Please tell me I'm not the only one who practically dissociated from how fucking "off" this movie seemed...

Please tell me I'm not the only one who practically dissociated from how fucking "off" this movie seemed? I swear it's like this entire thing is a deep fake, or algorithmically generated by a computer, or something. Everything is just subtly "off," it's uncanny. A human being cannot have made this horrible horrible garbage.

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Other urls found in this thread:

You're probably the only one on this board who watched this shitty movie

It's the worst thing I've ever seen. The only way I can describe it is that it's like listening to a North Korean propaganda radio show, where the Korean actors are just barely good enough at speaking English to sound "normal" most of the time, but they constantly let slip in subtle ways that they're weird foreigners from another planet. It's like the Star Wars prequels where everybody feels weird and confused because they were filming in front of green screens and speaking weird dialog that made no sense.

It already came out? I thought otherwise.

inspiration is hard to buy

I might have pirated it and watched it if it didn't have any niggers.

korsub. and yea, it kinda confusing how bad this is.

I like how they casually retconned when the MIB was formed in order to appease the china audience. also the casual retcon of literally all the other movies.

what was the retcon?

what was the retcon?

what was the retcon?

what was the retcon?

do you have some sort of physical brain damage?


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Attached: no,.jpg (427x135, 19K)

the Liam Neeson character was actually a bad guy that betrayed them, right?

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Get woke go broke. These 2 have zero chemistry. Any moron could have predicted this failure.

I'm an hour in. This is physically painful. I have to keep pausing to do something else in order to stand it.

Okay but what was the retcon.

Also I will not watch any movies that has James Corden, Kumhail Nanjani, or Tessa Thompson.

its a lot worse than just the casting. literally everything about this movie is incomprehensibly bad.

Me too nigga

Did you just watch the scene where she's talking to the little green faggot? That was the worst one yet. The woman is so bad at acting it makes me wonder if she's missing a part of her brain.

my god this film truly was a factory product

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You can't even imagine. Try watching it. It feels like an algorithm trying to pass a turing test.

You can see the director going "just hide behind the props, don't worry"

I like how it doesn't go away. Its a permanent cast member from about the half-way point and is involved in every dialogue exchange.

how do you make a movie this bad?

there are great men in black comics and even the cartoon to steal from.

why make this shit?
MIB is about ellis island and aliens except REAL ALIENS. thats the joke. you dont need an MIB in europe because MIB in NY runs the entire planet. its retarded all over.

>you dont need an MIB in europe because MIB in NY runs the entire planet.
yea but china wouldn't like that

So how about that crazy retcon?

I didn’t even want to see Men in Black International. What I wanted to watch was this Chinese children’s movie named Fantastica: A Boonie Bears Adventure because it looks to be the cinematic equivalent of a lead pipe to the temple. Repeatedly, and in the best way possible, the way where after a while you’re no longer sure if you’re in pain or dead, crosseyed or just on a bad acid trip. Like the time this kid Garrett who used to hang out near the cardboard compacter behind the Walmart, and who I thought hated me because of the way he threw rocks at me until this time he gave me a tab and swore it’s even better if you take it with a cup of Red Devil Lye. I thought my intestines were a rainbow that was burning me from the inside and that I needed to get it out and back into the sky where it belonged. I woke up twelve hours later in the crawlspace with a raccoon beneath my neighbor’s porch, drenched in vomit, blood and stringy strips of innards. Mostly my own, I think.

I miss Garrett. I hope nobody’s bullying him in juvey.

Anyway, my point is you should check out the trailer for Fantastica (trailer link),
then rewatch it sixty times. It’ll be a shitload better use of your time than watching the drab spectacle of Men in Black International. This is the Olive Garden catered to your office Christmas party of movies: Bland, mushy shit engineered up by corporate humpers more interested in offending nobody than pleasing anybody. It’s tomato sauce with no pepper, rubbery mozzarella and spongy breadsticks served up in disposable trays.

>A human being cannot have made this horrible horrible garbage.
It most likely was created by committee. So you're basically right, no person actually made this. Instead a bunch of suits said "we need a scene where X happens! Market testing shows X is REAL BIG with the Group Y right now."
Then they just gave all those notes to the writer duo, and a few iterations and series of notes later you've got a script. Then production gets underway, dailies start getting seen and now the notes end up in the director's lap.

why not watch the movie instead of begging?

idk for some reason they decided to repeat my question

>the alien she meets as a kid is the alien who's about to kill her at the end of act 2.

I'm vomiting internally

i saw that shit coming a mile away. it was so bad.

Didnt frank die? Wasnt there a memorial for him in like the 3rd. I wish everyone involved in this was murdered

What were the causal retcons OP?

Never mind then. I'm sure it's probably awful.

Why even encourage watching this movie?

It kinda looks and feels like its the same people who made Ghost Busters 2016
can someone check?

>Dog actor dies before MiB3
>put an Easter egg/memorial in a scene
>it sucks because Frank would’ve been great in MiB3, but it’s respectful

>”fuck it just do a CGI pug”

because people do need to watch something truly and legitimately bad every once in a while

>the climax is a blue sky laser

I just don't even

>the ending

This is the death knell of Western civilization

What did it retcon in previous films. I know frank. The scope of the organization?

Based liveblogger

I thought test marketing existed so people would never make mistakes like literally the entirety of this movie ever again

How does shit like this get made?

So... Is anyone gonna say what the retcon was?

Sony. Same way ghostbusters'16 got made.

Sony is just one of the Jews' prolefeed machines misfiring. Most of them work fine, it's inevitable a few of them would be wonky.

>Kumhail Nanjani
Silicon Valley was entertaining and Stuber was a solid 3/5, cunt.

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nah, sony's film division basically just exists to hide/launder profits from other divisions

Thought Total Recall (2012) would be the worst and not needed remake of all time.

Then just this year we get Lion King and MIB.


This a bait post? Make a comment about a shitty movie nobody clearly went to see then refuse to answer it when ppl are curious? Is OP retarded?

I do not negotiate with terrorists or terrorist sympathizers.


I've seen this before in an x-file

>its just one person
Ok retard

tianmen square massacre was actually just alien attack and chinese people saved us from alien invasion

also dalai lama is an intergalactic alien

total recall was pretty interesting. It basically had absolutely nothing from either the verhoven movie or the original short story. But it existed anyway and threw in casual references to both.

this was just bad

I was more casting aspersion on the idea you are "people."

Fun fact: I had to watch this instead of John Wick 3.

Yes yes youre an idiot. You made that point clear. More than one person asked. Making your post irrelevant

John Wick is even worse

i don't know if i believe you, i'm about 60/40 for/against

Hollywood is asleep at the wheel from all the braaaaap they've been smelling from their latino neighbors. The rest of los angeles is enfuriated at how many times HollyWEIRD has not included a promotional shot of their taco stand. They are working hard to sell tacos and tamales at their stand and the JEWS in HollyWEIRD aren't BRAVE enough to show a promotional shot of a blue collar man's ethnic food cart

I saw it with my parents since they liked the earlier movies.

It's just so... tepid. It's weirdly inoffensive compared to the earlier movies. It feels very much in line with something Disney would make--no off color humor, no suggestive themes, the violence is very cartoony. It has virtually no identity despite having three other movies to borrow from.
It really feels like a high budget knockoff.

I'm saying you're all idiots. The retcon is pretty common knowledge. crying about not being spoonfed doesn't make you less idiotic

I felt the same way about the Emoji Movie.

It felt like one of those 'Young Adult' tie-in novels set in the MiB universe that they decided to make into a movie.

I got a bit of an off feeling when I watched the first 10 minutes of Batman vs Superman in a hospital bed. Never seen this quote unquote "movie"

Instead of Tommy Lee's character forming the original MiB now they are saying it's been around since Tesla.

Another worthless post with you clearly having nothing to say. 3 for 3 now. What you think of as common knowledge is also irrelevant. Why dont try again with an actual useful reply retard, you can do it

I sometimes think posts like this are algorithmically created

look at that word salad, no coherent thought, just buzzwords. absolutely indistinguishable from actual /pol/ boomer posts

You are correct. I have nothing to say to you. That doesn't change any facts dealing with the retcon though. Being a moronic cunt isn't going to suddenly cause me to start spoonfeeding you.

Welcome to modern pedowood

Who keeps casting this nigger? What is her appeal? Why do I keep seeing her in so much shit?

Change what facts retard? The post was genuinely already answered in this thread. Seems youve even failed as whatever make believe gatekeeper you set yourself up as. Now youre 4 for 4 with another worthless response. Its impressive. How will you save face this time?

>The post was genuinely already answered in this thread
... no, my incredibly dimwitted friend, it was not...

Fuck you stupid shit head
Literally shit for brains. End yourself you waste of semen

Total recall also looked really cool. I love some of the setting designs in that film if nothing else.

>the formation of the mib was changed
Yea, answered. Seems youre going for a 5 for 5 record. How embarrassing. I await you trying to damage control your prior worthless response

Well, congratulations, you kept at it long enough and eventually someone was willing to spoonfeed you common information. Pat yourself on the back.

>no, my incredibly dimwitted friend, it was not
>w-well c-congrats
This is truly embarrassing. Masterclass of how to make a fool of yourself. As i told you awhile back, youve made it clear youre a genuine idiot.

>man who waited three hours to find out what is shown in five minutes of a movie is attempting to assert intellectual superiority

... sure is summer in here

>ask a question
>live life
>entertain a moron every time i check back
>get answer to question without lifting a finger

Sorry, you made the level intellect clear the minute you stated you had nothing to say but replied 4 more times. Your retardation reached new levels when you tried to call out being dimwitted without bothering to actually have any self or thread awareness. The highlight of this exchange. You proved you were an idiot all on your own im afraid

>man who waited three hours for an answer to a stupid question is now claiming he wasn't waiting here for three hours
>it is very important to this man he is viewed as intellectual superior, on an anonymous image board

summer. summer never changes

>asks a question
>comes back later for answer

Yes retard thats how threads work. Unless youre implying i did nothing else but wait in thread which is something id genuinely believe an idiot like you would think. Your second greentext is foaming with projection as youre desperately trying to save face by "winning". You made a fool out of yourself amd gained nothing for it. Thats not up for debate. Even going so far as attempting to patronize when you were ignorant to the fact the subject was already solved. Now its all about teasing you about it.

The jews favourite tactic is to make someone recognizable so that they're recognizable because being recognizable makes you recognizable so you can be in a movie (because you're recognizable) which makes you more recognizable so you can be in more movies so that... [etc].

Studios, agents, actors, and the surrounding industry (talk show hosts etc) all collaborate in this manufacturing

Hello and welcome to Yea Forums. I do hope you enjoy your stay.

>cant think of a response after posts of worthless retorts
>ill call him a newfag! Thats how I win

Low effort. Concession accepted. Try harder next time and you wont get made someones bitch

>Hollywood is asleep at the wheel from all the braaaaap they've been smelling from their latino neighbors. The rest of los angeles is enfuriated at how many times HollyWEIRD has not included a promotional shot of their taco stand. They are working hard to sell tacos and tamales at their stand and the JEWS in HollyWEIRD aren't BRAVE enough to show a promotional shot of a blue collar man's ethnic food cart
What did he mean by this?

I'm not sure what you think you're accomplishing by continuing to respond to me.

the only, but the ONLY interest i have in tessa thompson is seeing her asshole and puasy

Low IQ dumbasses like yourself need to know when you've been bested. So hopefully you can get better at Yea Forums or kill yourself

>he keeps responding, thinking he somehow asserted intellectual superiority by being woefully ignorant

this is apparently very important to your self image.

Movies are digitalzed marketing. There is no soul or creativity in writing anymore.

It's a Sony flick. What you're experiencing is a slideshow created by out of touch marketing executives, sprinkled with a few studio mandates and contractually obligated actors. It's not a film, it's a glossy ad for Vaio laptops and Sony handheld devices.

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really pissed off they took away the 1950s origin

also I hate how she makes it in and they give the exact same suit speech word for word but she is impatiently waiting for them to get through it rather than anything else. she tosses the noisy cricket aside. it's like she can't wait to shit on the whole franchise

it's not you're prolly just getting shitty chris hemsworth vibes from it

What the fuck do you even call this kind of post-human little goblin

What have they done to us

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im not even going to watch it

What man wouldn't want to behold this nubian dreamgirl in all her glory? A bonus would be if she went into one of her extensive, enlightening monologues about nubianism, sexuality and feminism while pulsing that luscious donut.

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