Veteran of the war in Nigeria

>veteran of the war in Nigeria.
What did James Cameron mean by this?

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Yeah, that’s reaaaaal good lawdog, cause law just don’t go round here

trying to make africa relevant

Did he do anything wrong?

Why does hollywood portray musclemen as villians?

it depends on your fundamental value system, which is why conservatives and progressives see this movie so differently. progressives value the oppressed navi where conservatives value the humans, which are members of their tribe in that context

Nigeria is expected to be a big boy country in about a hundred years. Or Liberia, one of the two.

he killed a lot of chinks

I'm "conservative" and i valued the Navi, they were defending their homeland from culturally incompatible intruders.

That there was a war in Nigeria.

Your average Nigerian woman has something like seven children. What do you think they’re building up such a massive population reserve for? Peace and quiet? Minding their own business?

400 millions nogs and an IQ of 84 don't make you powerful

Shut up, Ike

they weren't defending squat, they were going out and attacking humans

The next world war is going to take place in Africa and it will be fought between USA, Russia and China.

What did they do with their homeland and all those resources though? Nothing. The humans mastered space travel and earned the right to take everything they had.

Who's fucking planet was it? You sound like a lying lefty cuck, playing victim to cover for heinous crimes to quell your cognitive dissonance.

Try 800 million

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The only legitimate way to earn the right to anything is by force, whether ones own, or by proxy through the state. If the humans had killed all the Navi and taken their land, then they would have had the right to own it and exploit it as they pleased. The Navi’s defense of their planet and driving off of the invaders proved their right to own their land and do with it as they wished. Any other viewpoint is either redditfaggotry or Internet tough guy nonsense.

What song will you blast through your helicopter lads

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>Who's fucking planet was it?
Eywa's, you dumb cuck, since the planetary consciousness dominated everything.

You're probably the same sort of faggot who thinks Anglo-Saxons had no right to England, or Europeans had no right to conquer the Americas. Go drink your soi and prep the bull.

Whatever stage of evolution they were in (with their biospiritual hivemind), they should have been left to their own autonomy to decide the destiny of their own peoples.

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He wasn’t actually makin 4 sequels. He was using that money to put together a private military to wipe out the population of Africa. BASED Cameron

found the lefty

This is honestly horrifying

Hitler was a lefty?

That we went to war over Nigeria's oil because that's literally what meme leftists believe Iraq was over

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For the eventuality that several of those children will die or otherwise be reproductively unsuccessful. like cats

>invading a dozen nations is letting them be "left to their own autonomy to decide the destiny of their own peoples."

you lefties really aren't that bright

They didn't defend anything. They would have lost if it wasn't for the humans that helped them. It just showed how much more superior humans are to them.

>Hitler left people to their own devices

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>world's biggest contiguous slum

not him but no, they didnt have the "right" to either. They took it because they were stronger. In this movie the humans fail, therefore they have no right.

>That scar is actually from the giganigger

South Asian and Central Africa needs a world war to lower the population.

Who is going to feed them when most of the arable land is lost to climate change? I don't buy the 700 million. It's more likely they'll go extinct.

That's insane.

2019... I am forgotten

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Quaritch considered the Naavi to be no better than Niggerians.

a temporary setback, though at least you recognize and agree with the principle

What's wrong?

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Why will the Chinks diminish?

who the fuck is allen

They are old and have a low fertility rate. The one child policy fucked them in the long run.

>western medicine and the green revolution created so many nogs it unironically destroyed the world.

The USA could easily handle more people. India can handle growing by a bit more. But 4+ billion in Africa? The world can barely feed, clothe, water, and provide medicine for them now.

Almost all East Asian antions have below replacement birth rates. Japan has been losing people for a long time now. China has population momentum, their death rates are still lower than birthrates. Eventually it will catch up with them.

Thanks, Bill Gates.

during the one child policy, Chinese parents valued having a boy much more than having a girl, so they would abort girls. As a result there are way more men in China than women. We should have a party for the Chinese communist party because their internet censorship keeps the rest of the world from being flooded with like 600,000,000 more horny incels. It would be like adding another India to the internet

There is absolutely no possible scenario in which this comes to pass because of lack of food and water, war and disease.

>It would be like adding another India to the internet

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Bill gets in trouble regularly for saying the African population explosion is coming soon and will be a disaster for the world

the humies in avatar were aesthetic

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Teenage Dirtbag

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The African population is exploding now because those issues have been solved for the most part. Child mortality and malnutrition are sinking like a rock and will only continue to go down.

>Thanks for the help man, here's you a fresh new set of legs and a ship ride back home
>... oh you decided to betray me and the human race for blue cat pussy

What did he do wrong again?

whats more horrifiying, you can't even count USA white, so the sole reasone the hate for the white race is so prevelant now, the little bugs all figured out they are more than us and can colonize all our shit. we should've just taken over the world already, but noooooooooo daaass raaayyciisss, muhh empaathyyy buu fucking huu

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People were predicting that the 70's and 80's would see global catastrophe related to mass starvation and famine. Thanks to the "green revolution" that didn't happen. The world avoided famine, the population grew, and most nations produced more food. From the 1960's to early 1990's agricultural productivity in most pales grew by about 3%. Since the mid 90's its back down to 1%, which was the global average in the 40's and 50's. I am legitimately worried if another Norman Borlaug doesn't show up Africa will fuck everything up.

>Trying to rationalize defeat with wah wah wah muh inherent superiority
Yep, we got a real tough guy here folks.

It doesn’t matter how the Navi won. Humans don’t get to call a fight unfair just like the schoolyard bully doesn’t get to complain when he gets knifed in the throat one day. It doesn’t matter who helped the Navi survive, just like it doesn’t matter if you’re on Yea Forums because you’re still a virgin at 27. At the end of the day, all that matters is the outcome. And the outcome for the “superior” humans was defeat. Cry me a river.

>left and right both on the same side and agree humans were villains
>still argue about it anyway
Are you both calling each söyboys as well? Is this an argument between two conservatives calling each other leftists?

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Because they're receiving funding from the west. Once that dries up or is outpaced by their population growth, Africa will reach carrying capacity pretty quickly as war, famine and diseases return. Hell, Ebola is making a resurgence already.

East Asians are redpilled on black people, and South America is way more into white supremacy than the USA. Europe will probably get fucked by Africa, but most other places are good.

>be illiterate
>try to tell people they were saying the same thing


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What will happen is someone will create an ebola vaccine and inadvertently end up making more mouths to feed. Africa's only hope is a fertility transition from high to low birthrates like India and China.

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>Alright ladies, let's bring the pain

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>Chinese parents valued having a boy much more than having a girl, so they would abort girls. As a result there are way more men in China than women
Actually, the reports of girls being aborted have been way overstated. Turns out there were millions of secret births where Chinese families hid the fact they had illegal daughters or abandoned them in secret all-girl orphanages. There's now millions and millions of unregistered, stateless women living in Chinese cities unable to interact with the government or get an over-the-table job.

The CCP said they'd give amnesty to any families and girls that came forward to officially register and become citizens, but no one is buying it.


It certainly won't be created in Africa. US pharmaceutical companies aren't focusing on it because it isn't going to make money (though it is being developed). My point is that if the west isn't able or willing to prop Africa up, it will collapse if it remains on it's current birth rate trajectory. It just isn't sustainable.

Yep user, it’s definitely worrying. But if it’s any consolation l, we still got another 20 some years of slack left. The fact that food is still cheap enough that we have to pay farmers to produce it, and the selectivity(ie pickiness) of current consumers are both strong evidence that there is still a lot of space between current agricultural output and the needs of the populace.

I am. I need clarification desu.

>It doesn't matter how the Navi won
They didn't even win in the first place. They all would have died if it wasn't for superior human brains that decided to be on their side.

Where the fuck are they going to get food from? Western gibs isn't enough.

Coontown by Johnny Rebel

I still haven't seen Avatar and if I do ever watch it I'll be disappointed the humans lose.

But how many of those women were just exported to the millions of rub-n-tugs we have stateside

I used to hate this movie but then I learned it triggered all the neocohens and pro-Iraq War brainlets so I guess it wasn't all bad that he made a clumsy metaphor about white trash shitkickers fighting on behalf of 'cosmopolitan' businessmen.

How do I become a cosmopolitan businessman?

As Africa gets more and more developed, it needs less gibs from the outside world. Most of the conflict on the continent now is coming from American intervention (Libya), Middle Eastern terror groups (Boko Haram and Isis) and francophone multinationals paying off mercenaries (the nightmare hellscape that is the Western Congo).
The continent is getting less violent and more prosperous. Something serious would need to happen for trends to reverse.

>Democratic Republic of the Congo
Not if Ebola has anything to say about that!

This is my point . The west couldn't help them sustain this growth rate even if they wanted to. The food supply alone would be impossible to supply. Then add in the conflict that would come from having billions of clinically borderline retarded individuals in close proximity as well as emergence and spreading of epidemics. Assuming there even is a west as we know it by that time, they wouldn't be able to stop it. Look up the biological principle of carrying capacity.

>Wah wah wah their victory doesn’t count because reasons
>I think might means right until my side loses, at which point I start endlessly complaining that the system was rigged
Is this how you justify your own failures? Have you constructed an endless series of excuses and rationalizations that maintain the illusion that you were doomed to fail? Do you pretend that your inherent superiority makes up for the fact that you’re a disappointment to your entire gene line? Honestly curious.

Do you have any further reading material about this? Sounds interesting, and completely blows my own theory about China out of the water.

Most of those women are brought over on visas by wealthy Chinese immigrants than sex trafficked. The illegal women in China are so far underground the the Chinese government isn't able to easily find them.

I don't know why your last two posts got so personal, it's a movie user. I think the humans earned the right to take their resources and do great things with it, and the fact that it was humans themselves who saved the species and that planet just adds to how much better they are compared to the navi. If I remember right the tribes weren't even on speaking terms so them being united at the end wasn't even because they figured it out themselves.

>Do you have any further reading material about this? Sounds interesting, and completely blows my own theory about China out of the water
It was a major story in 2015/2016 when China ended the one child policy and people felt more comfortable admitting they were hiding children. If you look up "illegal girls hidden China" most news organizations will have an article from about then. Some are about the systemic problems, others are like "I was a secret baby." I think I got my info from either National Geographic or Time. Don't remember.

Only valid answer

sounds like you need to dilate

Isn't Nigeria one of the most successful sub-saharan nations?

They'll no longer be able to call blacks and Asians minorities. Whites will become the minority race on this planet.

That's already true

>Niggers having lots of chillrin is part of a grand long term strategy of their own devising

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Nigerians don't have lots of kids because of long term planning, they have them for a lack of it.

this dude came to my college and did a one man show from different perspectives of wounded vets, was pretty kino

so if water is somehow the secret fuel that makes FTL possible aliens have the right to steal all out water leaving us to die of thirst from empty lakes and oceans?

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Why couldn't humans just do it themselves?

Howd he do it lads? Why was Avatar so successful that it has held #1 for a decade and counting?

because we havent figured out how to do it yet

Breakthrough visuals. Won't happen for the sequel.

Everything in the movie was wrong

The Wiggles

Number 2

So clearly you side with the superior aliens in every alien invasion movie.

Plus, SuperAIDS
(yet to be released)

>putting the chronologically later item on the left
Fucking weebs are ruining charts now.

Just like the Americans vs the injuns and beaners.
We were even physically superior as well as mentally and technologically though.

So when the beaners make you a minority, you'll accept that you lost and they're now the masters?

nigeria is a rich source of uranium which will be a fuel source we would be fighting over in Avatar's vision of the future

Whites are 11% of the global population dude, up to 20% if you include "whites" like Arabs and up to 40% if you include our Aryan Indian brothers.


No because they would have to outnumber us 10000 to 1 for their numbers to even begin to be an advantage.

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But it was one of the reasons, just not as important as it being what Israel required

>tfw they're going to eat all the beautiful megafauna

He made the mistake of not expecting Jake Sully to go full Kurtz. A cripple like him would be an incel back on earth, on Na'vi he's a god.

>no because they would have to outnumbers 10000 to 1 for their numbers to even begin to be an advantage.

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for the inevitable transition to the estrogen infused obese placated herd-like existence they have planned for us

I find this really baffling
I can't imagine myself consuming any kind of media, entertainment, or art and just immidietly associating it with current events
Like i dont know how i would function if i ignored evrything else about a work and just naturally, unconciously packing it to fit into my conditioned worldview
I would miss out on so much experience and thought if everything just conveniently fit with my thoughts, and the stuff too hamfisted or blunt to be interpreted as agreeing with me i just ignore or get outraged at
Ive already dilated and had sex

>steve sailer
This graph is baseless fearmongering by a white nationalist who just wants to kill all black people.
The projection here is retarded because it's just assuming that the growth rate will be constant. Africa's growth rate is temporarily booming because the continent is underpopulated relative to it's size. Except for about three countries, Africa's population density is less than half that of the average european country.
Birth rates are already dropping in African nations that are most developed and moving away from commodity economies.
The WHO has already used the same propaganda tactics it used on the West in Nigeria to convince people to have less children and it was very succesful.

All art is political fuccboi

Might as well be a beaner, see plenty of those fat old creatures slithering around.
That guy looks patrician compared to them.

The moment we would find its possible, every brainboy on planet would try to do it.
Thats the difference.

>This graph is baseless fearmongering by a white nationalist who just wants to kill all black people.
>white natioalist
Nothing wrong with that
>wants to kill all black people
lol who is fear mongering now?

He was pacifying niggers before we was relocated to pacify naviggers

Gary Floyd by the butthole surfers

If you say anything other than Long Tall Sally you're a fag.

Their extreme poverty rate has increased from 40% to 60% because their overall wealth has stayed the same despite the massive pop growth.

It's pretty unheard for an economy to not grow when the population grows (except for sub saharan africa)

Truly patrician choice, user.

Some are literal anthropocentrists, where humankind #1
Others are the above but for memes
Others or the same see the humans as a whole (if not the grubby corporate handler) as just fighting to survive. Guy in OP's pic was just a career soldier, IIRC: not particularly greedy or even stereotypically mercenary.

I guess not then

I would argue no.

African wars are fun

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A lot of times these estimates ignore second derivates or predictable changes in 1st derivative.

In english, doc!

>blacks will take over the world in a couple decades
whitey BTFO

He didn't snuff out that cripple when he had the chance

The Africans actually have more babies than the UN predicated so far, and their birth rates aren't slowing. This is because the UN failed to recognize niggery is a factor.

somebody finds it useful to breed infinity niggers, tho.
if it's not you, then who is it?

That’s the joke.png

>a graph published by the UN is White nationalist fear mongering

By sending little boys to Mr. Dershowitz for the glory of Moloch

Africa could house trillions of human beings, it's so rich in natural resources. Obviously, that's if it was ruled and administrated by white people, hence "human beings".

America begs to differ

>South America is way more into white supremacy than the USA
too bad they dont have any whites

if they could you know they would, and we would have to defend ourselves, the mighty flourish while the weak perish, the only thing enforcing "rights" and "laws" is strenght

sub-saharan africa is probably already way over carrying capacity but they get a shitton of food aid

Argentina is much whiter than the USA.


Avatar is in the Aliens canon right? By that i mean excluding everything after Aliens.

what war is this> Im trying to find it on wikipedia

the future looks more interesting than any TV show. we don't even need to wait til 2100.

Personally, as a connoisseur of great classic rock, my pick would have to be the Vietnam classic "It Ain't Me" by The Doors. Jim Fogerty's soulful voice carries this 70's hit about a guy who isn't something. I know it's a little obscure and only real audiophiles will know this one, but maybe someone out there is smart enough to know about this one!

he needed to have sex (with a na'vi)

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He's an amerishart

He was doing his job but also was an asshole.
Humans violated the NAP and it's good that they lost.

>national SOCIALISM

Litterally gigantic swarm of low IQ niggers, everywhere. What a fucking nightmare.