Post actors/actresses doomed to mediocrity despite their upbringing

post actors/actresses doomed to mediocrity despite their upbringing

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Nope she escaped mediocrity today, when she sexualized her image for the first time......

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Is th- that her??

I'd like to see her in a Tarantino movie though. Same with Maya.

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Don't talk that way about my wife please

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Gib milkies.....even if not khazar

What's her bodyfat%? This is literally perfect.

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hooooly shit

looks like its gonna be a tough race between maya and freya allen, whos gonna be tv new waifu


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Maya Hawke, uma and ethan’s Daughter who is on stranger things

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Stupid thots

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Perfect body, good lord

these slags are already forgotten

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I think she'll do well in indie and arthouse films

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You know what,
I’m just gonna say it, she’s instantly among the most desirable women in Hollywood, because she has a soft attainable shape and a girl next door smile

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The bitch is a terrible actress, and ugly as fuck. What the hell is wrong with you wanting to see her in anything.

She is the foremost example of a woman who can only look good with makeup, yet gets hyped anyway

her at the premiere of once upon a time in hollywood today

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Wow, she must be game to get worshipped by geeks like myself. I find her hotter than her mom at her peak. Uma was always too exotic. Maya is girl next door

give her a carrot

born too soon for uma, just in time for maya, based ethan hawke

Why is Winona Ryder blonde?


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do you think ethan jeeped one out to this?

Wait I thought maya was pure?

she is purely for lewd

god damn she looks like a jew with ugly tits

Dubs and I get a perfect girlfriend to put me out of loneliness.

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Maya is in Once Upon a time in Hollywood

all women are whores

gratz bud

singles and this guy's new gf has a dick