Who was in the wrong

who was in the wrong.

>The Instagram post. Shared on 6 August and since deleted, Johnson initially used it to praise his female co-stars, production crew and the team at Universal Studios for their hard work on the movie. But there was one male co-star was making his blood boil, and he wasn’t afraid to let everyone know.

>“Some [male co-stars] conduct themselves as stand up men and true professionals, while others don’t,” the Instagram caption read. “The ones that don’t are too chicken sh*t to do anything about it anyway. Candy asses.”

>“When you watch this movie next April and it seems like I’m not acting in some of these scenes and my blood is legit boiling, you’re right,” he added.

>It was Diesel.

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The Rock. he may have been legit incredibly pissed but he should have conducted himself better

On one hand I've literally heard no bad press about either one of these guys besides this so I wonder who really is the asshole. On the other hand these movies are incredibly shitty and it's impossible for me to care enough to even google the shit.

Based Rock setting the DnD manlet straight.

>t. capeshitter
clearly you can't comprehend how good the FnF movies are

The Rock is an asshole but it's understandable, guys a professional wrestler on the juice 24/7. It's funny seeing Vin suffer as hes done fuckall with his career outside of the franchise despite being touted as the next big action hero to carry the mantle in the early 2000s.

The rock is a professional, he can't stand people not being on time and wasting other peopls time with giving less than 100% on set. Diesel feels he's earned the right to come out of his trailor late or delay shooting to chat with everone on set. He's right, but you got to respect the rocks time. He has multiple projects and protection. He can't mess around like Vin.

sounds like that was the opposite of what happened.

I've always heard Vin Diesel was a dick and add onto the fact he can't act really makes me root for Rocky who you almost never hear a bad thing about.

Agreed. Dwayne Johnson is above bitching and whining on Instagram about his coworkers. Oh wait, no he isn't. But he should be.

You're a cuckold, Dwayne.

Dwayne constantly gets butthurt at every single article or Twitter post that doesn't suck his dick about his latest generic soulless Hollywood cash grab.

Fuck the Rock, Diesel is the real bro.

>Dwayne constantly gets butthurt at every single article or Twitter post that doesn't suck his dick about his latest generic soulless Hollywood cash grab.
Gee imagine being a humane being with feelings
>Fuck the Rock, Diesel is the real bro.
Based on what? Has the man ever done anything of value aside from being a giant robot or a tree that say a handful of words? The guy is the epitome of a hack.

>Mike Oxmaul

+1 for Vin

Attached: rockvin.jpg (1280x720, 175K)

Not every can have the depth of acting that the Rock has. I loved him in...

>Muscle Guy Punches People in the Jungle
>Muscle Guy Punches People in a Tall Building
>Muscle Guy Punches People in a Jungle Video Game
>Muscle Guy Punches People on the Beach
Oh and who can forget the classic
>Muscle Guy Punches People with Other Giant Ape

It's ok Idris is gonna kick both their candy asses.

Johnson is such a white knight fag. Also Vin is a shit actor.

I'd gamble the Rock, I've never seen Vince have a public meltdown like the Rock did over Baywatch getting dumpstered by very UNlitty critics

Attached: 1510456685431.png (1200x1200, 1.29M)

Can you believe all these fucking jabronis talking smack about the people's champ? Fucking candy asses

Baywatch was one of the first films he produced - his own money was on the line as well as his fledgling reputation as a producer. It was a disaster but he managed to strike gold with Jumanji.

I've never watched Vin bitching, so I gess Rokman is the pussy

Early 2000s Rock vs Haitch feud was such kino.

>Has the man ever done anything of value aside from being a giant robot or a tree that say a handful of words?
Riddick is more kinaematique than anything Dwayne "Litty" Johnson has ever done

Rock vs Austin is GOAT though

>never seen WWF Attitude Era

*steals your franchise*


>>never seen WWF Attitude Era

For me it's gonna be Austin 3:16 vs Undertaker, the most kino PPV

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I feel like the user you're responding to is joking, but who could really say?

I respect that but I don't want to hear boomer music in my Attitude Era.

Anyway this is the GOAT promo and nothing comes close

the fuck dude you just activated my boomer almonds so bad
i loved this shit

>who was in the wrong.

it's confirmed it's a manufactured drama

there is a video of the rock shitting on "i want my baby" tyrese new album and you seen him cracking up at the end


>Two homosexuals that are too far in the closet to fuck each other and feud.

big ups to my boys limp bizkit

The Rock is a major fag, Based Vin is a class act.

what's your name jabroni?

Vin diesel seems like a chill guy.
The fact that hes a big dungeons and dragons and the fact that he was in the last witch hunter as a passion project makes him /ourguy/

The rock is a loud big juiced up meathead with a short temper and he constantly makes gay jokes behind the scenes of his movies.

The rock definitely feels more of a jock bully type. He might be nice to his fans but he feels like a dick at work

t. the rock

>The rock is a loud big juiced up meathead with a short temper and he constantly makes gay jokes behind the scenes of his movies.

>The fact that hes a big dungeons and dragons and the fact that he was in the last witch hunter as a passion project makes him /ourguy/

Every time the rock is on set, he makes blow job and anal sex with the male crew... it is the weirdest thing. Like constantly making jokes of wanting the crew to blow him.

>makes gay jokes
What’s the issue, he treats everyone equally?

>Every time the rock is on set, he makes blow job and anal sex with the male crew... it is the weirdest thing. Like constantly making jokes of wanting the crew to blow him.
sounds based as fuck. source?


whoa, are you making a gay joke? quit being mean like the rock

dang, that was kino.

Some of the behind the scenes of fast and furious and baywatch had hom be gay as a joke

Fucking fagot

Homosexuality disguised as a sport



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