What are some good movies to watch about the challenges of having and raising children?

What are some good movies to watch about the challenges of having and raising children?

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The girl in the OP in a few years once she hits her 30s

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i would inseminate her and raise children born out of it, if you know what i mean

based so would I

lol she looks like she's afraid of touching her kid

lesson learned whore


behind all that make up, if you look deep into her eyes, you can see the same look veterans have when reliving vietnam flashbacks.
happiness is not a matter economic status, sure being broken sucks but living life as you want instead of forcing yourself to touch asian man dick then having a goblin shaped ball and chain is deffinately not worth it, all these fancy things cannot repay for the time you wasted and the things you coudn't be (like happy for example).

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I just realized that there are no movies about females having children anymore in the theaters. they all go to Netflix or Amazon now.

Look at the flag behind. She's marrying a rich jewish boy

Based except you’re painting AMWF as a desperation move instead of an aspiration for all good white girls.

Fuck off, Shang Yang

seriously, anything but getting tatted up and pumping out half niglets
t. white boi

Haha her son will shoot up a school in fifteen years for being a hapa incel. Burn the rice pay the price

still confusing AMWF children vs WMAF children again. Meanwhile the children of Asian men and White men are the biggest stars in Hollywood.

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i found a picture of their kid all grown up

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this meme is actually true, my aunt is married to an asian guy and their kids are totally normal. it's not a genetic thing really I think it's that beta whites resort to third world asians for wives.

this guy aint asian

he looks like some slimy pinoy

white women love asian men....don't know how this is still newsworthy in 2019.

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"Mister Mom"

Wrong kind of hapa.

Which are the modt powerful race

lol, its that one guy from r/asianmasculity spamming again. Saddest existence in the nation.

why the fuck did this thread have to derail into r/masculinity shit?

The virgin JIDF vs the Chad Hapa

Because based AMWF poster is keeping the schizo menace violent and self-defeating.

it's only if white men marry asian women. You have to be an absolute CHAD asian male to get white women. The majority of white betas on this site have asian gfs/wives since it's so easy

Because one tiny dick jap gets easily triggered when someone post pictures of very unhappy tall women marrying tiny yellow men.

how is that girl jewish?

Whitey BTFO

have to somewhat agree, if white women are going to be traitors, then it is best to go with asians instead of jews or niggers

stolen genes through decades of white slavery

Nice projection chang.

wtf, i love jews now

Christ. Azn boys proud of being beta bux while I'm fucking your wives before they marry you.

lol so why'd you respond? classic incel persucution mindset

This thread is just an example of Yea Forums being /r/whitemasculinity as well as white males baiting other white males

There are plenty of non-jewish Russians in Israel. Jews even try to have conversion sessions with them, but they never do.

Bautista is like Filipino/Greek. Not really the model of Eurasian dudes usually are. Like Jewish/Korean and thus susceptible to mental illness.

Someone post that pic of the arranged marriage between Chinese and Muslim


>Yea Forums
Yea Forums really.
/gif/ manages to have AMWF threads with only 50% seething whites

Daddys Home 2 with Mel Gibson

If I hear one more /pol/ incel says jews aren't white...

but jews aren't white bro they even admit it themselves

askenazi jews are white. these jews have been in Europe for millennia.

I love that bikini.
Sophia Leone's scene with it gets me rock solid. Her ass looks so good in it.

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Pinche nalgona cabrona hija de su puta madre
Vien enchilada esta pendeja

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How long into the video before she takes it completely off?

Those water droplets cannot hide those ass pimples.

I don't get it. What's the meme in this thread?

She spends a decent amount of time walking in it, strutting about. Teasing. Looking hot.

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That Jew is smoking hot

Problem Child 2


The Ultimate and Final Cuck Directed by Refn.

Jesus that one on the leg. Why didn’t they photo shop this?

Instant Family