How do we impeach him

How do we impeach him

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why would you? isant usa economy at an all time high? he must be doing something right.

prove he performed an impeachable offense

I hate america.

he's a fucking retard

Reminder he's literally trying to get a nigger out of prison in Sweden,

Fuck off to /pol/

This man is orange. That is funny.

Jews did this to us.

It would be pretty funny if he doesn't get a second term and the inevitable recession hits as soon as a Democrat is in office, cementing Trump's legacy as a skilled businessman and dealmaker because people will only remember the fact that the economy was good while he was president. But that isn't going to happen; Trump is going to be reelected in 2020.


He's actually not though.

Only 5 and a half more years.

imbeach :D

Peach? Looks more like an orange to me

trump is based

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Any day now

>move to the country
>eat a lot of peaches

Say it with me.
PRESIDENT MIKE "The electric fence" PENCE

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What bubble will cause this recession oh wise one?

The economy isn't particularly good. Unemployment may be down but wages are stagnant. Studies show the president's impact on the economy is minimal, anyways. That goes for all presidents. Trump's legacy at this point is, I don't know, convincing people he would do a bunch of stuff he hasn't done?

no. obama did this all and drumpf is just taking credit for his turnaround!!!!

Proof, nigger.

Just run a better candidate and win more electoral votes next election.

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His relations with the Koreas will probably be his legacy

stock markets at all time highs and my 401k is doing better than it ever did under obama

>not betting 10 grand on dtunpds reelection

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>Studies show the president's impact on the economy is minimal
This is true, but the man on the street doesn't know this. They simply correlate the state of the economy with whoever is in office at the time.

>be american
>get shot

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Why did this fat kike betray Assange?

>sant usa economy at an all time high?
Correlation =/= causation


So where is the wall?

>no wall because too expensive
>here Israel have $40 billion

What a fucking betrayal

delete this right now!!!

this isnt fucking tv or film. fuck you people.

>Literally does not understand how the economy works

If it tanked the second Trump leaves office, that means it had already went to shit on Trump's watch, you fucking idiot.

>here skeleton jew please fuck my hot daughter for me
>please be my secretary of treasury, sleazy goldman sachs executive
Trump supporters are absolute fucking retards.

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if you got a beautiful gf while trump was president would you thank him for that as well?

KYS, you'll feel better faggot.

Yes, sending love letters and empty photo ops, what a legacy. Wait, I'll take that back. Trump did genuflect and allow North Korea to become a legit nuclear power by no longer demanding them to denuclearize and instead OK'ing them holding on to their nukes.

I like how all the trumpkin points are based on greed and selfishness
>I HAPPENED to profit more under trump, so it doesn't matter what he's doing to the country

Isan't trump litterally a tv celebrity?

>Unemployment may be down but wages are stagnant
This isn't true at all you retarded retard, wage growth is high as its ever been

post sneed

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Wages have been stagnant for decades, and the senate isn't going to pass the $15 minimum wage bill.

>bamboozling rednecks
Been done already, and hardly an accomplishment.

And yet thanks to Trump we're seeing high wage growth. Imagine actually falling for the "crumbs" line

Trump is based. I stand with Israel

Not a fan of all these Trump Trannies.

I don't get how "informed liberals" get to complain about wages at the same time they advocate for the indiscriminate importation of labor who will do most of these jobs for less.

Last time i checked discord trannies hated trump.

Reminder: Democrats and illegals should be lined up and shot.

What method did you use to check?

>This isn't true at all you retarded retard, wage growth is high as its ever been

Got a source for this?

Ah, and here we have the compassionate conservatives.

by malware

None that you would ever let past your cognitive dissonance filter

translation: breitbart

We all know that's not why this thread was posted you fucking dunce. MODS

Thanks for the confirmation. Don't cry too hard in 2020

The stock market is. Too bad only rich people own stocks.

>if my cabal of news sources that have a vested interested in not publishing anything that helps Trump doesn't say it's true it must not be true
How's that impeachment coming, still think Trump is a Russian agent?

>should be
Enjoy living a life of utter impotence Trumpcuck

make some money then you cunt


>mods haaalp

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CRY MORE faggot

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Why should I vote for someone who obviously struggles so much with his own sexuality like Trump?

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Comey in cuff will be fun. Soon




Still your President

jannies are probably overwhelmed
page 1 is literally
>picture of a cock
>picture of a leg
>pineapple posting x3
>sneed thread
>explicit interracial sex x3

>if my sad collection of fringe propaganda sources that have a vested interesting in publishing anything that helps trump says it's true then it must be true


I cannot wait until the civil war so I can actually shoot some of you racist alt right pieces of shit. You guys are so fucked during a civil war

You dont.
His idiotic policies and trade wars are slowly killing the economy, despite its best efforts.
He’ll get arrested the day he steps out of the WH tho for crimes in NY. Get a slap on the wrist, and everyone will forget how awful he was and the incels and nu pussy nazis will go back to being lonely.

>if Stephen Colbert says it's fringe propaganda it must be fringe propaganda

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So just another day?

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get a grip you faggot. You're on the television and film board. how are you not sick of politics? grow the fuck up.

and or

you're a pedophile

How do you manage to get through the day without popping a vein from all this seethe?

President Mike “Flies to South Florida every year to have sex with male prostitutes” Pence

his tax bill was shit

You're a russian!
Sweetie Trump is our President I have nothing to seethe about

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And then hillary will finally be president.


>mfw came here legally and became a U.S. citizen
>mfw I have two passports now
>mfw he can build his wall but he still has to let me in

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Trump flipped like he didnt want his lawyer to do. Such a good goy.

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good for you spic. you'll never be an american though.

Why are incels drawn to extreme right wing conservatism?

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who want's to fuck his daughter

Why do trannies kill themselves at such an alarming rate?

He literally Is. He's just as much of an American as you except he can't become president.
u mad whiteboi?


>We're reaching levels of seething we never thought possible

Why should I care? I'm asking about y'all incels on here.

mods are absolutely fucking useless. just allowing trannies to post obvious politically motivated shit threads. do your goddamn jobs holy fuck.

Trumpcuck? I'm a berniebro. Democrats and Republicans deserve the wall.

and neither will you

Fuck you racist. I bet your dick is 1 inch erect.

Everyone around Trump is crooked, in jail, or on trial.
Mueller is speaking this week.
Impeachment isnt happening because of Turtleman and his dying love for cocaine boats and Russian donations to his PAC. But the second Trump’s temper tantrum is over in the White House, the NY AG is coming for him, just like his lawyer, his monopoly man friend, and Epstein. All connected through Trump.

You like a pedophile and a man who is actively fucking your farmers. Congratulations.

I'm still staying though ;)

Why do incels fail at shooting up locations because of a locked door, or tripping over themselves and then kill themselves?

no, he's not. you can say that as much as you want but it'll never be true. i was born here. im white. hes a mexican that was allowed into our country due to kindness of the american people (unfortunately)

no, this is unusually high

>Mueller is speaking this week.
Oh no! Not Mueller! Is he going to refer to his report that mentioned not a single US person was colluding with Russia?

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That's not illegal or you'd be in jail


You've been listening to fox news too much. It implicates multiple people.

You lying fucking Trumpcuck fuck you racist.


looks like i struck a nerve there hahahahaha

The fucking entitlement in this post, holy shit.
You can't stop brown people from crossing the border, not with your pathetic fence that won't be built, not with your hurt feelings.
It's not happening. You will lose.

lol of course a report that edits transcripts and only includes bad evidence without exculpatory information

No collusion, no obstruction. Two years of being lied to and you're still lapping at CNN's cum

So why aren't you out there doing it right now? You do own guns don't you? So what's stopping you, pussy.

>I'm white

I can't even.....I'm literally shaking. Fuck you you fucking racist.

It's a raid. I noticed it several hours ago in that racist fireman news story from 2017 that immediately got dozens of nearly identical replies.


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posts like this are so fucking creepy. lose what? like wtf are you even talking about? trump could lose the presidency in 2020 and i wouldnt sperg out like you people have for the last 4 years. grow up. your me vs them mentality is barbaric

>all these conservacel tears

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>looks at current President of the USA

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>the projection

It's not if you fucking incel racist. Trump will lose. I gurantee it. The country is sick of your racist narrative. Change is coming you piece of shit.

You mean Obamas fence

Two terms but you could try on the third.

>Trump will never be President!

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holy frickin YIKES my dude

lol you are so mad

That's the thing, they won and they keep fucking crying. Nothing will assuage them of their victim complex.

You cant stop incels from crossing obamas fence. You will lose.

Mueller is testifying Wednesday and he'll spell out o-b-s-t-r-u-c-t-i-o-n o-f j-u-s-t-i-c-e slowly so even republican retards can understand

im not sure you know what that means but it was a good try

It's like when they call us snowflakes, they don't realize how fundamentally hilarious that is

I wonder when leftards will wake up and process the truth

Maybe when Strozk, Comey and McCabe are in cuffs.

Heh heh you can thank a relationship president, Obama for that you fucking racist incel

Collusion isn't even a criminal term, it's a made up talking point for Trump to make himself look innocent of something he's not accused of.
There's literally a section of the report listing numerous times the president *possibly* obstructed justice, and the only reason the possibly caveat is even used is because ol' Fair Play Mueller is toeing the DoJ line that you can't criminally indict a sitting president.
The president is a criminal, "no collusion no obstruction" is a meme for retards too stupid to L I T E R A L L Y read the report.

um someone pls answer

small hands
funny hair
what the fuck are we doing america? wake up before its Nazi

Are we still doing the mueller thing? *yawn*


Who you voting for?

> it's a made up talking point for Trump to make himself look innocent of something he's not accused of.
You literally have no ability to think for yourself

Wouldn't proclaiming their love be an indication thst he's confident in his sexuality, or are we just making fun of the cheeto, I know how you libtards feel, Trump said he was going to destroy all Jews and give every man a farm, I was lied to desu

Haven't tuned in to US politics for a while. Quick rundown?

Thats cool.

When are indictments? Wait there's none ?? OHNONONO

YOUR (clap) PRESIDENT (clap) IS (clap) GOING (clap) TO (clap) JAIL (clap)

whatever helps you sleep at night man

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Any day now

that was my point

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The person who's gonna make niggers illegal

Will you finally kill yourself when that doesn't happen?

Trumps efforts in NK will probably amount to nothing, but it does set a precedent for a US president directly negotiating with the DPRK and undermines China.

Its gonna be hilarious when nothing happens again


>Fox News
Ah yes let’s just continue to trust what is universally considered the most distrustful news network in America. Also, coincidentally, the only news network Trump trusts to any degree.

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damn it went down that much in just 10 days?

basically, straight men are cancelled sweetie

You can't call me racist, you don't know if I'm white or not.

You can't. You tried three times now and failed. d*mocrats don't like America and America doesn't like d*mocrats.


>There's literally a section of the report listing numerous times the president *possibly* obstructed justice
You're right, and Bobby Mule passed the decision on that to Barr, who said there was no obstruction.

So the report says nobody conspired with Russia, and Barr says nobody obstructed. Thanks for playing yourself

Yes i am racist? So what?


>Comparing 3 years in president to 3 two-term presidents

This is the most pointless fact, it doesn't even make sense.

>women have loved douchebags for millenia
>watch the news, even MSNBC is gentle in their derision of Trump and clearly love him for the ratings

what a load of shit. wake the fuck up, hillary clinton was an embarrassing national delusion. nobody who has so much gone to a high school football game would ever vote for hillary clinton in their right minds.

Mueller will just say read the report for a few hours, leftards will continue seething gorever. Meanwhile horowitz report that Comey FBI literally spied on Trump, likely for Obama. Invest in hangman nooses, gonna make a killing

Based & ConfidencePilled

wow. now republitards are advocating for a healthy relationship with a disgusting dictator? we need to bomb them and most of america agrees with this. even a ground war would be more productive than what drump is doing now.

It's bad. Go fuck yourself.

if you want to make conservacels mad just ask them about Epstein (why was trump friends with him for 15 years and let him cruise for teenagers at Mar-a-lago?)

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>You literally have no ability to think for yourself
>links youtube remix as rebuttal
Oh the ironing.

I'm Jewish and I will tap dance, celebrate, throw a party when you anti semites at /pol/ lose your fucking hugbox board when gook moot gets sick of your shit.

NK have no intention of halting their nuclear development. What they wanted was something they've been after for decades - recognition from a US president, which gives the Kim regime a semblance of legitimacy on the world stage.

It was only after Trumps election that there's been a US president stupid and arrogant enough to believe the whole "Oh yeah, we'll totally dismantle our nukes if you come over and shake our hand and say how great we are".

None of those are for collusion, leftarded mongoloid. Try again, harder this time

This is the post we needed but didn't deserve in this fagot shitshow of a thread.
not televsion or film related btw

>Quick rundown?
Trump getting impeached senpai. Not that he has done shit in office anyways.

It'll be even more hilarious when something does :^)

>remix of all your MSM heroes talking about how Trump colluded with Russia
>Durr Trump made up collusion as a distraction
I bet you think Obama committing the worst illegal domestic spying operation against a political opponent in US history is just a right-wing conspiracy theory as well

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this is the cost of lies
when every mainstream news outlet is constantly lying about Trump, no one will ever recognize the truth the few times they arent lying. The same goes the other way too.

You people have legitimately lost your minds. Good lord.

we punch him in the fucking face

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It's still pretty horrifying. Obama never went on for months about how all his people were THE BEST PEOPLE and his administration had zero indictments.
Trump constantly does and look how many of his people have resigned and/or had criminal proceedings against them. And you still trust his judgment, loool.

lol you are so mad

>07/23/19(Tue)06:27:25 No.118477983
> #
>>Comparing 3 years in president to 3 two-term presidents
>This is the most pointless fact, it doesn't even make sense.
>07/23/19(Tue)06:27:25 No.118477985
> (OP) #
>>women have loved douchebags for millenia
>>watch the news, even MSNBC is gentle in their derision of Trump and clearly love him for the ratings
>what a load of shit. wake the fuck up, hillary clinton was an embarrassing national delusion. nobody who has so much gone to a high school football game would ever vote for hillary clinton in their right minds.
>07/23/19(Tue)06:27:49 No.118477997
> #
>Mueller will just say read the report for a few hours, leftards will continue seething gorever. Meanwhile horowitz report that Comey
>07/23/19(Tue)06:27:58 No.118478005
> #
>Based & ConfidencePilled
>07/23/19(Tue)06:28:01 No.118478007
> #
>wow. now republitards are advocating for a healthy relationship with a disgusting dictator? we need to bomb them and most of america agrees with this. even a ground war would be more productive than what drump is doing now.
>07/23/19(Tue)06:28:19 No.118478020
> #
>It's bad. Go fuck yourself.
>07/23/19(Tue)06:28:24 No.118478023
>809 KB PNG
>if you want to make conservacels mad just ask them about Epstein (why was trump friends with him for 15 years and lago?)
>07/23/19(Tue)06:28:29 No.118478027
> #
>>You literally have no ability to think for yourself
>>links youtube remix as rebuttal
>Oh the ironing.
>07/23/19(Tue)06:28:38 No.118478039
>I'm Jewish
>07/23/19(Tue)06:28:38 No.118478040
> #

>07/23/19(Tue)06:28:51 No.118478046
> #
>None of those are for collusion, leftarded mongoloid. Try again, harder this time
>07/23/19(Tue)06:29:02 No.118478053


This but don't ask why Obama and other Democrat politicians were friends with Louis Farrakhan. Ignore this

Holy shit the olympics just flew over my head

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:DDD lmao

False, leftard . Banned for life, remember? Its really funny that you keep trying it. Im sure THIS particular fabulation will work.


>every single member of Trumps team had to be fired or resign
He certainly showed us he "knows all the best people".

Funny how people will claim the investigation found nothing when there are literally multiple people in prison right now because of it.

>Obama and his "scandal-free presidency"

haha im not even going to humor this post with a response nice try though.

>be a very important millionaire/billionaire
>have a resort that caters to millionaires/billionaires
>schmooze with said millionaires/billionaires to network
>shower people with compliments so they will want to do business with you (he even did this with Kim Jong Un and it worked)
>find out one of these millionaires/billionaires has been making inappropriate advances on underage girls
>ban him from your resort
wow it's fucking nothing

Seriously tho what the fuck happens after he leaves office in 24? Is everything just gonna go back to normal? How the hell can we go back to people like Romney and Gingrich after this guy? Honestly bros I think post-presidency Trump is going to be EVEN BETTER than president Trump. NO SHACKLES

You are a racist incel. Fuck you

>massive spammy mass-replies just as someone points out how many drumpfworlders have had criminal proceedings against them
Based Abraham Shekelberg


Funny how DC was totally not corrupt until the one person the entire establishment hated got in
But I don't trust you to know the details of the Flynn case, just that orange man is bad

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I'm definitely racist

who said that? I wouldn't trust CNN as far as I could throw it


You are on Yea Forums , dumb shrkel grabber. Do you honestly think removing / pol/ would change the other boards? We have always been here, proto- lampshade

Its impossible to not be racist as a human. Racism does not mean I hate all black people, it just means I recognize that statistically they commit more crime and have a lower IQ on average. In fact by accepting them for what they are I am more capable of loving them.

>wow. now republitards are advocating for a healthy relationship with a disgusting dictator?
The US has had dealings with dictatorships since forever. It's part of geopolitics. China is our largest trading partner!


>passed the decision on that to a drooling sycophant who's a part of the same DoJ who wouldn't indict him even is there was a proverbial smoking gun
>the report says no one conspired with Russia
There's a laundry list of Trump associates with documented interactions with Russian political operatives all through the report. Just because nobody found proof of Trump doing the same is immaterial when his own son goes to a meeting to take supposed compromising intelligence on the woman he's competing with.
Thanks for regurgitating talking points :^)

So? Trump should have 1 million deportations by now. Obama pretends like he wants to let migrants in but deported them all and put them in cages, and the dems let him get away with it because he's king nigger.
Trump pretends like he wants to deport his cheap laborforce, but then backpedals when he sees some crying brown kid that makes him say fuck laws and shit.

t. faggot cuck with Rhodesian flags and anime waifu posters on his wall

Remember when his charity foundation had to dissolve a few months ago under nefarious circumstances? Truly the party of moral ethics.

Get rid of SJWs and extremist feminist
They are literally the only reason why i would vote for him


Abrachuck Sneedelberg

You wouldn't know a healthy relationship if it kicked you in the balls.

this will be in little robots' history books

That's not true. Obama never did.


>Thanks for regurgitating talking points :^)
Genuine question, did you know that the Russian lawyer Don Jr met with was working for the same law firm as the DNC? And that she met with someone from the state department the day before and after Jr's meeting?

Because if you didn't, that's a pretty basic fact of the case

>hahahha sneed!!! xD
wow.... so this... is the power of Yea Forums posters....

Its easy to not have indictment when the IC is helping hide your corrupt shit. Dont worry tho, theyll come soon. Comey is first in line.

So why was it the only thing conservative talking points could ever find to criticize him on was shit like what accessories he decided not to wear, or if they were feeling particularly political, Obamacare?

>redditor learns of sneed

>trying to get the thread tanked with zoomer memes now that their orange overlord has been thoroughly exposed as a sham


>remix of all your MSM heroes
Are we talking about an independent counsel report or fake news faggot?
Oh look, more fabricated outrage to distract you from how incredibly stupid you are.

Formerly chuck!!! xD

policies aren't always immediately reflected in statistics. did you finish middle school?

the sooner this thread fucking dies the better you faggot. he's doing gods work


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Because before Trump the media acted as the filter, and we can see now how totally unbiased they are

Sure. Still prefer niggers to leftist retards

Sneed to you as well my friend
sneed to you


fuck and suck


Feed & Seed.

You wouldn’t know a political debait if it hit you right in the fucking head you braindead memespewing zoomer

its not television or film related you pig fuck. it should be tanked.

>Spygate is fabricated outrage
What's fabricated about it?

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Exactly, which is why Obama's policies are continuing to have an effect today.

>shits all over the Iran deal
>parks his boats and flys his drones inside Iran
>gets told to fuck off
>”omg you guys did you see that, Iran is fucking crazy we need regime change now”

Billions to Iran. Kys rerarded leftard

>That's not true. Obama never did.
Wait what? Obama normalized relations with Cuba. He met with all kinds of dictators. Am I being coaxed into a snafu?


Formerly intelligent

mods holy shit do your job

If you think that applies to economics though you are a dummy dumb

Jesus came for sinners he didnt say nobody sins



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this is the person who went LALALALA I CANT HEAR YOU when you were a toddler

based sneedshitter ruining off topic thread

isnt he the one trying his hardest to stay out of a war with them? what are you talking about?

How convenient, just blame the media for all those scandals that *could* have happened to Obama, and the ones that *did* happen to Trump. Must be nice living in a fantasy world.


Listen you fucking dunce spamming your fucking reddit buzzword ISN’T A GODDAMN MEME. Now just SHUT THE FUCK UP and start studying for your algebra test tomorrow fucking zoomer trash

Weird how his IRS targeting conservative groups wasn't a scandal according to the media who is in the pocket of Democrats

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This is how stupid Trump supporters are. They support someone who calls them stupid.

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