Alita theater release
>lol weird eyes
>it sucks
Alita post digital release
>man it’s awesome!
>I love Alita best film of the year!
>Anime Expo Alita Edition
>sales around top 5 everywhere
Explain this meme, what happened
Alita theater release
Other urls found in this thread:
Weaponized sneed
Lonely men who are weebs at heart.
both reactions happened at both times
It cost money and time to go to theater, but pirating a movie is free and easy.
The marketing didn't sold me on the movie, but then I pirated, and realized it's actually a great flick.
then if you really are blaming only the marketing for losing that ticket sale, you should be happy to buy a digital copy or rental to send them money, unless you are only pretending to justify your piracy
this kind of post is not what this board sneeds
Not enough marketing for it. I wanted to see this movie when I saw the trailer in the theater. I forgot what it was called and was never reminded about it again until it’s digital release.
The film git me rigth untill the fucking ending
Like, bitch, grab the fucking kid with your feets lol what an anti climatic shitty ending
Worse offender is that it isn't even civered, you have a pretty clear shot if her feets dangling at neck level
I'm not justifying, I'm a college student with barely any money to eat, I don't even have a credit card. To go to the teather is like 5 dollars in here, but I only go when I'm sure I will like it, and I wasn't because of the marketing. Also, buying a digital copy is expensive as shit, way more than what I can afford.
user, could you do me a favor, and buy another copy of the blu-ray for yourself to fill the hole I left? This movie really deserves some love, but I can't give it.
Nobody bothered watching the movie when it hit theaters. Normies were just regurgitating memes they read on the internet (i.e. "lol weird eyes"). Now that it hit the home video market, more people are watching and realizing that it's actually pretty good.
Her bf kinda deserved to die for being such a retarded idiot. He didn't even tried to convince her to get an onnahole prosthetic so he could smash that pussy.
It's a vocal minority of people with taste who enjoyed the film. Yeah, it wasn't a masterpiece, but it's significance is monumental for cinephiles.
>top #1in iTunes
>Top 5 in sales even tho it’s just pre-orders
>vocal minority
Hugo’s arm was tearing apart when she tried to grab him, Spee D. Watcher
Yea Forums users are neets who dont go to the theater. They pirate shitty indian cams and pretend they saw it here.
Then come back when the bluray leaks and rewatch.
Kino based pepememes
during that entire scene her feet are right next to his chest. She makes no attempt to grab him with her feet.
Liking this movie is not a sign of taste.
Moving would’ve killed Hugo earlier, re-watch the scene
they aired a trailer during the superbowl. Most everyone saw the stupid eyes and arrived at the same conclusion.
they're both moving and dangling the entire scene. Her feet are right next to his chest the entire time, swinging randomly. She makes no attempt to use them to catch him. She has plenty of time to catch him with her feet before and after his arm comes apart.
watch the movie.
If less people pirated it it would have turned into a trilogy
>fuck you
dude just build him again lol
Best post on Yea Forums right now
I said it was mediocre, but it was still very significant.
>biggest director in the world who was self taught and always did whatever the fuck he wanted
>given gunnm 25 years ago by del taco and bought the rights to his waifu shortly after
>made avatar to develop the technology to realize his vision of bringing his waifu to life
>hired robert "cowboy hat every movie i make is some badass walking into a bar and kicking the shit out of a bunch of thugs" rodriguez to direct
>literally the first live action hollywood anime/manga adaptation that is faithful to the original
>in a time when it's nothing but capeshit
it flopped. it was never getting a sequel.
I wanted to like this film but fuck me did it have shit pacing. So much stuff was stuffed in at the end and it ended up being anticlimatic.
Focus on making a coherent plot first and sequels only if the movie does well. Instead it was so sequel bait-y and rushed near the end.
It was originally planned to be a trilogy
The problem with nerds is they tend to pirate shit since they have agoraphobia and ice
Pro-Disney shills switched to the next movie.
A proof that anime fans prefer convention and home video over theater
I saw it twice in the theater, only because I got drunk and passed out the first time. I don't own a blu ray player, but I did buy a limited edition Alita Arizona iced tea and the deluxe manga boxed set (this is me, btw).
>first four lines
it was faithful to the OVA. So much so that inherited all the problems of the OVA. Then with the extra hour, they introduced all new problems. The OVA was a total mess and the movie is even more of a mess, as all the OC they stuffed into the movie just dilutes and diminishes all the themes and concepts of the manga. So, no, it wasn't faithful. It just tried to copy a few scenes and managed to miss every point of the scene originally. Its basically as faithful as snyder's watchmen, in which it copies the source, but somehow manages to miss all the points.
A really great example of this is smearing the blood on her face. In the manga it symbolized a sort of blood oath to get revenge for the wounded cyberdog, who was a badass. The movie changed the badass cyberdog into a scruffy puppy that alita thinks is cute, so her smearing it's blood on her face comes off as utterly bizarre.
I hope they end up continuing it even if it's just an animated sequel
No dog is wounded from the fight with Makaku.
It’s not even blood.
maybe they'll even make a comic book that will clean up all the crippling flaw's with the movie's editing/pacing/acting and effects!
it happens in the OVA. I always just translate that scene into the manga because it works better. Its the one thing the OVA does better than the manga.
Animation and movies will always be superior to comics and books
I don't have a tard-jack that is quite stupid enough to be appropriate for what you just said. Only someone raised on bollywood or lucha libre would think such a thing.
Eh, I don't disagree. I rewatched the OVA for the first time in 20 years before seeing the movie and have only recently started seriously been reading the manga, and while the movie doesn't really do a good job conveying the same spirit as the manga (or anime), if you've seen the original there's enough there to feel like it's faithful. I think that's the problem; if you've never heard of Alita before the movie is probably just completely bizarre to you.
I read the manga and saw the movie before seeing the movie and the movie is still utterly bizarre. The best comparison really is watchmen comic to watchmen movie. How do you literally copy most scenes directly from the source and still manage to get literally everything wrong?
If you ignore the fact it's an adaptation, jupiter ascending is the closest comparison.
I didn't watch it in the theater. Watched it last night, it's was kino and I want to marry her
>even if it's just an animated sequel
Fuck that. I want bigger budget, more in depth, darker story, and a hard R rating.
If you weren't going to get that for the first movie, why would they do that for the second?
>comes off as utterly bizarre
This is my problem with the movie. That bizarre shit coupled with the VERY corny and telegraphed plot.
As soon as the love interest was introduced I knew exactly where that whole plot was going. It was too obvious.
Because that’s what literally happens in the manga.
If we get a sequel, it would cover volumes 3 to 5
The first volume of the manga is not a light PG-13 romp.
furthermore, all the OC in the movie locks off all the manga plotlines.
Alita theater release
>lol weird eyes
>it sucks
>t. loud mouthed dickless trannys angry because Alita cute
Alita post digital release
>man it’s awesome!
>I love Alita best film of the year!
>Anime Expo Alita Edition
>sales around top 5 everywhere
>t. fans of the movie
Not really much to explain. Just a bunch of tranny shitposters and Disney shills shitting on the movie at first. Now people re actually watching it and finding out its a good movie. The Disney shills have moved on. The Alita hating trannys organise in a Discord now so they still shitpost negative posts about Alita. Ignore these faggots. Alita is definitely worth watch.
Discord trannies spamming multiple threads again.
Alita poster admits they would organize a raid on Yea Forums if their general is removed
Alita poster admits they have a janitor who has told them he is a janitor
Mod/janitor from the discussion in the linked threads above leaves up discord advertising while multiple users admit they have reported it.
Thread full of wiped posts while the discord advertising link stays up
Discord posters admit they plan on organizing raid threads
Same mod/janitor leaves up discord link while post exposing them not even a minute after is deleted
no one is falling for your autism, friend. I don't know what makes you think you'll be able to meme this movie into popularity.
Piracy. The people on Yea Forums are too out of shape to fit in theater seats so they only pirate movies or at least wait for blu ray.
first you blamed the marketing now you're blaming piracy.
why not just admit the movie flopped hard due to bad decisions during production?
It's a really bad movie but it's bad in a way that I understand why capeshitters love it.
It's got CGI, therefore it's good, that is the limit of their understanding and enjoyment of cinema. This movie has a bad screenplay, is terribly acted, has a meaningless final act and ending and absolutely some of the most cringe inducing dialogue outside of a disney remake:
>I won't stand by in the presence of evil
>you got beaten by some insignificant girl
>that entire barroom speech
It's actually crazy that it got so far into production without someone butting the brakes on and calling for re writes.
no she’s mine
I didn't blame marketing
God this film was so bland. Like the love interest. One of the blandest actors. Bland plot.
I had zero interest in seeing where this was going.
Oh look. More Alita hating trannys from Discord showed up. Look at these pathetic posts. You'd think these faggots could come up with fresh material but no. They can't. This faggot can't even be bothered to post anything but spam What a pathetic fucking loser. I mean its bad enough he cut his dick off but s/he is also retarded. How sad.
The fuck are you on about.
Bar speech was supposed to be melodramatic but yeah
bad movie with some fun scenes I won't remember a week from now and a cute robot girl (only reason Yea Forums likes it)
hes trying to gaslight people into thinking alita hate is coming from a tiny contingent of discord users.
ya know, because the alita fans here are a tiny contingent of discord users.
He thinks this will work because he has autism.
I want Alita2 to star Isabela Boner
Your discord is calling you back faggot.
the bar speech was supposed to be naive idealism. the problem is rosa salazar is almost 40, so she just sounds mentally retarded.
>fake and gay
Hey (you). Yes (you). Its not working anymore. Your pathetic little Alita hating tranny discord is out in the open. We know you organise there and raid Yea Forums. Give it up. Take your show back to plebbit. Dilate on your way you dickless faggots.
got a link to that discord? I'm going to teach those haters a lesson /alita/bro
Why don't you tell me where sally looks for the ball first?
Its been made private. They aren't letting anyone in. Let me know if you get a link that works.
Hey tranny. How big is your mouth. Judging by your shitposts its probably pretty big. That's good because I'd hate to see you choke on my cock.
Now everyone who called it shit around the time of release no longer talks about it because we don’t care so the only people left talking about it are the ones who love it.
Does sally look in the basket or the box?
Post a picture of your gash tranny.
Hey tranny, how many dicks did you suck today?
When accused of autism, tripling down on the autism doesn't help too much.
Did it hurt when they cut your dick off?
face it bud , you got dabbed on
So are you a tranny that's into women, do you like men or are you one of those trannys that is into s/he instead?
How does it feel to know your tranny gang has been exposed? Seems like you shemales are in panic mode.
what is your endgame here? All you're doing is confirming that you are completely disconnected from reality.
>tranny telling others they are disconnected from reality
>trying to end the conversation
whats a matter tranny? are you tiring? running out of alita hating material? come on faggot. we expect a show. post some good bait you tired ass cunt.
Christ, those CGI arms stand out so much. Looks so flat and weightless, they really fucked up the shadows. Is the whole movie this bad?
An entire discord full of brown skinned dickless trannys and this is the best bait you faggots can come up with? Come the fuck on.
what happened at comicon? did cameron not announce a sequel? Is that what caused this psychotic break?
That bait is a little better tranny but its too soon in this thread. Its obvious you pulled it from your ass. Go back to the the drawing board. Start fresh. Better yet kys for being a childish retarded dickless attention seeking faggot.
negro, people can tell its just you spamming this. also that you seem to have the intellectual capacity of a child.
>no you
Hey tranny, is this what you do for fun? Talk shit on the internet? It seems like it is. What I don't get is why are you so upset when shit gets talked back at you. Look at your posts tonight. They are pathetic. Now you keep posting depressing posts hoping stop flipping you shit. How sad. Come on tranny. You have it in you. Post some fresh fucking bait.
weebs and degenerates don't go out in public
That is not a "no u," my autistic friend.
Its pretty clear you're just mindlessly parroting a number of words and phrases you don't understand (tranny, no u, discord, etc) because you think that makes you fit in. You really need to just go back to wherever you came from.
>blah blah blah
We know you are an empty headed tranny already. Post something meaningful worth responding to by persons other then those calling you out for being a discord organized tranny raiding Yea Forums. Dig deep you fucking faggot.
you're acting like this is literally your first hour on Yea Forums.
This post is low tier bait tranny. I told you to dig deep. Ffs post something fresh and exciting.
is there a good version yet on the torrent store???????
Blu Ray has been out for at least a week
Anonymity isn't protecting you from looking retarded.
She looks creepy in the trailers but the disney eyes are so cute and endearing in the film.
It also maintains the earnestness of anime/manga that has long been removed from western media because everything has to be ironic. Yes it's cheesy to see a doctor suddenly pull a warhammer out of a bag and fight with it but they just go with it and have you accept it, there doesn't need to be a moment where Alita looks at it and she's like "UMM....WOW LIKE, WOW UHHH NICE HAMMER LOL" and they stand awkwardly for a few seconds and he's like "Y-yeah" because they have to point out and make a joe for anything even remotely odd or else the audience (primarily the female audience) will giggle about it because it's SILLY.
Do you think I give a shit tranny? Whats a matter? Are you tiring of being exposed as a tranny? You can leave any time you want faggot. Just close the tab.
Friend, seriously, repeating it is just making you look dumber.
>keeps replying after getting exposed as an alita hating discord tranny
>calls other posters dumb
lmao at your pathetic posts tranny
Hey (you), yes (you). Have you noticed this is an anonymous board? Have you ever considered nothing that gets posted here matters? I guess you probably haven't since you are a tranny tourist from discord. I guess it bothers you that I am beating the shit out of your tranny insult you spam in every alita thread. I'm not sure what to say but I guess you will have to cope. Maybe dilating will help you tranny. How about you fuck off and dilate
The technique you're talking about is a means to get the audience to accept things that look dumb/bad. Its the filmmakers showing they are aware X is pretty dopy/corny/bad. By acknowledging it the filmmakers get to control the audience reaction to it. Its done so much because its a lot easier than just making something good.
The tactic the movie tried to use was to just keep pushing forward hoping the breakneck pace (that is somehow simultaneously dragging and laden with filler) will distract from how ridiculous some things are.
The big problem is they didn't lean into how nuts a lot of the material is. So it comes off as bizarre when it isn't simply flat.
are you trying to kill me with vicarious embarrassment?
Oh look. Tranny is back. Too bad their post is so weak. I guess they must be tired what with having to deal with their fresh wound an all.