Reminder that being bald has nothing to do with your Chad status. Statham in a turbo Chad despite having no hair.
Reminder that being bald has nothing to do with your Chad status. Statham in a turbo Chad despite having no hair
>ignnoring his thick af facial hair
Face it, you’re a christcuck
Yeh he’s also a fuckin midge. God I want to just punt his tiny little head off.
What? What does religion have to do with literally anything about this thread?
did you really need to remake this thread?
>Face it, you’re a christcuck
Haven't laughed out loud in a long time. The best comedy is when it's unexpected. Thanks user.
Yep. The one last night got completely derailed and thus no discussion happened.
lol, what happened?
turns out, OP is an idiot.
Some dude said if someone go trips he'd shave his head and post in in the thread. The next 2 hours were spent with people rolling for trips and never getting them. It was pretty embarrassing to watch actually.
Anyway, it ruined the thread so I made a new one
with hair he looks like a gigantic faggot
ReRolling for trips so that user has to shave his head
Surely he’s awake by now
>expecting any thread to stay on topic, ever
Hownu are you exactly?
Also, Rolling
He has the face, the frame, the status, and the personality so him being chad isn't shocking at all.
someone did get trips though....
Statham in not conventionally attractive. And he's a manlet. He just has that it factor that makes some a chad
He's proof that good looks and height aren't all you need
oh look it's another thread from the HOLY TRINITY OF INSECURE WHITE BOIS
dick size
white bois are insecure as fuck. meanwhile we have good height, great hair (look great bald), and lastly...well, I don't need you white bois to tell you that. You already know about it.
I would rather be dead in a ditch than have to be a niggger. Even a tall attractive one with a big dick.
Being a nigger must be hell
His face is conventionally attractive though. Look at his eye area, nose, chin, and jawline.
>Statham in not conventionally attractive. And he's a manlet
>He just has that it factor that makes some a chad
It's ok to stay fat because you just don't have that magic Chad factor, right?
What discussion? You just want to post pictures of some hack actor because you're a faggot.
The magic it factor can be acquired, so you can't be fat
Not really. Black privilege is real its much better to be black.
Keep telling yourself what you have to bald onions boy
Only in your safe space cities like SF, LA and NYC
lol wtf