Was Bill an incel?
Was Bill an incel?
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No, he had a wife. He was beta as fuck loser though.
He turned into one. He was an omega chad in high school.
Bill was what happens when your spirt is broken by a bitch wife. Your boi hdfg sm fkniy jannie boi fk jnys
y-y-you okay a-a-user?
No. The incel is the adult son who still lives with his parents down the street. You never actually see or hear about him on the show because he rarely left the house. He might have appeared in the background on some episodes, but he'd never even register in your mind because he's so forgettable to everybody else but his own consciousness.
was it the bitch wife or the army's walrus drugs ?
Was Dooley based?
The Army's walrus drug was a placebo.
Incel doesn't mean you're a KHV wizard, just that you haven't had sex in a long, long time.
Bill's kinda disturbing, come to think of it.
Based seizure poster
Bill is old /R9K/ before the discord trannys took over
I don't like Bill. He's too depressing for such a comfy show.
Bill is B A S E D but sometimes he hits close to home and makes me sad
Bill was a chad he literally cucked hank.
this legitimately jumpscared me when I was a kid
>Your mom is teaching Sex Ed.
>We're gonna get to see her boobs.
Dooley was based from day 1
Post examples of Bill being based -
stupid fan theory...explain why GH looks like bobby and why cotton looks like bobby. You fknbhgvn stuipoij nigggerff
Ho yeah
superior version
Was he supposed to be on drugs? Is that why he talked slow?
His father and his mother talked like that, maybe he was just slow...
you're a stupid faggot and I hope you never reproduce
Explain why hank doesn't look like cotton.
Didn't he lose his legs in tha war? Thats why is as short as bh. That and his hair style. Thats where you are getting mixed up
Yeah and dale is josephs father.
fucking BASED this fool dabs on jannies as he's fucking dying of a seizure and stroke
i fuckin' love dooley
he's mentally damaged from never finishing high school, he left to join the army in junior year (11th grade american), and from playing too much football and having terrible injuries and playing through them
god damn, based
Bill had sex with the Governor, those girls in Lousiana, and got back together witj Lenore more than once. He's not an incel, he's just a broken man. He got laid and picked up several women throughout the series. Dale was more incel than Bill.
What decade did this happen in? Modern military won't take you if you don't have a HSD.
KOTH debuted in the late nineties and Bill is in his late thirties/early forties so I think it was supposed to have happened in the mid to late 70s?
What episode is this
>Incel doesn't mean you're a KHV wizard
This never occurred to me. I'm a KHV wizard.
Was there dancing?
dale was volcel
so you're 30+?
Dale begged Nancy for sex and was excited to get it once a year.
It’s pretty genius
36. I've been to therapy for it. Trying to keep pic related from becoming a documentary of my life.
I hate these stupid fucking fan theories so much. Explain why Bobby looks like cotton? Or why hank when he was a kid looked like bobby? Or gh looking like bobby as well?
>Explain why hank doesn't look like cotton.
Hank gets his looks from his mom. It's why Cotton is so hostile towards him.
dale kept his vitality by refusing sex with nancy
so after all that, he's on the same level as some euro university grad.
Damn Bill should've had been a chad in a foreign land
>Dale was more incel than Bill.
Dale had Nancy, that hot exterminator, and that other chick. Hanks the volcel, hr turned down Debbie
I wish man. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.
faggot notch boi
>slams face into keyboard
>been to therapy for it
how are you not fucking your therapist yet?
He had a wife, he fucked Lu Ann's Mom, he had those two french women in Louisiana. He was a chad in High School. He's probably had more pussy than most in this thread.
Not me I’m a head chef at Wendy’s with a 9” cock and make 100 grand a year
>He's probably had more pussy than most in this thread.
Not me, I build shit that impresses the ladies
Bill is old /r9k/ before the robot got removed