Women can't write good mov-

>women can't write good mov-

Attached: file.png (220x304, 140K)

Other urls found in this thread:






>good movie

>formerly men


Good thread, OP.


Attached: based and redpilled.webm (1440x508, 1.75M)


user, i...

Attached: matrix.jpg (700x300, 10K)


It's really funny imagining all the Nazis on Yea Forums trying to reconcile the fact that one of their favorite movies was made by two trans postmodernists.

But males wrote that movie?



Have sex.

The trans subtext was incredibly obvious even in 1999, no one should really be surprised they transitioned



Tell me, I want to know. I truly do. How do you live with yourself? All of us have to believe that we’re decent posters, don’t we? You have to sleep at night. How do you tell yourself that you’re decent after all the shit that you’ve posted?

And the postmodernist "subtext" was so on the nose that I'd be perplexed that any right wingers liked the movie at all if it wasn't for the fact that they're so stupid.

>was incredibly obvious even in 1999

matrix is dated and just plain silly.


Fuck transgendered degenerates and fuck jannies

the movie is literally about a dude awakening his true self being pursued by a symbol of authority who denies that identity and calls him by his deadname to demean him

In the script, Switch was going to be a man in the real world and a woman in the Matrix but the studio wouldn't allow it

it probably helped that they ripped off a bunch of ideas from neuromancer

Some people have argued that the red pill is a metaphor for HRT.

I'm skeptical that this was actually the intention, but it's nonetheless a valid theory.



>women can't write good mov-

Attached: Untitled-81.jpg (1109x651, 987K)

It was mostly ripped off from a Morrison comic called The Invisibles. So much so that they famously had issues on set during filming.

This would hold up only if they weren't both men when they made this movie and everything after they transitioned was complete dogshit

nazis were never real

>the wachowskis will never make rock of ages for the dceu

Attached: Le bi-sentinel mane ;__;.png (574x430, 74K)

The most commonly prescribed estradiol pill at the time was red

Do you support gays?? Yes/No??

Forgot About Morpheus
Still D.R.E.(A.M.)
Dhe Straight And Narrow
Rabin Lenin Did Nothing Wrong


Attached: MentorAndNeophyte.jpg (1012x760, 122K)

>Mʌðer Mejtryks

Ðo Têrmynejtor frančhajze ænd ðo Mejtryks frančhajze hæd æ pârasajt = Sowfia Stūwort


>Ťrūþ Abâwt Mejtryks

Attached: ModherMatrix.jpg (260x212, 16K)

It's about Gnosticism brainlet.


Hãng Λp Ðe Fown Æz Sūn Æz Jou/v Яesēīved Ðe Mesadž

>Hazбrow Бættole Ťrowllz

Attached: DromeBox.jpg (1230x693, 58K)

they were men then and they are still men now. All the best "women" are still men, as evidenced by all the trannies beating "women's" records

how do you know? he made a good point

And Anime. It fucking wow’d critics because they were fucking normalfags who had never seen a single Anime fight or whatever