>muh boxing
fuck off autist
Yes it is, you’re just being a liberal about it. My gun protects me from the bad kids at the diner every day!
Anyone remember that episode similar to this where he was being followed on Halloween by maskeda man who was clearly about to kill Louie and rape his daughters
>tell his dad
>the dad beats the shit out of him and puts him in a headlock and makes him look at the guy he bullied
How is this not the correct thing to do?
That kid will forever be humiliated.
>just be confident bro, the niggers that outnumber you won't jump you then
>episode has a bunch of white teens getting loud in public
>muh pack of wild niggers
Why are you like this?
never gonna make it
when he says "do you want to get your ass kicked?" I'd say "no, not really there's about five of you and one of me" and I would call him very tough when he shows me his knuckles. then I proceed to probably getting my ass kicked. I've been in situations like that before
epic reddit sarcasm
great argument. why do i even come to this shitty board? every second post reeks of two-digit IQ and piss-bottles. your opinion on anything except the best flavor of corn chips and degenerate anime is completely irrelevant.
You’d get your ass kicked because you didn’t suck his cock like you were supposed to, idiot. Suck cock or get clocked, that’s what my grandpa used to always say.
Okay Mike Tyson
How many upvotes did I get?
yeah I would try to fight back until the other 5 of them decide to join in then I would just have a shitty week after that
Louis was correctly assertive at the beginning of the confrontation, when he asked them to be quiet and when he replied to the bully's question of whether he was bothering them or not. Dickish and proud and with lots of hostile eye contact. Well done. After the implication of harm he just melts into putty. The woman's perspective is not entirely unjustified about him being a bit of a wimp here. That kid was acting the fool with dignified strangers and was at a social disadvantage. If they were eating in a Jimmy John's in the ghetto or something I'd say otherwise but they were in familiar streets where Louis would be seen as respectable in this scenario and so he should've known to assert himself better. Even if that meant physically imposing himself to make his point clear. The kid might've been a psycho though, so he definitely should've led with being assertive and dominant in the situation. Maybe explaining firmly to the kid that what he was doing was illegal and egregious and that he was getting into deep shit by acting this way would've been the best way to get through to him, or at least his idiot friends.
Yeah, that’s why you’re supposed to lick balls instead, dummy.
Are you under the impression white inner-city kids won't act like thugs?
np my nigger
I'd rather have them beat the shit out of me than lick balls, EVER. so fffffffuck that
They do
I actually had a really similar situation happen to me, I was in high school and made a joke to an insecure person who was willing to jump me. the thing is I'm really small so he probably could've beat me up by himself, but he brought 3 other friends with him. they didn't actually hurt me, they just intimidated me into saying it was a joke because I thought I was about to get the shit beaten out of me by four people.
over all, it was pretty fun I think everyone should be in that situation at least once
>Louis was correctly assertive at the beginning of the confrontation, when he asked them to be quiet and when he replied to the bully's question of whether he was bothering them or not. Dickish and proud and with lots of hostile eye contact. Well done.
What a retarded thing to type out.
>After the implication of harm he just melts into putty.
No shit, you could tell that would happen the moment you look at him, that’s why he has no business getting dickish and proud with them, his bluff is too easy to call. Trying to play the tough guy when you’re obviously not is the best way to earn yourself a well deserved ass kicking.
Not even gonna bother reading the rest of this autistic diatribe, I’m sure it’s more nonsense from a keyboard warrior who has never stepped foot in the real world.
That’s not very progressive of you.
T. coward reply
Ok so I've been working on my response. I hope it doesn't sound too cringe or edgy:
Ok, you can probably kick my ass. Congrats. I'm a balding middle aged man with a gut, and what, like 17? You're in your prime and think your invincible. You'll swing on me, and the lady here will contact the police. I won't fight back. See that camera in the corner? It's recording everything. See Omar behind the counter? I've known him for 20 years. I put his kids through college with my sugar addiction. He'll testify against you. Police will come and I will inform them that I'm pressing charges. On court day, your mother will show up and play the helpless single mother act. The judge will have no mercy. Your mother will try to meet me outside of the courtroom and explain that she's a struggling single mother that has to work all the time and your dad is off fucking some tranny stripper in Delaware or some shit. She'll tell me she'll do anything to keep her baby boy out of prison. I'll give her a deal. She has to lick my ass and choke on my cock and then I'll consider dropping the charges. Oh, but you, you delinquent little faggot, will have to be there to watch. She'll recoil and call me disgusting. I'll inform her that once I press those charges, she'll be in deep, around $100k for damages, I have the best Jewish lawyers. Then you'll be sent to some juvie hall full of niggers just waiting to rip that sweet little pink boyhole. At that point your mother has 2 options. 1) She debases herself and serves me 2) She refuses and both of your lives are ruined. The only thing that'll happen to me is I'll lose the respect of this post-wall broad sitting across from me, but this is NYC and I can get a new one by the weekend.
So, would it really be worth?
I’m sorry, please don’t make hostile eye contact with me.
It was okay until you got to the court date, everything hit a brick wall of retardation from there onward.
Incredibly based
sounds tasty
>everyone getting mad or cringing
>nobody mentions the end where he follows the kid home and finds out hes just getting abused at home and is lashing out
Poor Steuber. You can see the fucking light leaving his eyes.
>this is how american chads/bullies look like
Fucking lol, that's how betas look like in eastern europe
Stupid nigger bullies are maladjusted people, you don't think they are desperate for validaton? i mean he's picking on a fourty year old man for christsakes. Legit, how to defuse a bully is to try and make friends
this whole fucking show is the most blatant self-indulgent therapy and it's pathetic
he fucked up by calling them out, should have left to another diner
when you see guys like that, you just know they're looking for any excuse to start trouble, the last thing you do is give them one
It's actually really deep and too smart for you
This. That's what fat anons in Jonah threads fail to realize. It's about strength of character, not one-liners or "muh guns."
Never gonna make it.
It's a little on-the-nose, I'm not him and I personally enjoy it but it's not exactly Woody Allen
>guys come in
>they start talking about some girl being hot
>jump in and ask how big her tits were
>date confued and angry
>guys treat you like a bro
>buy you a round of beers
>date is long gone
you have friends now
>talking to a group of strangers in nyc
best way to get your ass beat
louie was a forgettable show. i remember it being pretty boring. a really overrated show
>stand up as soon as he approaches, but before he starts talking
>tower above him, because Louie is 1.83
>tell him to shut the fuck up and go away
He never should've let him join the table or start talking.
>the kid jumps you and beats your ass anyways
Yes, because that happens.
Easy. You don't hit him, you slap him. With the right, back of the hand, as hard as you can. When he turns his face to you and tries to say something, you do it again, with the left. Works like a charm on my kids.
and then his 5 other friends come over and say hi very politely
So? You sound like you've never been in a fight, mate.
Stop greentexting incorrectly.
I haven't
every tiem
>dude just get into a brawl lol
Imagine sacrificing your personal safety for some roastie and/or some concept of honor, just hire some turks to go set fire to their dorm room or something if you're that buttmad
whip his dick out and start slapping the jocks to death
fine for a script but way too wordy, chad would make fun of you by the 10th word
>yelling at strangers for having fun in public
honestly louie had it coming
you're so fucking stupid. you have no idea that people go out to get a fight they can easily win, spending the night identifying someone vulnerable. and they already factored in your little strategy which just reveals you're it.
you're like Amelie
>he would gladly kiss ass for fear of being beat up
never gonna make it
I have a well-paying job and am physically healthy, you know what a bad punch to the head can do to you? And why am I risking such an outcome? Really, please explain
Chad will come a cropper at some point with his attitude, or he'll change, either way it's got nothing to do with me
I always sit at the back for this reason
louie had more patience than me
i would have told them to piss off before he asked me the question, i wouldnt have even shaked his hand who knows where its been
if he persisted and actually asked me if i wanted my ass kicked i would have hit him in the face with my plate then picked him up and slammed him
then i guess his buddies would jump in and id probly lose i nthe end but 6v1 what you gonna do and i know i could put at least 2-3 of them in the hospital with me
still gotta be a man and dont let people punk you
>at diner at probably 3am
>expecting a "normal diner environment"
Death before dishonor
Oh. That sucks, man. Or maybe it's a good thing, by the age of 18 I already was stabbed twice.
this is true actually, the way he shouted at them at the start was a challenge from his tone
if he didnt want them to step up to him he should have asked more politely
otherwise, he should be ready for the consequences
Sorry Chernobyl mutated you freaks into monsters
I think Louie is mostly in the wrong here.
Who actually tells a group of guys to "keep it down!" ???
That's his biggest problem in the video.
If he can't handle the noise, leave bro.
Watch the video again, was it really too much
that you have to ask them to keep it down?
I know, you're right but there is no explanation. there is just no way I'm going to suck up to some idiot especially with his little clique watching in the corner. that doesn't mean I'm going to fight him though
this is possibly because you're a recluse. i heard tall guys say every little roid-rager wants to start shit with them because of their insecurity
from 0:06 to 0:49 Louie could have left the Diner
I was only once sucker punched in the gut and harassed by 4 people intimidating me, that's about it
louie tried to play an authority figure without being able to back it up
you need to know your role in this universe
if he wasnt ready for a physical challenge he should have requested they keep it down nicer
or just talk louder to his pussy
In this situation you have to fight. Even if you lose. To take that shit is cowardly.
like the other user said, the definite approach was to leave and go back to his place. I wish I had enough brainpower to think of that. maybe I'll remember this thread next time I'm louis c.k
you are right
he could have asked much nicer
instead he acted like their dad or someone with power when he has none
the kid coming over was practically him calling louie on his bluff
zoomers are so weak these days any out of shape middle aged man could solo a group of them.
I feel like this scene was Louie's all imagination.
This event happened weeks prior and this scene is a flashback, where he thinks up what he would have done differently. In reality, he sees them come in, tries to get enough courage to say "keep it down!" and walks out with the girl and they head home. But here, he acts out his fantasy in this scene, but even in his dream scenario, he still loses. Unable to think of what happens after he confronts them.
Have any of you ever been the chad in this situation though
Someone honked me for not proceeding at a roundabout on a rainy day when I could barely make out what was going on, turned around and it was some middle-age guy gesticulating at me, put the handbrake on, got out the car and went up to his window and basically intimidated him, said "some people don't like it when they got honked at for no good reason, so you might want to watch it because there's a lot of people out there more impatient than me, you get what I'm saying?", and he just kind of froze. I wasn't going to do shit I just wanted him to remember his place
I was more than justified in doing what I did and tbqh chad was here too, at least up until threatening louis directly
of course
people in real life dont act like those kids
if they wanted to fight him they would have come over from the start chimping out going
>fuck you bro
>whats your fucking problem
>get the fuck out of here
>you wanna go cunt?
etc etc
the kid in the scene acts like some supervillian monolingual
>Has never dealt with wild niggers in his life
move to SEA where everyone is half your size and naturally obnoxious/uncultured/rude and you get opportunities like this every day
I have, I don't really feel very good about it though. I find that I say things I have a tendency to instantly regret which includes doing things like that
i know the type of guy chad is here, it's mostly bluff but 10% of him will actually hurt you, bad.
best thing to do is to play around with him, and hopefully he just gets bored of talking to you
I didn't enjoy doing it though, felt sort of bad about it
I don't think he was bluffing, purely because he had his friends there
Ive done that before too it's okay user
yea the group is pretty fucked situation
Ive been thinking about it and if I was Louie and this guy shows me his fucking bruised knuckles I don't think I'd be able to help myself. I would definitely say something that gets me punched in the face
Guys. Just get your ass kicked. Losing a fight isn't a bad thing. Just don't act like a pussy and don't act like you're hot shit - only then is it okay to get beat up.
I've been in almost that exact situation. They threatened me and I recognized that I had no choice but to fight and so I did. I got absolutely fucking destroyed and I have no regrets.
Also women don't give a fuck as long as you don't act like a total pussy the second someone challenges you. Just don't back down. Most people don't actually want to fight they just want to talk shit.
sorry but im handsome and dont have much else going for me, im not gonna risk my face getting fucekd up
I'm this guy. v
I wanna make an edit. If you're dealing with a nigger you should be very careful. Losing a fight is one thing but a nigger might actually stab you. Act cool and don't provoke anyone. If they have a knife or a gun you still can't be a pussy but you also can't fight them. That's where my advice falls apart: Niggers.
I have no health insurance. An ass kicking would be thousands of dollars of medical bills and lost time at work for muh honor.
>I have no health insurance
manchild loser detected
I'm a Ophthalmologist, you would be surprised the amount of people I see who are blind because they got in a fight. Fuck all that, It's not worth it.
But you can't just let people treat you however they please. I guess just carry pepper spray if you genuinely can't defend yourself. Pepper spray will destroy anyone instantly. Not exactly manly but it'll do.
Woody Allen does the same thing though.
>it’s the most embarrassing thing in the world—a man who presents himself at his worst to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hang-ups. Everything he does on the screen is therapeutic.
To be quite honest, Louis prob could have wrecked that kid one on one. Grown men just have more strength than teenagers for whatever reason, even if they're footballers. Same reason strength athletes like strongmen and power lifters tend to peak more towards their thirties. Louis was probs 50lbs heavier and could fuck the kid up.
The real problem is:
1. He's a grown man and if he shitstomps a kid no one's taking his side.
2. The kid's nigger friends are all gonna jump in the second he's losing.
This is why avoiding confrontation is the best option.
My point was he's much better at making it it something worthwhile and true-to-life than Louis is. Louie is better than Maron, however, for what that's worth.
Americans lol
I don't care anymore. I've seen too many injuries from people who will never see again or never see properly again. It changes their whole life and living situation. Half these people also had their head hit the concrete and have some form of TBI. Fuck all that shit. It's one thing to act proud and get in a fight that lasts 60 seconds but it's another thing to live with the consequences if you lose the fight and you get permanent injury.
>Grown men just have more strength than teenagers for whatever reason, even if they're footballers. Same reason strength athletes like strongmen and power lifters tend to peak more towards their thirties.
There are almost no 40 yo footballers. Also powerlifters look old and bloated because of roids.
you're gonna get killed for that shit, man. There's stories of expats who get shot to death for embarrassing a man in public in that part of the world. Not that the little assholes don't deserve it sometimes but be careful
Yes that's correct, but football players aren't "strength athletes".
Power lifters, Olympic lifters, and strongman contenders tend to be older. International Powerlifting Federation put the average age for men hitting their peak lifts around 35. Of course this is all going to also take into account men doing ridiculous amounts of roids in the strongmanning and powerlifting meets. For the average male the 30's is the plateau of your general physical strength.